Paying Your Invoice Electronically
DEC invoices for Regulatory Fees, Consent Orders, Program Fees, and Environmental Monitors can be viewed and paid on-line.
- Online Payment Instructions (PDF)
- Online Payment Quick Reference Guide (PDF)
- View and pay your invoice electronically
For MOSF Customers Only
- MOSF Online Payment Instructions/User's Guide (PDF)
- Blank Monthly Report (PDF)
- Blank Annual Report (PDF)
- View and pay your invoice electronically
Regulatory Fee Program
On-Line Invoicing
Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) Article 72 (leaves DEC website) and DEC regulations provide that all persons who need a permit, certificate, or approval pursuant to a state environmental regulatory program, or who are subject to regulation under a state environmental regulatory program, are required to submit an annual fee.
Remittance must be received by the payment due date shown on the invoice to avoid interest and penalty charges. Interest rates are set by the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance, and assessed pursuant to Article 72 of the ECL. Penalties are assessed based on the amount of the payment deficiency at a rate of 5 percent of that deficiency per month, not to exceed 25 percent. Note: The penalty rate for the Operating Permit Program may differ and is shown on your invoice, if applicable.
Note: 6 NYCRR 481.9(c) (leaves DEC website) provides that challenges to a Regulatory Program Fee may be rejected under the following circumstances:
- failure to make a request for a recalculation of the fee within 30 business days of the date of DEC's original invoice;
- failure to make payment in full of the undisputed amount of the annual program fee; or
- failure to give a specific reason for challenging the fee.
A new fee recalculation request must be submitted for each year's assessment, regardless of the status of the previous year's recalculation request.
If a determination is made in favor of DEC, disputed amounts not prepaid at the time of dispute are subject to interest and penalty charges, retroactive from the due date.
If you have any questions regarding a bill, please contact the Regulatory Fee Unit at 518-402-9343 between 9:00 AM-12:00 PM and 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM Monday through Friday.
- Change of Address Form (PDF)
- Dispute Form (Recalculation Request Form) (PDF)
- Permit Transfer Form (PDF)
For additional support, please contact the Revenue Accounting Unit at [email protected]. Please include your customer number, the transaction number(s) from your invoice(s), your email address and phone number in the email.
Procurement Opportunities
DEC enters into contracts for commodities, construction, and services that are needed to fulfill its mission. DEC also enters into contracts to provide State and local assistance funding to eligible recipients. All DEC procurements are conducted in accordance with State laws and procurement guidelines. As required by Economic Development Law, DEC advertises all procurement opportunities estimated at $50,000 or more in the New York State Contract Reporter (NYSCR), (leaves DEC website) a procurement opportunities newsletter that is published free of charge on a daily basis. To encourage competition and reach as many potential vendors as possible, DEC may also advertise in other media such as newspapers, trade magazines, and on its own website.