For individuals looking to obtain valuable work experience or to contribute to the conservation of New York State's environment, a variety of volunteer opportunities are available at DEC. These opportunities are specific to DEC's program divisions, and availability varies across the state.
Some examples of the volunteering opportunities include grooming and clearing of hiking and snowmobiling trails on state owned lands; assisting the wildlife biologists in studying or releasing game; assisting Environmental Educators at DEC's Environmental Education Centers (EEC) thru friends groups as instructors, greeters, assistant naturalists, gardeners, docents or clerical help; teaching DEC-sponsored programs such as "Becoming an Outdoorswoman"; and working as student interns in various capacities. For more information, please contact the program division or regional office in which you are interested.
DEC Environmental Education Centers
Friends of Five Rivers EEC - located in Delmar, Albany County. More information is available on the Friends of Five Rivers website.
Friends of Rogers EEC - located in Sherburne, Chenango County. More information is available on the Friends of Rogers website.
Reinstein Woods EEC Volunteer Program - located in Depew, Erie County
Friends of Stony Kill Farm EEC - located in Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County. More information is available on the Stony Kill Foundation website.
Natural Resource Volunteer Opportunities
Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program (CSLAP)
Data Collection Opportunities in Wildlife: Small game, furbearer surveys and studies
- American Eel Research
- Amphibian Migrations and Road Crossings
- Anglers Diary Cooperator Program
- Artificial Reef Angler or Diver
- Blue Crab Survey Form
- Moose Sighting Report
- Striped Bass Cooperative Anglers
- Hudson River Striped Bass Cooperative Angler Program
Sportsman Education Instructor
Volunteer Stewardship Agreement Program
Water Assessments by Volunteer Evaluators (WAVE)
Coastal Beach Clean-up: visit the American Littoral Society website.