Sustainability at DEC
An introduction to DEC’s sustainability program
DEC has a long history of carrying out its mission to protect and conserve New York’s environment, while also leading by example through lowering the environmental impact of its operations. This includes reducing its waste generation, decreasing its energy use, enhancing the habitats it manages, and evaluating and testing new types of clean technologies. As New York State continues to take nation leading actions to protect our environment DEC is continuing to lead by example within its own operations to show others how we can make immediate and lasting progress in confronting the multitude of environmental challenges we face.
DEC’s Sustainability Plan takes a comprehensive look at the environmental impacts of the Department’s operations and creates a roadmap to reduce them. It includes over 25 goals and 70 actions DEC will take to achieve them. Top level goals include:
- 100% renewable energy use by 2030
- 100% zero-emission light-duty non-emergency fleet by 2035
- Decrease waste generation 10% by 2028
- Eliminate single-use plastics on operations by 2025
- Training all staff on sustainability practices by 2023
- Develop and implement an energy master plan.
- Implement energy-efficiency projects to meet or exceed DEC’s contributions toward the BuildSmart 2025 energy-efficiency goal by 2025.
- Prioritize the electrification of building heating and cooling systems.
- Develop solar photovoltaic and other renewable energy systems for DEC facilities.
- Continue including the value of carbon in project cost analyses.
- Implement a department-wide refrigerant management policy.
- Create a light-duty fleet decarbonization plan by fall 2023.
- Create a medium and heavy-duty fleet decarbonization plan by fall 2025.
- Continue installing EV-charging stations for fleet vehicles at DEC facilities.
- Provide training and education to staff on how to operate ZEVs.
- Provide training for mechanics and technical staff on how to service ZEVs.
- Purchase equipment necessary to service ZEVs.
- Conduct annual analysis of zero-emission emergency fleet technologies and pilot test them where feasible.
- Study the potential for incentives for employees to utilize more-sustainable forms of transportation.
- Include access to sustainable transportation options in siting criteria for new facilities.
- Continue to provide flexible work arrangements to reduce vehicle miles traveled.
- Provide safe and covered bike parking at all regional and sub-offices.
- Hold EV “ride and drives” for employees.
- Increase awareness of carpool-matching programs.
- Conduct green commuting promotion events for employees.
- Update inventory system to track off-road equipment by fuel type.
- Accelerate the transition of all lawn equipment to zero-emission technology.
- Continuously evaluate and pilot test zero-emission emergency response technologies where feasible.
- Share lessons learned and best practices on deploying zero-emissions off road equipment.
- Develop a single-use plastics elimination plan.
- Create waste audit guidance.
- Require annual waste audits at all agency offices and sub-offices.
- Establish a formal reuse program for office supplies in all DEC offices.
- Develop a waste management toolkit for campgrounds and other non-office DEC facilities.
- Continue to improve waste data collection at campgrounds and other non-office facilities.
- Assess legal and regulatory requirements that may lead to excess paper usage.
- Require all DEC employees to participate in a one-time training on electronic document management.
- Conduct regular outreach and education to employees to reduce contamination in recycling/composting streams.
- Establish recycling programs for additional recyclables including film plastic.
- Pilot composting at DEC campgrounds.
- Develop organics diversion plans for all DEC offices and establish food scraps/other organics diversion programs at all agency offices and facilities (where feasible).
- Provide employee education on managing special waste items (e-waste, batteries, CFL bulbs, etc.).
- Conduct a feasibility study on repairing and recycling office furniture.
- Update policies and procedures on DEC’s intranet.
- Transition DEC’s Financial Management Information System (FMIS) over to the Statewide Financial System (SFS).
- Provide training to agency purchasers by end of 2024.
- Continue to identify new product and service categories to develop GreenNY procurement specifications.
- Review existing GreenNY procurement specifications to determine if updating is necessary.
- Replace and upgrade leaking water mains at facilities.
- Install water meters at all permanent year-round facilities by 2028.
- Work with OGS to improve water use data collected from leased facilities.
- All new fixtures installed will meet NYS Code or Water Sense Standards where applicable.
- Pilot the installation and use of rain barrels to water pollinator gardens and other landscaping.
- Develop and implement a plan to reduce mowing and improve habitats for pollinators and grassland species at DEC regional offices, sub-offices, education centers, and associated campuses.
- Create a public awareness campaign to explain reduction in mowing.
- Establish a pollinator garden at each regional office and sub-office.
- Monitor and manage any invasive species found on DEC-managed lands utilizing best practices.
- Restore log landings post-timber harvest according to the Strategic Plan for State Forest Management.
- All outdoor lighting installed by DEC will be compliant with the “dark skies” provision of the NYS Environmental Conservation Law.
- Form a toxics-use reduction team in 2023.
- Continue established green cleaning and non-chemical pest management programs.
- Review GreenNY procurement specifications for opportunities to reduce toxics use.
- Pilot usage of routered signs to decrease use of PVC lettering.
- Develop toxics reduction In-Site page.
- Require all staff to take the Sustainability 101 training by the end of 2023.
- Add sustainability training to new employee orientation and create and record a Commissioner’s Message on sustainability for new employee orientation.
- Include language on working to achieve DEC’s sustainability goals in employee work plans.
- Create additional topic-specific training modules.
- Create sustainability floor ambassadors where applicable.
- Conduct clean-out days.
- Institute an anonymous electronic suggestion box for sustainability-related issues.
- Create and distribute climate anxiety resources to DEC employees.
- Hire a dedicated Sustainability Education and Outreach Coordinator.
- Train staff on the final Climate Act Scoping Plan and DEC’s Sustainability Plan.
- Develop a train-the-trainer program.
- Develop an information clearinghouse.
Greening New York State Government
Leading by example in DEC's operations provides a model for other agencies and authorities. DEC co-leads the GreenNY Council to implement Governor Hochul’s Executive Order No. 22 directing State agencies to adopt a sustainability and decarbonization program. Efforts undertaken by the Council include providing direction and guidance to State entities on green procurement, waste reduction, electric vehicle fleet transition, cutting greenhouse gas emissions and reducing embodied carbon in buildings.
Interactive Map of DEC Sustainability Projects
This map includes 9 types of sustainability projects undertaken at DEC facilities. It was created in April 2024 and will be continuously updated as projects are completed.
Podcast Episode - "New York State of Sustainability"
Two hard-working members of our sustainability team discuss how DEC is leading on sustainability statewide to reduce greenhouse gases and protect our environment.
Project Highlights
DEC installed solar at its backcountry outposts and has reduce propane usage by 80%.
The Forest Rangers recently put two eBikes into service, allowing them to cover more ground and reduce emissions.
DEC has completed many LED lighting retrofit projects at its facilities. Learn more about a recent project in the North Country.
DEC has installed the first air to water heat pump system in North America at its Green Island Maintenance Facility.
DEC retrofitted an old boat with an electric motor and uses it in the Finger Lakes for water quality sampling and other projects across the state.
DEC adopted a new refrigerant management and emissions elimination policy that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from refrigerants.
DEC deployed an electric pickup truck for use at the Colonel William F Fox Memorial Saratoga Tree Nursery.
DEC is the first New York State agency to commit to transitioning its lawn maintenance equipment to zero emission models.