Registered users: Access the ACE E-Reporting System. For log-in and reporting problems, please call 518-402-8507 or email [email protected].
Non-registered users: Facility representatives may follow these instructions to apply to become a registered user.
ACE Electronic Reporting
The ACE electronic reporting system is a secure web-based system used by Title V facilities to submit the following reports to DEC:
- Annual emission statements reporting fuel consumption and air emissions data;
- Annual and semiannual compliance certification reports; and
- The certification of truth, accuracy, and completeness via electronic signature.
ACE allows users to access previously submitted reports, which can be used to populate future reports or printed for submission to other regulatory agencies. Policy DAR-11: Electronic Reporting for Air Facilities (PDF) establishes the methods and procedures to be used by the owners and/or operators when submitting reports, certifications, emissions statements or other items required in their air permits. All air guidance and policy documents are available as downloadable PDFs.
Emission Statements (Annual Reporting of Fuel Consumption and Air Emissions Data)
Any owner or operator of a facility located in New York State which is a "major source" as defined in 6 NYCRR Subpart 201-2 for all or any part of such calendar year must report its annual actual emissions of regulated air contaminants to DEC. DEC is required by the federal Clean Air Act of 1990 to collect this information. DEC's Emission Statement regulation can be found at 6 NYCRR Subpart 202-2.
DEC uses permit records to develop an individualized emission statement for each facility. Emission statements for the previous calendar year are usually generated in January of the current calendar year. An applicable facility will be sent a courtesy notification that their emission statement is ready and available for completion. Please note that failure to receive a courtesy notification for any reason does not relieve an applicable facility from the obligation to complete the emission statement and submit it by the applicable deadline.
Annual Emission Statements are due on April 15, or by the date specifically required in your permit. DEC encourages the use of the ACE E-reporting system to access and submit emission statements. For more information, see the Emissions Statement Instructions (PDF).
For questions pertaining to emission statements, or to obtain a hard copy because you will not be using ACE, please have your facility's DECID number available and contact:
Division of Air Resources
Emission Statements
Bureau of Air Quality Planning
(518) 402-8396
[email protected]
Stationary Source Emission Inventory
A list of New York State Title V facilities, and the air pollutants emitted from those facilities, is available at Open Data NY starting with 2010. The most current emission inventory and other permit information for specific facilities is available using the DECinfo Locator Map.
Annual Compliance Certification Reporting by Paper Submission
Facility owners who do not report online through ACE can continue to provide their required items on paper. The format to be used for the Annual Compliance Certifications is in Policy DAR-11 Attachment #2 (PDF).
For questions about the content of your compliance reports or how to submit them, please contact your facility's permit engineer, appropriate regional staff, or:
Division of Air Resources
Annual Compliance Certifications
Bureau of Stationary Sources
(518) 402-8403
[email protected]
ACE E-Reporting Application Instructions
The ACE application (PDF) consists of two parts: Compliance Certification (pages 2-5) and Emission Inventory Statement (pages 6-9). You may apply for either or both according to your facility's needs. Please complete the application according to the instructions below. Call our office at (518) 402-8507 if you have any questions.
Facility Details
This part must be filled in completely.
- DECID - each facility has a unique ID number
- Facility Name - associated with the specific DECID
- Facility Location - geographic address of the facility associated with the DECID
Facility Responsible Official (RO)
- Only one RO is required; however, a facility may designate more than one. An RO is defined by 6 NYCRR Subpart 201-2(b)(28) as "A president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, general partner, proprietor, principal executive officer, ranking elected official, or any other person who performs policy or decision making functions and is authorized to legally bind a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, or government entity which owns or operates a facility that is subject to the provisions of this Part."
- For each type of reporting (Compliance Certification and Emission Inventory), each RO must provide an original notarized signature page. For example, if a facility designates two ROs for Certification and Emission, there must be a total of four original notarized signature pages.
- Provide complete contact information (business address, phone number, and email) for each RO.
Editor and Reviewer
Applicants for these roles do not require notarized signatures.
- Provide complete contact information (business address, phone number, and email) for each new user.
Sending the Application to DEC
Please include a cover letter on facility or facility-owner company letterhead, signed by a company or facility representative. In the cover letter, explain why the application is being sent (such as adding, replacing, or changing roles of applicants). It is especially important that departing employees be reported so their access to DEC systems can be removed. The signed letter and completed original application should be sent to:
Division of Air Resources
Bureau of Quality Assurance
ACE E-Reporting
625 Broadway
Albany, New York 12233-3258
We are available during normal business hours of 8:30 am through 4:00 pm (ET) to answer questions or assist in any way to be sure your application is completed and quickly processed.
Once an application is approved, each new account holder will be emailed a statement of acceptance, specific information about their ACE account, the URL for ACE, and user manuals. If paper reporting has already been submitted, the facility must wait until the next reporting period before submitting similar reports or amendment requests through ACE. If an application is not approved, we will contact the applicant to discuss reasons for rejection and how to resolve them.
Using ACE: Technical Requirements and User Manuals
We recommend using Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. No other browser has been successfully tested to work properly with ACE. DEC cannot guarantee technical support to users in any browser other than those recommended. The following PDFs provide an easy to follow, step-by-step guide: