Forms are available below as downloadable PDFs, unless otherwise indicated.
Facility Registrations
For sources eligible to register under 6 NYCRR Part 201-4
- Registration form and instructions
- Continuation Sheet
- Air Facility Registration Application for Dry Cleaners Using Perc and/or Approved Alternative Solvents - Form AFR-232
- Air Facility Registration Application Instructions for Dry Cleaners Using Perc and/or Approved Alternative Solvents - Form AFR-232I
Facility Permits (State and Title V)
- Air Permit Application
- Air Permit Application Instructions
- Continuation Sheet Packet
- Exempt Activity
- Code Tables
- Compliance Method Form
- Instructions for Completing the Title V Annual Compliance and Semi-Annual Monitoring Reports
- Annual Capping Certification used to certify emission caps in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 201-7.1(h)
ACE E-Reporting webpage - electronic reporting for Title V facilities (compliance reporting and emissions inventory)
Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs)
Completed forms and any required supporting documentation should be mailed to the appropriate Regional DEC office.
- 6 NYCRR Part 231 ERC Quantification Forms
- Use of ERC Forms - required for use of ERCs
Part 203 Oil and Natural Gas Sector
- One-time baseline report (Subpart 203-10.1) - New process equipment must be submitted to the Department by March 31st of the year following initiation of the operation. If a baseline report has not been submitted for existing equipment, it must be submitted immediately.
- To submit the one-time baseline report, each source has two options:
- Fill out the online survey here
- Submit an excel spreadsheet with the data in a specific format. This format can be downloaded or obtained by contacting [email protected].
- To submit the one-time baseline report, each source has two options:
- Blowdown report (Subpart 203-4.5) - Reporting of blowdown activity at compressor stations and transmission pipelines greater than ten thousand (10,000) standard feet cubed (scf).
- To submit blowdown reports, each source has two options:
- To submit blowdown reports, fill out the online survey here
- Submit a CSV file via email with the blowdown data in a specific format. This format can be downloaded or obtained by contacting [email protected].
- To submit blowdown reports, each source has two options:
Part 242 CO2 Budget Trading Program
- Account Certificate of Representation for compliance accounts
- Policy DAR-12: "Sustainably Harvested" Determination for Purposes of "Eligible Biomass," Part 242
- Offset Application Forms
Part 248 Use of ULSD Fuel and BART for Heavy Duty Vehicles
Regulated entities (state agencies and public authorities), subject to 6 NYCRR Part 248 , must meet annual reporting requirements on HDVs.
- Regulated Entity and Contractors Annual Report Form (Excel)
- Regulated Entity and Contractor Vehicle Inventory Form (Excel)
- Application for Waiver of BART under 6 NYCRR Part 248-4.1(b)
Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) One-Time Large Entity Report
Fleet owners required to report under the Advanced Clean Trucks Rule (ACT) were required to submit fleet information by April 1, 2023 to [email protected]. Any eligible entity that did not submit a report must do so immediately.
Miscellaneous Forms
- Application for Tax Relief - Form 76-19-7 to encourage the construction of air pollution control facilities, as provided under State and federal law.
- Stage II Vapor Collection Decommissioning Checklist