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New York's Emission Reduction Requirements
The Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) of 2019 establishes certain emission reduction limits as well as additional directives to address climate change. These requirements and directives include:
- Limit statewide greenhouse gas emissions to 60% of 1990 levels by 2030 and 15% of 1990 levels by 2050
- Achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across New York State's economy
2024 Statewide GHG Emissions Report
The CLCPA directs DEC to issue an annual report on statewide greenhouse gas emissions, pursuant to Section 75-0105 of the Environmental Conservation Law. This current report covers the years 1990 through 2022. The emission information will also be made available for download from Open Data NY.
Sectoral Report 1: Energy (PDF)
Sectoral Report 2: Industrial Processes and Product Use (PDF)
Sectoral Report 3: Agriculture, Forestry, and Land Use (PDF)
Sectoral Report 4: Waste (PDF)
Appendix: CLCPA Emission Factors (PDF)
Supplemental Information
- The 2024 report includes the results of analyses that are described in more detail in supplemental reports available through the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) Greenhouse Gas Emissions Studies.
- Instructions for Accessing Statewide GHG Information from Open NY (PDF)
The Annual Reporting Process
DEC will issue an annual report on statewide greenhouse gas emissions following the requirements of the CLCPA and in alignment with the latest guidelines from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. This report will cover all sources in the state, from the base year of 1990 to two years before the current year. The report will include the relative contribution of each type of greenhouse gas and each type of source to the statewide total. Per the law, statewide greenhouse gas emissions must include emissions produced within the state from anthropogenic sources and emissions outside of the state associated with imported electricity and the extraction and transmission of imported fossil fuels. Emissions must also be expressed in terms of tons of carbon dioxide equivalents using a 20-year Global Warming Potential. As it is the goal of the State to achieve net-zero emissions, this annual report also provides information on emission removals from anthropogenic sources.
Generally, DEC's report will follow the annual release of core datasets provided in the spring by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Energy Information Administration. DEC will accept feedback at any time during the year. In addition, three public hearings were held in 2021 regarding the methodology and analysis as well as the structure and scope of the report. Additional public hearings may be provided periodically.
How to Provide Feedback
Written comments or feedback may be provided at any time and can be mailed to Greg Mumby, NYS DEC Office of Climate Change, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-1550 or emailed to [email protected]. Include "Annual Report" in the subject line of the email.
Archived Reports
The following archived reports are a historical record of previously released information. This information is not current and is not intended to be used for development of new policies, analyses, projections, or evaluation of historical emission trends.
2023 Statewide Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report (PDF)
2022 Statewide Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report (PDF)
2021 Statewide Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report (PDF)