On this page:
- Climate Smart Communities
- New York State Grants for Climate Action
- NYSERDA Clean Energy Communities
- NYS DEC Hudson River Estuary Program Climate-Adaptive Communities
- NYS DEC Mohawk River Basin Program
- NYS DOS Ocean and Great Lakes Program
- NYS DOS Community Resilience Planning
Climate Smart Communities
Climate Smart Communities is a New York State program that helps local governments take steps in their communities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change.
Local governments begin by adopting the climate smart pledge and becoming a Registered Climate Smart Community. To achieve certification, communities accumulate points for planning and implementation actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve community adaptation and resilience to the worsening impacts of climate change. Many of the actions completed by certified Climate Smart Communities help local leaders identify how best to reduce local vulnerability to climate impacts and help New York State meet its ambitious greenhouse gas reduction mandates.
The benefits of participating in the Climate Smart Communities Certification program include:
- Better scores on grant applications for some state funding programs, like Climate Smart Communities Grants
- State-level recognition for each community's leadership
- A robust framework to organize local climate action and highlight priorities
- Streamlined access to resources, training, tools, and expert guidance
- Networking and sharing best practices with peers
Climate Smart Communities Coordinators provide free support services and technical assistance to local governments across the state in pursuit of Climate Smart Communities certification. Coordinators will assist and support local governments in taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change through outreach, planning, education, and capacity building.