Regulated business entities under Part 494 “Hydrofluorocarbon Standards and Reporting” and Part 495 “Sulfur Hexafluoride Standards and Reporting” may be subject to the following requirements. Some requirements start on the effective date of this Part, or January 9, 2025, which is 30 days after the regulation has been filed with the NYS Department of State for publication in the NY State Register. All regulatory requirements can be found in the Express Terms for each Part, available on the Climate Change Regulatory Revisions webpage.
Frequently Asked Questions (PDF) – Added February 2025
Part 494 Fact sheet (PDF) – Added February 2025
The Part 494 Variance Application electronic form is now available. Please note all applicants will be required to have a account. For help with account creation and general nForm access, please visit DEC's nForm webpage.
Covered Regulated Entities
Part 494 requirements in general apply to any person who sells, imports, manufactures, distributes for sale, offers for sale, makes available for sale or distribution, purchases or receives for sale or distribution, or attempts to purchase or receive for sale or distribution, installs by a commercial entity or person, or otherwise enters into commerce into the State of New York or that owns, operates, or uses for commercial purposes in the State of New York, any product, equipment, material, or regulated substances listed in Section 494-1.4.
Parts 494 and 495 establish requirements for suppliers of regulated substances and products or equipment that contain regulated substances. Suppliers include manufacturers, producers, distributors/wholesalers, and reclaimers (Sections 494-1.7, 495-2.5). Part 494 also imposes labeling and disclosure requirements on manufacturers of covered products and equipment (Section 494-1.6).
The Part 494 Refrigerant Management Program (Subpart 494-2) establishes requirements for owners or operators of certain refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment. The requirements differ depending on whether the equipment’s refrigerant charge capacity is small (50-199lbs), medium (200-1499lbs), or large (1500lbs or greater).
The Part 494 Supermarket Refrigerant Program (Section 494-2.8) establishes requirements on supermarket chains, defined as a business entity owning or operating 20 or more retail food facilities that contain supermarket systems with a refrigerant charge capacity of 200 pounds or greater in New York or that operates more than 100 such facilities in the United States, including in New York.
The Part 495 SF6 Gas Insulated Equipment (GIE) program (Subpart 495-1) establishes requirements for users of covered equipment, or electric utilities. Users include entities that own, operate (or use), or install covered equipment.
Regulated Substances
Under Part 495, regulated substances are greenhouse gases that contain fluorine (or “f-gases”) and that have a 20-year Global Warming Potential (GWP20) greater than 10.
Under Part 494, any chemical intended for specific uses (see Section 494-1.4 for such uses) that has a GWP20 greater than 10 or that is reasonably anticipated to have GWP20 greater than 10. Regulated substances include CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs, HFOs, and blends thereof.
The Regulated Substances Key (PDF) provides a compilation of the most common regulated substances.
Requirements for Suppliers and Reclaimers
Any person who supplies, manufacturers, produces, or distributes bulk regulated substances or equipment or products containing regulated substances intended for sale or use in New York State
Any person who reclaims regulated substances collected in New York State
Effective Date: Record-Keeping [494-1.7(d), 495-2.5(d)]
June 1, 2025: Registration [494-1.7(a) and (b), 495-2.5(a) and (b)]
March 31, 2026: Annual Reporting [494-1.7(c), 495-2.5(c)]
Requirements for Owners/Operators or Users of Equipment
Refrigerant Management Program
Any owner or operator of commercial stationary refrigeration or air conditioning equipment with a refrigerant charge capacity greater than or equal to 50 (fifty) pounds of a regulated substance
Effective Date: Record-Keeping Requirements [494-2.7]
Effective Date: Leak Management Requirements [494-2.3-5]
June 1, 2025: Registration of Large Equipment [494-2.2]
March 31, 2026: Annual Reporting of Large Equipment [494-2.6]
June 1, 2026 Registration of Medium Equipment [494-2.2]
March 31, 2026: Annual Reporting of Medium Equipment [494-2.6]
June 1, 2028 Registration of Small Equipment [494-2.2]
Supermarket Refrigerant Program
Any business entity owning or operating 20 or more retail food facilities that contain supermarket systems with a refrigerant charge capacity of 200 pounds or greater in New York or that operates more than 100 such facilities in the United States, including in New York
June 1, 2025: Annual Reporting [494-2.8(b)]
January 1, 2027: Transition Plan (optional) [494-2.8(d)]
Gas-Insulated Equipment
Any person who owns, installs, and/or uses gas-insulated equipment (GIE) that utilizes SF6 or other covered insulating gas(es) as an insulating medium
Owners of GIE with annual GIE emissions of covered insulating gas above 7,500 metric tons CO2e using a GWP20
Effective Date: Record-Keeping Requirements [495-1.9]
September 1, 2026: SF6 Phase-Out Exemption Request [495-1.10]
January 1, 2027: GIE and Insulating Gas Inventories [495-1.6]
March 31, 2028: Annual GIE Emissions Report or Registration [495-1.8]