Bulk Storage Of Petroleum And Chemicals For Agriculture
Petroleum and Chemical Storage Tanks
Growing acres of crops and raising farm animals often requires bulk storage of petroleum products-gasoline, heating and lubricating oil-and hazardous chemicals, like ammonia, in aboveground or underground tanks installed at farms, ranches, orchards, fish hatcheries or nurseries with growing operations. Basic information on bulk storage regulations and special exemptions for agricultural facilities are discussed briefly on this page. Review the laws and regulations mentioned for complete information on this topic.
Petroleum Storage Tanks
Determining Your Farm's Regulatory Status
Your farm may be exempt from petroleum bulk storage (PBS) regulations, or you may need to register it as a PBS-regulated facility. Complete DEC's Do you need to register your tanks or PBS registration worksheet (PDF) (31 KB) to find out. Refer to the definition of "facility" in 6NYCRR Section 613-1.3(v) of the PBS Regulations for more information (see link above).
Registering as a PBS-Regulated Facility
If you determine that your farm is a PBS-regulated facility, you need to complete DEC's PBS application (PDF) (177 KB) and send it in to the correct DEC regional office for you farm's location. Review the Instructions for Completing the PBS Application (PDF) (68 KB) .
Complying with PBS-Regulations
As an owner/operator of a PBS-regulated facility, you must:
- Comply with the regulatory standards for storing and handling petroleum;
- Inspect your equipment;
- Keep records; and
- Renew your farm's registration every five years.
DEC has issued policy DER-25/PBS Inspection Handbook (PDF) (1.3 MB) to help you comply with the regulations. Reviewing the PBS inspection form (PDF) (96 KB) that DEC uses for inspections will also help you comply.
Reporting and Cleaning Up Petroleum Spills
Visit DEC's the Chemical and Petroleum Spills page for information on how to report and clean up petroleum spills, as well as links to other important pages on this topic.
More PBS Information
Visit DEC's Chemical and Petroleum Storage page and related pages, or call DEC's Bulk Storage Program Regional Contacts for more information.
Chemical Storage Tanks
Determining Your Farm's Regulatory Status
Your farm may be exempt from chemical bulk storage (CBS) regulations, or you may need to register it as a CBS-regulated facility. The regulation governing the registration of CBS facilities 6NYCRR Section 596.1 (c)(53) (iv) that any aboveground storage tank located at an operating farm, and used solely to contain a hazardous substance that will be used for agricultural purposes on that farm, is exempt from CBS regulations.
You need to register your farm as a CBS-regulated facility if it meets the first requirement and one or both of the remaining two requirements below:
- You have any size underground tank, or an aboveground tank 185 gallons or greater;
- You store a hazardous substance (or a mixture containing a hazardous substance) that is on DEC's List of Hazardous Substances;
- The hazardous substance or mixture you are storing is not being used for agricultural purposes or it is being used for agricultural purposes and is stored in an underground tank.
See DEC's CBS Registration and Renewal FAQ's page for information on registration fees, registering different types of tanks, and who to contact if you can't find answers to your questions. Links to guidance documents and regulations summaries are also available on the FAQ's page.
Registering as a CBS-Regulated Facility
If you determine that your farm is a CBS-regulated facility, you need to complete DEC's Hazardous Substance Bulk Storage Application (PDF) (260 KB) and send it to DEC's Central Office. Review the Instructions for Completing the Hazardous Substance Bulk Storage Application (PDF) (23 KB).
Complying with CBS Regulations
As an owner/operator of a CBS-regulated facility, you must:
- Comply with the regulatory standards for the storage and handling of chemicals;
- Inspect your equipment;
- Keep records;and
- Renew your farm's registration every two years.
- In addition, tank owners must prepare a Spill Prevention Report.
DEC has issued policy DER-26 / How to Prepare a Spill Prevention Report for a Chemical Bulk Storage Facility (PDF) (122 KB) to help you comply with regulations. Reviewing the CBS inspection report form (PDF) (60 KB) that DEC uses for inspections will also help you comply.
Reporting and Cleaning Up Chemical Spills
Visit DEC's Chemical and Petroleum Spills page for information on how to report and clean up chemical spills, as well as links to other important pages on this topic.
More CBS information
Visit the chemical and petroleum storage page and related pages, or call DEC's Bulk Storage Program Regional Contacts for more information.