Greening Your Business
Incorporate Sustainability into Your Everyday Business Practices
Today's businesses face many challenges. Greening up your operation shouldn't be one of them. DEC has a variety of programs to help you meet your economic and environmental goals.
Be Environmentally Conscious and Productive
Tap into cutting edge research and technology and bring pollution-reduction processes to your company. Learn how the NYS Pollution Prevention Institute makes businesses more competitive by enabling them to be more efficient and reduce their carbon footprint.
Join New York's Leaders in Sustainable Business
Implement green business practices. Move beyond regulatory compliance, make a positive impact on public health and the environment, and enhance your bottom line.
Save Money, Reduce Operating Costs and Create Sustainable Buildings
Utilize building materials more effectively. Provide healthy environments for your employees. Use land more efficiently.
Manage Your Waste Effectively
Prevent waste, maximize resources, and increase efficiency. Give your company a competitive edge by implementing solid waste reduction and recycling into your everyday business practices. Generators of hazardous waste may also save money by using these resources to reduce hazardous waste.
Benefit from Sustainable Planning and Redevelopment
Your creativity and innovation can green up the brown. The Brownfield Cleanup Program provides incentives to restore and re-use contaminated sites, which are often located in areas that are highly desirable for business. DEC's environmental cleanup programs include resources for assessment and cleanup, liability releases and technical assistance that promote long-term job creation and community revitalization. There are also tax credits and incentives (link leaves DEC website) available through Empire State Development (ESD).
Green Hospitality
The NYS Green Hospitality and Tourism Partnership (a collection of state agencies, industry associations, and academia) promoted "green tourism" in New York State.
Under this Initiative, hoteliers and restaurateurs were encouraged to incorporate sustainable practices into their everyday business operations (commitments to water quality and conservation, waste reduction, resource conservation, and energy efficiency) and earn a NY State-recognized green certification. While this program is no longer active, we encourage you to visit the New York State Pollution Prevention Institute's website for more information.
DMM, Bureau of Waste Reduction and Recycling
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233