Community Household Hazardous Waste Programs That Accept Mercury From Dentists
Some community household hazardous waste programs accept mercury and amalgam waste from dentists for recycling. Call these communities directly to confirm collection dates and times.
Town of Bethlehem, Albany County
(518) 767-9618
Will accept amalgam or elemental mercury for a fee at their annual collection day.
Cayuga County
(315) 253-1203 Accepts elemental mercury.
Erie County Department of Environment and Planning
(716) 858-7897.
HHW Collections 3-4 times per year. Collects mercury and amalgam for a fee.
Monroe County Environmental Services
(585) 760-7600 (General Number; (585) 753-7553 (Dental Facilities Contact)
Permanent Facility in Rochester holds approximately 86 collections per year by appointment only. Charges a fee for contact amalgam. Charges a small fee for contact and non-contact amalgam.
Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Authority
(315) 733-1224
Permanent facility in Utica open every Saturday April through end of September. Also open to residents of Madison County by appointment. Will accept mercury and dental amalgam for a fee.
Otsego County Solid Waste & Recycling
(607) 547-4225
One HHW collection weekend per year in September (Friday and Saturday). Will collect only elemental mercury and mercury-containing devices (i.e.: thermometers, thermostats, etc.) during Saturday collection. Will collect dental amalgam from dentists during Friday collection.
Rockland County Solid Waste Management Authority
(845) 364-2444
Permanent Facility in Pomona open approximately 10 weekend days per year. Accepts elemental mercury for a fee from dentists who are Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQGs).
DMM, Bureau of Solid Waste Management
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233