Mined Land Use Plan
General Provisions. A pre-application conference with the Regional Mined Land Reclamation Specialist is highly recommended. The Mined Land Reclamation Specialist will be available to answer questions regarding the preparation of plans. However, the Specialist cannot prepare plans for the applicant. For further information on the application requirements consult the official rules and regulations (6 NYCRR Parts 420, 421, 422, 423, 424 & 425) (these links leave DEC's website).
An applicant for a Mined Land Reclamation Permit must submit a Mined Land Use Plan which includes:
- an outline of the mining property and the affected land,
- the applicant's mining plan, and
- the applicant's reclamation plan.
All documents are to be submitted to the Department in triplicate. Otherwise, the Department will deem the application incomplete until additional copies are provided.
Mining and Reclamation Methods. The applicant's mining and reclamation plans shall describe the mining method as designated by the applicant on the basis of current or anticipated mining practices, and the reclamation method, having as its objective the preparation of the affected land for a future productive use. The proposed method of operating a mine and the method of reclaiming the affected land to achieve the applicant's land-use objective shall be compatible with sound environmental management practices. After the Department has issued a mining permit, the permittee shall not deviate or depart from the mined land-use plan without approval by the Department.
Maps. The mined land-use plan shall be presented in a combination of graphic (map) and written (text or narrative) formats. The information to be presented in graphic form shall be submitted on a United States Geological Survey 7½-minute quadrangle sheet (unless unmapped at the 7½-minute scale, in which case a 15-minute sheet will suffice) which has been enlarged to a scale not to exceed 1" = 660' (preferably 1" = 200'). An equivalent map may be utilized and must be prepared by an engineer, geologist, licensed land surveyor or other person trained in such plan and map preparation.
- Aerial Photographs. Aerial photographs or maps prepared on an aerial photo base may be used to supplement the information presented in graphic form. The Department reserves the right to reject aerial photographs on the basis of their being out of date, of poor quality, of improper scale or for other reasons which render them unsatisfactory for the required purpose.
- Scale, Contour Interval, and Title Block. All maps and photographs shall be presented with a horizontal scale not to exceed one inch equals 660 feet (preferably 1" = 200'). Contour maps shall be presented with ten foot intervals. All cross sections shall be of a scale prescribed by the Department. Overlays may be presented in conjunction with maps to illustrate any of the required information. The maps and photographs shall be prepared in a neat, legible manner and shall include a title block and legend containing the following information:
- The name of the mine.
- The county and town in which the mine is located.
- The name of the U.S.G.S. quadrangle sheet on which the mine location is shown.
- The scale, the contour interval, a north arrow and a reference datum.
- The location of the groundwater table where such information is available.
- The name of the person responsible for the preparation of the maps and/or photographs.
- The date of preparation.
Mined Land Use Plan - Outline
The following outline should be followed, with all issues addressed plus any unique or site-specific issues discussed.
Mining Plan
- Introduction
- General geographic location of the mine
- Location of the mine in relation to towns, county, public highways, and landmarks
- Adjacent land-use features
- Existing Condition of the Land to be Affected
- Past mining history
- Previous land use
- Vegetation
- Topography
- Drainage
- Man-made features
- Description of Mineral and Mining Method:
- Type of deposit (e.g., glacial, etc.)
- Name of mineral (sand, gravel, clay, etc.);
- Mining operations (surface unconsolidated, etc.)
- Mining method
- Mining sequences (directions that mining will progress)
- Grading, sloping, property line setbacks, location of mine floor, mine floor elevation
- Processing (crushing, screening, etc.)
- Haulageways
- Disposition of stockpiles and waste materials
- Pollution Control and Prevention of Environmental Damage:
- Air pollution (dust);
- Noise pollution;
- Water pollution (water-borne sediments)
- Visual pollution (need for screening)
- Map
- Location of mine
- Outline of affected land for the permit term
- Outline of the project boundary (outline of final extent of the area where mining will occur)
- Property line setbacks
- Location of adjacent land-use features
- Location of cuts, excavations, processing and treatment facilities, stockpiles, haulageways, refuse and spoil areas
- Drainage and water control features
- Berms and visual screening
- Areas mined prior to 4/1/75
- Site topography shown either with elevation contours or cross sections (a minimum of two per site which intersect each other, more if requested by the Department)
- Title block - name of mine, county and town, U.S.G.S. quad., scale, contour interval, north arrow reference datum, name of preparer, date of preparation.
Reclamation Plan
The reclamation plan should include narrative to address each of the following topics:
- Specify land use objective to be achieved in the final stage of reclamation, such as:
- Develop site to a condition similar to or compatible with that which existed prior to any mining
- Develop site to some other productive use of the land; forests, pasture, crops, wildlife area, etc.
- Develop a site for subsequent development/construction.
- Reclamation Method
- Grading and slope treatment, final grades
- Disposition of waste, residual material, junk trash, personal property
- Treatment of haulageways
- Water impoundment treatment
- Final drainage
- Revegetation, including tree species, grass mixtures, seeding rates, fertilizer rates
- Reclamation Schedule (exact dates not required)
- Phases of reclamation
- Indicate whether reclamation will be concurrent with mining or at termination (note: we encourage the performance of concurrent reclamation as much as possible).
- Map
- Outline of affected acreage: the plan must identify all lands affected during the life of the mine.
- Grading plan: illustrate the final land surface either by contours or cross sections.
- Revegetated areas, drainage features, water impoundments, building and other applicable features that will be a part of the reclaimed site
- Haulageways to remain, berms, fences, head and toe of major slopes