Oil And Gas Related Organizations
The Director and staff of DEC's Division of Mineral Resources maintain contacts with numerous government officials and industry representatives. These contacts help represent and protect New York's interests in mineral resource development issues and keeps DEC up-to-date with new technologies and practices. Important oil and gas-related organizations in which the department participates include:
Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC)
The Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) (link leaving DEC website) is a voluntary organization of oil and gas producing states. It was founded in 1935 and authorized by Congress and the United States Constitution. The IOGCC's mission is to promote conservation and efficient recovery of domestic oil and natural gas resources, while protecting health, safety and the environment. New York's official voting representative is Catherine Dickert, Director, Division of Mineral Resources.
The IOGCC advocates state-level regulation of petroleum resources. The IOGCC also promotes regulatory coordination and government efficiency. New York actively participates in meetings where states, industry, environmentalists and federal officials share information and perspectives on emerging technologies and environmental issues. The IOGCC focuses on developing and implementing sound regulatory practices that:
- maximize oil and natural gas production;
- minimize the waste of non-renewable resources; and
- protect human and environmental health
Groundwater Protection Council (GWPC)
The Groundwater Protection Council (GWPC) (link leaving DEC website) is a national non-profit organization. GWPC members include local, state and federal governments, citizen groups, industry, and academic institutions. The division's Director, Catherine Dickert, is a member of GWPC's board of directors. Division staff attend GWPC meetings to share technology, gather information and make presentations.
The group works to promote protection of water resources. New York works with the GWPC on topics such as:
- regulation of underground gas storage;
- underground injection for solution mining, brine disposal and enhanced recovery;
- and data management related to wells used for these purposes
Solution Mining Research Institute (SMRI)
The Solution Mining Research Institute (SMRI) (link leaving DEC website) is an international non-profit technical association. It provides a setting for operators, suppliers, consultants, academics and government regulators to better understand solution mining and underground gas storage. New York State is currently a member of the SMRI. The organization's activities have a direct benefit on our regulatory oversight of solution salt mining and underground gas storage operations in the state.
DMN, Bureau of Oil and Gas Regulation
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233