Practical Source Reduction Tips For Business
Preventing wastes, maximizing resources and increasing efficiency can give your company a competitive edge. You can take positive action now by implementing source reduction.
- Source reduction is any activity that prevents the creation of solid waste at the point of generation.
- Source reduction happens at the earliest possible stages of production, manufacturing and packaging processes.
- Source reduction activities should be integrated with reuse and recycling programs.
For Management . . .
- Develop a written source reduction policy and adopt a corporate ethic that encourages source reduction and other environmental practices.
- Take a look at how your business produces waste each day and identify the types and amounts of waste produced.
- Have brainstorming sessions to generate ideas on how to prevent waste. Reward good suggestions.
For Packaging . . .
- Avoid overpackaging.
- Ship your products on returnable or reusable pallets and containers.
- Minimize packaging waste as much as possible.
Purchasing Practices . . .
- Examine your production and purchasing procedures to see where wastes can be prevented.
- Adopt procurement polices that promote source reduction.
- Revise procurement specifications for supplies and materials to ensure that the products bought are produced and packaged with source reduction in mind.
- Consider cooperative purchases with other businesses to reduce price and packaging wastes.
- Buy supplies in bulk, larger sizes or in concentrated form.
In Your Office . . .
- Institute double-sided (duplex) copying to reduce paper use and mailing costs.
- Use alternatives to paper communication, such as voice mail and e-mail.
- Use routing slips to circulate memos, documents, periodicals and reports.
- Post nonurgent communications for general distribution on bulletin boards.
- Cull mailing lists to remove uninterested recipients and eliminate unwanted mail by notifying the sender.
- Proofread documents on the computer screen before printing.
- Eliminate unnecessary forms, reports and publications.
In the Snack Rooms and Cafeterias . . .
- Encourage employees to use china or reusable plates, cutlery, glasses and coffee mugs.
- Install cloth towel rolls or air dries in restrooms.
For Customers . . .
- Let people know about your source reduction programs.
More Questions. ..
Call or write the Bureau of Waste Reduction & Recycling at:
Bureau of Waste Reduction and Recycling
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233-7253
(518) 402-8706
Contact for this Page
DMM, Bureau of Waste Reduction and Recycling
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233
Phone: 518-402-8706
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