Drop Off Sites Available for Consumers

Thanks to convenient drop off sites, consumers now have a way to ensure the collection, reuse, and recycling of architectural paint. Looking for a drop off location? Visit the Paint Care New York program page for participating sites and the latest program information.
Please note: this program is funded through the payment of a small fee, "the PaintCare fee," at the time of a new paint purchase. The fee is not a tax nor a deposit.
Paint Requirements
Producers of architectural paint sold into the state must take part in a postconsumer paint collection and recycling program following the DEC approved plan. The program covers "architectural paint" and includes interior and exterior architectural coatings sold in containers of five gallons or less including house paint and primers (latex or oil-based), stains, deck and concrete sealers, and clear finishes (e.g., varnishes, shellacs).
Photo: Compliments of PaintCare