Waste Reduction, Reuse And Recycling Pamphlets and Informational Material
Waste Reduction Materials
- Let's Precycle - waste reduction ideas (Precycle PDF, 180 kB)
- Do You Get Too Much Junk Mail? - how to get off the junk mail list (Junk Mail PDF, 75 kB)
Reuse Materials
- Reuse It! - waste reduction and reuse ideas (Reuse It! PDF, 103 kB)
- Reuse It or Lose It! (PDF) - a booklet of waste reduction and reuse ideas (481 kB)
- The Reusable Lunch Box (PDF) - explains how to make a waste-free lunch (60 kB)
Recycling Materials
- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Compost and Buy Recycled! (PDF) - explains these terms and how to recycle (612 kB)
- Reduce, Reuse & Recycle This Holiday Season! - A Fact Sheet (PDF 176 kB)
- S.T.O.P. (Save That Office Paper) (PDF) - an office paper recycling handbook (942 kB)
- Your School Can S.T.O.P (Save That Outgoing Paper) (PDF) - describes a school paper recycling program (87 kB)
- Don't Let Your Tires, Used Oil or Lead-Acid Batteries Pollute the Environment (PDF) - extending tire life tips, recycling lead-acid batteries, and proper used oil handling (43 kB)
- Buy Recycled - tips on "closing the loop"
- Let's Recycle New York Pamphlet (PDF, 580 KB)
- Odd Recyclables and Where They Go (PDF) - A list of odd recyclables and where to recycle them (223 kB)
- Everything You Have Always Wanted to Know About Home Composting But Were Afraid to Ask! (PDF) - Eight page booklet on home composting (437 kB)
- Easy Home Composting (2.2 MB, PDF) - Poster showing how easy it is to compost at Home
- Leave It on the Lawn - grasscycling
School Materials
- A School Waste Reduction, Reuse, Recycling, Composting & Buy Recycled Resource Book (PDF) (776 kB)
- "RW" Goes to School (PDF) - a teachers guide to red worms in the classroom. (412 kB)
- New York Recycles! Materials - Listed Below
- Gee Whiz (PDF) Recycling Facts (121 kB)
- New York State Earth Day Tips (PDF)- fifty ways to help our environment (213 kB)
- A College Waste Reduction, Reuse, Recycling, Composting & Buy Recycled Resource Book (PDF, 401 kB)
Business Materials
- Practical Source Reduction Tips for Business - prevent waste, maximize resources and increase efficiency (Tips for Reduction at Businesses PDF, 73 kB)
- What is the New York State Hazardous Packaging Act, and How Does it Affect me or my Company? - (PDF, 264 kB)
- An Office Waste Reduction, Reuse, Recycling, Composting & Buy Recycled Resource Book - (PDF, 574 kb)
- Waste Reduction at New York State Supermarkets - (PDF, 414 kb)
- Greening NYS Hotels - (PDF, 420 kb)
New York Recycles
- New York Recycles! Teacher Lessons and Activities (PDF, 739 kB)
- New York Recycles! Student Lessons and Activities (PDF, 763 kB)
Returnable Container Act
- New York State Returnable Container Act - the beverage container deposit system
- Get Your Money Back - describes the benefits of the beverage container deposit system
Household Hazardous Waste Pamphlets
- Reduce Your Use - how to substitute common household products
- Household Hazardous Waste Disposal and Alternatives Chart (PDF) - an easy resource with disposal and alternative ideas (27 kB)
- Let's Pick It Up New York! Resource Guide (PDF) - a resource guide for litter clean-up activities (427 kB)
- Let's Pick It Up New York! Pamphlet (PDF) - a litter information pamphlet (640 kB)
General Information
- State Agency Waste Reduction, Reuse, Recycling, Composting & Buy Recycled Resource Book (PDF) (299 kB)
The following links all leave DEC's website.
- 6 NYCRR Part 360 - Solid Waste Management Facilities
- 6 NYCRR Part 364 - Waste Transporter Permits
- 6 NYCRR Part 367 - Returnable Beverage Containers
- 6 NYCRR Part 374-4 - Standards for the Management of Elemental Mercury and Dental Amalgam Wastes at Dental Facilities
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DMM, Bureau of Waste Reduction and Recycling
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233
Phone: 518-402-8706
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New York State