New Yorkers send about 4 pounds of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) per person per day, or 0.75 tons per person per year, to disposal facilities as trash. MSW includes all waste that is generated by residents, whether in single-family or multi-family residences; commercial establishments, including all offices, stores, shops, restaurants, or businesses of any nature; and waste generated by institutions, including any schools, government buildings, prisons, nursing homes, hospitals, or other similar facilities.
For the millions of people who live in New York State, this adds up a lot and not just in waste, but in natural resources and money that could be saved.
You can significantly reduce the amount of waste generated by following a few simple guidelines whenever you go shopping.
Shopping With Waste Reduction and Recycling in Mind
- Bring Your Own Bag -- #BYOBagNY -- New York State's plastic bag ban took effect March 1, 2020.
- Buy Products With the Smallest Amount of Unnecessary Packaging
- Before purchasing items in convenience packaging, consider if there may be other options with less or even no packaging at all.
- Buy Reusable, Recycled or Recyclable Products and Packaging
- Look for reusable, durable alternatives to single-use products.
- Look for recycled-content information on a product or package--buying products that use recycled content helps to ensure a market for the materials we recycle.
- Choose recyclable packaging, such as aluminum, steel, glass containers and certain plastics and paper board -- but make sure that the material is included for recycling in your local program. You can learn more about what can be recycled and how, by visiting the Recycle Right NY website where you can search the NYS Recyclopedia and check your local recycling program guidelines
- Buy in Bulk
- Reduce packaging waste by using the bulk bins for items such as nuts, candies, pasta, dried foods and fresh produce.
- Buy Larger Sizes
- The largest size package that you can use can save packaging and sometimes money. Be sure you can use it all and it won't go to waste.
- Buy Concentrates
- Concentrates save waste by not packaging water. You can find concentrates for food and beverages, cleaning products and toiletries.
For more information on waste reduction and recycling:
Bureau of Waste Reduction and Recycling
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233-7253
(518) 402-8706
Or contact your local Recycling Coordinator