Citizen Participation activities occur at several milestones during a BCP project; they include, but are not limited to the following:
When the BCP application is deemed complete
Develop public contact list and establish a document repository;
Develop a fact sheet;
Publish a notice of Applicant's request to participate in the BCP in a local newspaper, the Environmental Notice Bulletin (ENB), and send fact sheet to public contact list;
Commence 30-day public comment period; and
Develop CP Plan before beginning investigation.
Before DER Finalizes Remedial Investigation Work Plan
Issue notice and fact sheet to contact list describing plan; and
Commence 30-day public comment period.
Before DER Approves Proposed Remedial Investigation Report
Send fact sheet to contact list describing the RI Report.
Before DER Finalizes Proposed Remedial Work Plan
Send fact sheet to contact list describing plan;
Allow a 45-day public comment period; and
Hold public meeting (not required) only when deemed necessary due to significant public interest.
Before Applicant Starts Construction
Send fact sheet to contact list announcing the start of construction.
Before DER Approves Final Engineering Report
Send fact sheet to contact list announcing the final engineering report.
Certificate of Completion (when institutional/engineering controls are used)
Send fact sheet to contact list describing such controls within 10 days of issuance of certificate.
Interim Remedial Measure (IRM) is proposed or announced (if applicable)
Send fact sheet to contact list describing key elements of the IRM; and
If IRM is likely to be a significant part of site remedy, allow a 30-day public comment period.