Preparing BCP/VCP Decision Document Figures
Guidance for Consultants
Note: The figure preparation process should be started with the Application, Remedial Investigation and Alternatives Analysis development.
Figures Required in Decision Document
A Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP) or Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) Decision Document (DD) must include figures that clearly illustrate site conditions and main elements of the selected remedy.
DEC Required Format for BCP and VCP DD Figures
- Can not exceed 11 inches by 17 inches;
- Must be legible (suggested font size is no smaller than 10 pt);
- Must include a North Arrow;
- Must include a scale bar with standard scale factor indicated (e.g. 1 inch equals 40 feet);
- Must include units (e.g. feet);
- Must include a legend if symbols are used; and
- Must include title of figure, site name and figure number.
Standard figures to be include in a DD are indicated below. For complicated sites, the DEC Project Manager may request additional figures be developed to properly present information discussed in the DD. The DEC Project Manager will provide additional guidelines for preparing the requested figure(s) at that time.
Figure 1: Site Location Map
This figure shall show the location of the site using an aerial base map which labels nearby roads and water bodies and clearly depicts the site boundary. The date of the aerial should be indicated and where appropriate labels should be applied to the map to clearly present points of interest/key features/landmarks on and off the site when they are not clearly identifiable on the base map.
Figure 2: Site Plan
This figure shall identify the site boundary covered by the DD, illustrate site features and use of the surrounding area as described in the Site Description. Relevant site features and areas of concern such as storage tanks, oil water separators, dry wells, and drains should be located on the figure.
Please note that the site boundary and property boundary can be different so it is important to be clear on this figure as to what is the site boundary.
Figure 3: Selected Remedy
This figure shall clearly illustrate the selected remedial action(s). The title of the figure shall be "Selected Remedy". Although it is preferable to show the site remedy on a single figure, additional figures can be used if a single figure would be too cluttered, which should be numbered 3A, 3B, 3C, etc. The site boundary should be indicated on the figure and if necessary the Selected Remedy figure can be keyed to the Site Plan.
Components of site development should not be included on the remedy figures (e.g. excavation of uncontaminated soils) unless incorporated as part of the remedy (e.g. asphalt cover).
Size and Publishing Constraints
Figures 1 and 2 shall be provided on 8.5 inches by 11 inches pdf file. Figure 3 shall be provided on 8.5 inches by 11 inches PDF file or 11 inches by 17 inches PDF file.
Colors should be used where appropriate to present site information.
In order to be published on the NYSDEC's external website, a DD must not exceed 5 MB of memory. The text and tables of a DD are generally less than 1 MB, leaving approximately 4 MB for figures.
Division of Environmental Remediation
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233