As of October 15, 2023, DEC has issued 603 Certificates of Completion (COCs) for Brownfield Cleanup Program sites since the program was established in 2003.
COCs are issued for completed sites participating in the State Brownfield Cleanup Program upon approval of the final engineering report. The Brownfield Cleanup Program encourages the voluntary cleanup of contaminated properties known as "brownfields" so that they can be reused and redeveloped.
The COC provides liability protections for site owners, developers and lessees and will trigger the availability of tax credits for eligible parties. The COC also allows the certificate holder to redevelop the site, subject to certain restrictions, if applicable. For sites that have a future use other than "Unrestricted", an Environmental Easement is required. COCs may be transferred to successors and assigns of the remedial party or parties names in the COC. DEC must be provided advance notice of the transfer of all or part of the property on a form approved by DEC.