Webinar Held April 16, 2024
In an effort to facilitate the timely issuance of Certificates of Completion (COC) for sites in NYSDEC's Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP), the Division of Environmental Remediation and the Office of General Counsel held an informational session for BCP Applicants and their representatives on April 16, 2024.
The session provided:
- required document submittal dates/COC process milestones necessary to obtain a COC by December 31, 2024;
- an overview of past years’ COC statistics;
- do’s and don’ts;
- common oversights/pitfalls, with particular attention on the most common issues – amendments to the Brownfield Cleanup Agreement and environmental easements, among others, that derail prompt review/approval of applicant’s submittals;
- Additional information and links on Finalizing Remedial Projects: Easements, Certificates Of Completion, And Templates.
A PDF version of the BCP Certificate of Completion Process presentation is available.
In addition, a recording of the presentation is also available.