Region 1 - Environmental Remediation Project Information
Calendar of All Scheduled Public Meetings and Comment Periods - for sites in DEC's cleanup programs in Region 1.
Records and documents for cleanup sites in region 1 are available through DECinfo Locator or the Site Remedial Database Search.
Nassau County
Northrop Grumman - Bethpage Facility (130003A) and Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant Site (130003B)
NYSDEC Announces Community Availability Session
Date & Time: March 7, 2023, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Location: Bethpage Community Center, 103 Grumman Road West, Bethpage, NY 11714
A community availability session was held on March 7, 2023 for the public to learn more about the formation of a Community Participation Working Group and how the public can become involved with the cleanup of the Navy Grumman groundwater plume associated with the Northrop Grumman Bethpage Facility and Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant (NWIRP) sites and the Former Grumman Settling Ponds (portions of the present-day Bethpage Community Park) associated with the former Northrop Grumman Bethpage Facility located in the town of Oyster Bay in Bethpage, New York. Experts from DEC, DOH, United States Geological Survey, Department of Navy, and Northrop Grumman were available for community members to interact with in a one-on-one format. Multiple stations were set up in the Community Center with representatives available at stations detailing specific areas of interest.
NYSDEC released a Community Update on February 22, 2023 (PDF, 5 pages, 4.8 MB) announcing the March 7, 2023 Availability Session and the formation of a Community Participation Working Group. The posters from the Availability Session can be found below:
- NYSDEC Posters (PDF, 9 Pages, 12.2 MB)
- U.S. Navy Poster (PDF, 4 Pages, 6.4 MB)
- Northrop Grumman Posters (PDF, 12 Pages, 3.7 MB)
A Community Participation Working Group report is available for review at the following link: Citizen Participation Plan with Community Participation Working Group as Addendum A, February 1, 2023 (PDF, 21 Pages, 653 KB).
NYSDEC Announces an Agreement with Northrop Grumman to Hydraulically Contain the Navy Grumman Groundwater Plume
NYSDEC has reached an agreement with Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation (Grumman) and finalized a Consent Decree regarding the remediation of the Navy Grumman groundwater plume located in Bethpage, New York. A link to the final Consent Decree is included below. The Consent Decree formalizes understandings reached in December 2020 between NYSDEC and Grumman to advance the company's actions to install additional extraction wells, construct and operate treatment plants, and return the treated water to the aquifer system as part of a comprehensive plan to contain and clean up the Navy Grumman groundwater plume. The proposed settlement also requires the company to undertake additional work within the plume and provide compensation to New York State and affected water districts in the form of Natural Resource Damages.
Link to Final Consent Decree: Final Consent Decree between NYSDEC and Northrop Grumman, August 3, 2022 (PDF, 57 Pages, 3.8 MB)
Amended Remedy Selected for Hydraulic Containment of the Navy Grumman Groundwater Plume
NYSDEC issued a Fact Sheet (PDF) on December 20, 2019 announcing the release of the Amended Record of Decision (AROD) (PDF). The selected remedy outlined in the AROD details the construction, long-term operation and maintenance of a full containment and treatment system to effectively halt further spread of the Navy Grumman groundwater plume.
The selection of a final remedy to hydraulically contain the Navy Grumman groundwater plume comes after the release of the Proposed Amended Record of Decision on May 23, 2019 and a 45-day comment period from May 23, 2019 - July 8, 2019. The AROD contains a Responsiveness Summary that includes the Department's responses to over 200 comments that were received during this 45-day comment period.
Documents Related to the Proposed Amended Remedy Available Online:
- Amended Record of Decision, December 2019 (PDF, 299 pages, 10 MB)
- Fact Sheet - Remedy Selected for Full Hydraulic Containment of the Navy Grumman Groundwater Plume, December 2019 (PDF, 4 pages, 1 MB)
Northrop Grumman Implementing OU3 Remedy
In accordance with the Northrop Grumman - Bethpage Facility Record of Decision - OU3 (PDF) (2.6 MB) issued March 29, 2013, Northrop Grumman is currently implementing remedial activities at the Former Grumman Settling Ponds/Former Ballfield Area.
U.S. Navy Implementing OU4 Remedy
In accordance with the 2018 United States Navy Operable Unit 04 Record of Decision (PDF, 102 pages, 3.9 MB) issued August 2018, the U.S. Navy is currently implementing remedial activities at the Former Drum Marshaling Area.
Additional information and documents are also available on the Northrop Grumman - Bethpage Facility Web Page.
Pall Corporation - 130053B
The Pall Corporation Site Operable Unit Number 02 - Record of Decision (PDF) (1.3 MB) was issued March 2013. The site is located in Glen Cove, Nassau County.
Solvent Finishers - 130172
The Record of Decision for this State Superfund Project was issued July 2016. See the Solvent Finishers Site Web page for documents and more information.
Suffolk County
Dzus Fastener Co., Inc. - Site No. 152033
Please see the Dzus Fastener Co. Inc. Web Page for site-related information and documents.
Division of Environmental Remediation
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233