Environmental Investigation and Cleanup Actions of Former MGP Site
Site No. 231110
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Latest News:
DEC held a public meeting on April 11, 2023 to discuss the proposed site remedy and accept public comments. The public comment period closed on May 22, 2023.
Most Recent Fact Sheet: April 2023 - CE- E. 11th Street MGP OU-1 - Public Comment Invited on Proposed Cleanup Remedy (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Site Background
New York State is overseeing the comprehensive cleanup of subsurface contamination at the Jacob Riis Housing properties. A Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) was in operation on and near Jacob Riis from approximately 1858 to 1933. As a result of the gas manufacturing process at that time, coal tar (a by-product of the process) and its components were left in deep soils and groundwater at this site. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), in consultation with the New York State Department of Health (DOH), is overseeing the work being conducted by Consolidated Edison (ConEd) to address this contamination to ensure the protection of public health and the environment.
DEC MGP Cleanup
DEC is currently reviewing public comments on the cleanup plan that was proposed by ConEd in April 2023. The proposed remedy includes:
- Replacement of approximately 5,000 cubic yards of surface soil;
- Implementation of a Health and Safety Plan and Community Air Monitoring Plan during all ground-intrusive activities;
- Installation of a concrete floor in the storage room of 1223 - 1225 FDR Drive;
- Installation of approximately 12 coal tar recovery (removal) wells across the site; and
- Implementation of a Site Management Plan to ensure the long-term maintenance and effectiveness monitoring of the remedial systems.
DEC will finalize the remedy after the review is complete and issue a Decision Document (DD) describing the remedy and why it was chosen. Additional information, documents, and public data on the site is available on DECinfo Locator and the Environmental Remediation Site Database.
To receive future fact sheets for this site and others by email, please sign up for DEC's contaminated sites electronic mailing list ("listserv") (leaves DEC website).