DEC is authorized to provide grants for HHW collection programs in order to provide a safe alternative for recycling or disposal of household hazardous materials.
The application acceptance period is January and February of each year.
Eligible costs include the following:
- Costs for one or more contractor(s) to accept, segregate, prepare for shipment, or transport household hazardous waste that is brought to the collection event or facility.
- Costs for the actual recycling, treatment, or disposal of collected household hazardous wastes.
- Costs for publicity, promotion, and public education directly related to operating a household hazardous waste collection program.
Examples of HHW categories potentially eligible for reimbursement:
Pesticides, corrosives, pool chemicals, driveway sealers, aerosol paints and stains, polishes and waxes, adhesives, solvents, hazardous cleaning products, antifreeze, vehicle fluids, fluorescent light tubes, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and PCB ballasts, photography chemicals, products containing mercury (excluding thermostats), and propane gas cylinders that still contain propane.
Ineligible costs include:
- Costs incurred to conduct a household hazardous waste collection program if it is not fully implemented in accordance with the requirements of 6 NYCRR Subpart 362-4 regulations.
- Indirect, overhead or in-kind costs.
- Program and facility operating costs, including, but not limited to, office supplies and equipment, equipment service, office maintenance, internet service, telephone, utilities, health and safety equipment or training, mileage, travel expenses, fuel, meals, or other similar costs.
- Costs incurred for the collection and disposal of materials that have an established program for statewide take-back, product stewardship or return.
- Costs incurred from the collection, handling, and disposal of types of waste that would not meet the definition of household hazardous waste.
Application Details:
Applications will be accepted by DEC during the months of January and February of each calendar year for all eligible household hazardous waste collection and disposal costs incurred during the previous calendar year.
All applications must be submitted using the Statewide Financial System (SFS) Vendor Portal.
Find information about NYS Grant Opportunities, including SFS registration, webinars, guides, videos, and help desk contact information.
Find information about HHW Collection Events and HHW Collection Facility requirements in NYS.