CWM Fact Sheet, Proposed RMU-2 Project Application Materials, And Draft EIS
NYSDEC RMU-2 Project Fact Sheet
The fact sheet contains information on the existing CWM facility, CWM's proposed landfill project, the required applications, NYSDEC-prepared Draft Permit documents, the public involvement process, and the applicable State laws and regulations.
Proposed CWM RMU-2 Project Application Materials
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00002[1 of 4].Application.Part 373 Permit Modification Request Vol I (PDF) (5.5 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00002[2 of 4].Application.Part 373 Permit Modification Request Vol I (PDF) (5.2 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00002[3 of 4].Application.Part 373 Permit Modification Request Vol I (PDF) (5.4 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00002[4 of 4].Application.Part 373 Permit Modification Request Vol I (PDF) (3.1 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00003[1 of 3].Application.Part 373 Permit Modification Request Vol II (PDF) (4.4 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00003[2 of 3].Application.Part 373 Permit Modification Request Vol II (PDF) (4.2 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00003[3 of 3].Application.Part 373 Permit Modification Request Vol II (PDF) (2.7 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00004[1 of 5].Application.Part 373 Permit Modification Reference Documents (PDF) (2.7 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00004[2 of 5].Application.Part 373 Permit Modification Reference Documents (PDF) (4.2 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00004[3 of 5].Application.Part 373 Permit Modification Reference Documents (PDF) (3.2 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00004[4 of 5].Application.Part 373 Permit Modification Reference Documents (PDF) (4.7 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00004[5 of 5].Application.Part 373 Permit Modification Reference Documents (PDF) (1.1 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00005[1 of 3].Application.Part 361 Permit (PDF) (5.0 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00005[2 of 3].Application.Part 361 Permit (PDF) (4.2 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00005[3 of 3].Application.Part 361 Permit (PDF) (5.3 MB)
Engineering Report
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00007[1 of 15].Application.Engineering Report (PDF) (5.0 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00007[2 of 15].Application.Engineering Report (PDF) (4.4 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00007[3 of 15].Application.Engineering Report (PDF) (4.9 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00007[4 of 15].Application.Engineering Report (PDF) (5.2 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00007[5 of 15].Application.Engineering Report (PDF) (4.9 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00007[6 of 15].Application.Engineering Report (PDF) (4.4 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00007[7 of 15].Application.Engineering Report (PDF) (4.6 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00007[8 of 15].Application.Engineering Report (PDF) (5.0 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00007[9 of 15].Application.Engineering Report (PDF) (5.2 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00007[10 of 15].Application.Engineering Report (PDF) (4.8 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00007[11 of 15].Application.Engineering Report (PDF) (4.6 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00007[12 of 15].Application.Engineering Report (PDF) (4.8 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00007[13 of 15].Application.Engineering Report (PDF) (4.1 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00007[14 of 15].Application.Engineering Report (PDF) (5.0 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00007[15 of 15].Application.Engineering Report (PDF) (2.1 MB)
Additional Application Documents
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00008[1 of 7].Application.Additional Documents (PDF) (4.2 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00008[2 of 7].Application.Additional Documents (PDF) (4.1 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00008[3 of 7].Application.Additional Documents (PDF) (4.6 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00008[4 of 7].Application.Additional Documents (PDF) (4.9 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00008[5 of 7].Application.Additional Documents (PDF) (5.0 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00008[6 of 7].Application.Additional Documents (PDF) (5.0 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00008[7 of 7].Application.Additional Documents (PDF) (1.6MB)
Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00006[1 of 9].SEQRA Document.Draft EIS (PDF) (3.5 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00006[2 of 9].SEQRA Document.Draft EIS (PDF) (4.3 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00006[3 of 9].SEQRA Document.Draft EIS (PDF) (2.8 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00006[4 of 9].SEQRA Document.Draft EIS (PDF) (3.6 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00006[5 of 9].SEQRA Document.Draft EIS (PDF) (5.5 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00006[6 of 9].SEQRA Document.Draft EIS (PDF) (2.7 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00006[7 of 9].SEQRA Document.Draft EIS (PDF) (4.5 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00006[8 of 9].SEQRA Document.Draft EIS (PDF) (4.5 MB)
- OHMS Doc. No. 201469232-00006[9 of 9].SEQRA Document.Draft EIS (PDF) (4.5 MB)
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Office of Hearings and Mediation Services
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Albany, NY 12233
Phone: 518-402-9003