Durez Corporation - New York State Hazardous Waste Management Permit Renewal
Niagara Falls, New York
Niagara County
EPA Id. No: NYD002103216
November 2012
The Durez Corporation (Durez) submitted an application to renew its 6 NYCRR Part 373 Hazardous Waste Management Permit for their Durez facility in Niagara Falls, NY. The NYSDEC has made a tentative determination to issue Durez a Part 373 Permit renewal.
Purpose Of The Permit Renewal Process
The purpose of the permit renewal process is to allow the NYSDEC, interested citizens and other governmental agencies the opportunity to evaluate the renewed draft permit and permit application as it relates to compliance with the applicable requirements promulgated under New York State Laws. The NYSDEC is required to prepare a draft permit which sets forth all applicable requirements with which the NYSDEC intends to require Durez to comply during the term of the permit. The public is being provided with forty-five (45) days to review the Durez application and draft permit prior to the NYSDEC making a final determination on the permit.
Public Involvement In The Permit Renewal Process
State regulations provide the public with the opportunity to become involved in the permit renewal process through a comment period which can be extended in response to public requests. The comment period for this specific permit renewal begins on December 19, 2012 and ends on February 3, 2013.
- For detailed information see the New York State 6 NYCRR Part 373 Permit Renewal Fact Sheet for Durez Corporation (PDF) (40 KB).
- I General Conditions
- Schedule 1 of Module I (Including Exhibits A-E)
- II Corrective Action Requirements
- III Use and Management of Containers
- IV Tank Systems
- VII Incinerators
- A Application Section A - Part A Application
- B Application Section B - General Facility Description
- C Application Section I - Waste Analysis Plan
- D Application Section VII - Container Management;
- Application Section VIII - Storage and Treatment in Tanks;
- Application Section IX - Incinerator Management
- E Application Section C - Corrective Action Program
- F Application Section II - Inspection Schedule
- G Application Section IV - Preparedness and Prevention
- H Application Section III - Personnel Training
- I Application Section VI - Closure Plan
Electronic copies
Electronic copies of the above documents and the Durez application are available by contacting the project manager, Jeffrey Trad at (518) 402-9814.
Hard copies
Hard copies of the above documents as well as others related to the renewed draft permit and the Durez application are available for inspection at the following locations:
- NYSDEC, Division of Materials Management, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-7256 (contact person: Deborah Gardell at (518) 402-8652);
- NYSDEC's Region 9 office, 700 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14209 (contact person: Bidjan Rostami at (716) 851-7220);
- Earl W. Brydges Public Library at 1425 Main Street in Niagara Falls.
How To Provide Your Comments
All persons interested in commenting on the State Part 373 Permit should submit their comments in writing to:
Mr. David Denk
Regional Permit Administrator
NYSDEC Region 9
700 Delaware Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14209
DMM, Bureau of Hazardous Waste and Radiation Management
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233