Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste, And Pesticide Forms
Automobile Dismantlers, Automobile Junkyards, Motor Vehicle Repair Shops, Scrap Metal Processors
Automobile Recycler Related Forms - includes Annual Report forms for Vehicle Dismantling Facilities, Motor Vehicle Repair Shops, Mobile Vehicle Crushers and Scrap Metal and Notice of Intent
BUDs (Beneficial Use Determinations)
BUD Forms - petition forms for case-specific BUDs; Renewal of BUDs; Annual Reporting for BUDs; and Notification Forms for Fill Material Transport
Fill Material
Fill Material Forms - including Notification Form for Fill Material Transport
Grants Application Forms - includes Recycling Capital Projects State Assistance Application, Recycling Coordinator State Assistance Application, and Household Hazardous Waste State Assistance Application
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
Household Hazardous Waste State Assistance Program - HHW State Assistance Application
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event Annual Report Form
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility Annual Report Form
Medical Waste
Medical Waste Tracking Form - includes information on medical waste transfer, storage, disposal and tracking and reporting forms
Organic Waste Management - includes information on registration and reporting forms for biosolids composting, processing and land-application; source-separated organic waste composting; and yard waste composting
Pesticides Reporting Forms - a compilation of various forms used in the Pesticides Program
Used Electronic Equipment
"c7" Notification for Used Electronics
Solid Waste
Solid Waste Facilities- includes solid waste facility reporting forms, inspection forms, and miscellaneous forms
Transport of Regulated Waste
Waste Transporters - includes information on transporting regulated waste generated or disposed of within New York State must possess a valid New York State Waste Transporter Permit