A transfer facility is a facility where solid waste, including source-separated recyclables, is received, consolidated, and then transported to another facility for processing, treatment, further transfer, or disposal. Often, residents or local haulers bring waste to transfer facilities, where the waste is consolidated and then transferred to larger facilities.
Transfer Facilities in New York State
There are hundreds of transfer facilities in New York. To locate an authorized transfer facility in your area, refer to the Interactive Map of Transfer Facilities (leaving DEC's website) or look on the list of registered transfer facilities and permitted transfer facilities. Transfer facilities may be co-located with other solid waste facilities. For example, some transfer facilities are co-located with a Recyclables Handling and Recovery Facility that handles source-separated recyclables in a separate area of the property. Homeowners and businesses can get more information on where to take specific wastes such as hazardous waste, used electronic equipment, lead acid batteries, used oil, and waste tires on the Types of Solid Waste webpage.
There is a wide variety in the size and design of transfer facilities in New York. These characteristics determine which regulatory requirements in 6 NYCRR 362-3 that facility must meet. Certain transfer facilities are exempt from these regulations, while others require either a Part 360 registration or permit.
Solid waste management facilities that transfer waste but are not considered transfer facilities include:
- Facilities that receive regulated medical waste.
- Facilities, or a portion of a facility, that receives used oil.
The following facilities may be exempt from the 6 NYCRR 362-3 regulations:
- facilities where waste is transferred directly from vehicle to vehicle,
- facilities owned or operated by a municipality, or contracted by or on behalf of a municipality that accept no more than 20 cubic yards of residential waste per day and no more than 20 cubic yards of source-separated recyclables per day,
- facilities owned or operated by a municipality, or contracted by or on behalf of a municipality that accept no more than 3,000 tons per year of yard trimmings,
- facilities that accept no more than 5 cubic yards of source-separated organic waste per day,
- take back sites (sites at retail or wholesale locations used for collection of material similar to those sold or distributed by the retailer or wholesaler), or
- facilities owned or operated by a municipality, or contracted by or on behalf of a municipality that accept residential waste no more than 5 days per year.
Facilities that qualify for an exemption must meet the specific criteria in 6 NYCRR 362-3.2.
The following facilities are eligible for a registration, provided they meet the criteria in 6 NYCRR 362-3.3:
- facilities owned or operated by a municipality, or contracted by or on behalf of a municipality and receive less than 50 tons of waste per day,
- facilities used for the transfer of septage from only one transporter who uses no more than two of the transporter's vehicles to collect residuals from a composting toilet, or
- facilities that receive source-separated recyclables for transfer to another facility or point of reuse.
Facilities that qualify for a registration must meet the operating requirements in 6 NYCRR 360.19 and 6 NYCRR 362-3.3. To become a new registered transfer facility or to modify or renew an existing registration, please complete the Solid Waste Management Facility Registration Form and contact the Regional Materials Management Engineer in your region.
All transfer facilities that do not meet the criteria for an exempt facility or a registered facility must obtain a permit.
Facilities requiring a permit must meet the design and operating requirements in 6 NYCRR 360.19 and 6 NYCRR 362-3.5.
To become a new permitted transfer facility or to modify or renew an existing permit, complete the Solid Waste Management Facility Permit Application and contact the Regional Permit Administrator in your region. See the Waste Management, Composting, and Recycling Permits webpage for additional details on applying for a permit and 6 NYCRR 360.16 and 6 NYCRR 362-3.4 for permit application requirements.
Annual Reporting
All transfer facilities are required to submit an annual report to the Department. These annual reports include the amount of waste received at the facility, the service area and the destination of the waste after it leaves the facility. For details about reporting requirements, see 6 NYCRR 360.19(k) and 6 NYCRR 362-3.6.
Blank annual report forms for the current reporting year and completed annual reports for previous operating years can be found on our Solid Waste Facilities Forms page.
DEC inspects transfer facilities to ensure that the facilities are in compliance with relevant provisions of 6 NYCRR 362-3. For details about routine inspection logs, see 6 NYCRR 360.19. Copies of the blank Transfer Facility Inspection Report forms can be found on the Solid Waste Facilities Forms page.