Local Solid Waste Management Plan (LSWMP) Development
A LSWMP is a valuable tool for the organization and decision-making process for solid waste management of the municipalities in the state. It is an instrument intended to evaluate the current solid waste management practices, evaluate the options and alternatives available for future solid waste management, and to set forth the implementation steps for a 10-year planning period along with establishing projections of reduction in waste disposal over the 10-year plan. An overarching goal of a LSWMP is to reduce the amount of solid waste destined for disposal by preventing its generation and increasing reuse, recycling, composting, and other organic materials recycling methods.
A LSWMP should be developed in a manner that is reflective of the specific characteristics, needs, and opportunities of each planning unit and its communities. Development and implementation of the LSWMP must be consistent with the solid waste hierarchy and strive to achieve reduction in the amount of waste disposed to the maximum extent economically practicable. The collective efforts of the Planning Units across the state in combination with the state initiatives are intended to lead to the achievement of the goals described in the State Solid Waste Management Plan.
It is the responsibility of the planning units to develop a complete and resourceful LSWMP that is as detailed, concrete, and realistic as possible to ensure it continues to be a valuable and useful tool for the entire planning period. The use of creative and suitable resources such as maps, graphics, tables, etc. are encouraged.
For more information about planning units, refer to 6 NYCRR Part 366 and 6 NYCRR Section 360.11.
Description of a LSWMP
The contents of the LSWMP are presented in three sections that will be addressed under one or more chapters of the plan. This is a suggested format for planning units to follow when developing their individual LSWMPs to ensure all the required components are addressed in the document, however, planning units are free to adjust the format as they feel appropriate to best present their individual LSWMP.
Assessment of current conditions (planning unit, waste stream, and solid waste management system)
Chapter 1. Planning Unit Description - Detailed description of the planning unit and its members. Identification of generators and special circumstances that characterize the planning unit and its individual characteristics.
Chapter 2. Waste Generation and Materials Recovery Data - Complete estimate of the current quantities and composition of the overall waste stream generated in the planning unit. This evaluation needs to include estimates for municipal solid waste (MSW), which includes residential, commercial and institutional waste, construction and demolition (C&D) debris, industrial waste, and biosolids.
Chapter 3. Existing Solid Waste Management System - Description of the existing solid waste management system, including facilities, initiatives, and programs currently undertaken by the planning unit.
Chapter 4.Existing Administrative and Financial Structure - Description of the existing administrative and financial structure of the planning unit and an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the current structure with respect to attaining the planning unit goals.
Evaluation of alternatives and selection of the system
Chapter 5. Alternatives Evaluation and Selection - Identification and evaluation of the various systemic and technological alternatives for the management of all materials generated in the planning unit. Separate evaluations for MSW, C&D debris, industrial waste, and biosolids need to be provided. The description of the solid waste management system selected for the 10-year planning period should include the rationale, description, and justification of the alternatives selected for each waste stream and the various generating sectors.
Implementation schedule and MSW projections
Chapter 6. Implementation Plan and Schedule - The LSWMP needs to set aggressive, yet achievable reduction and recovery goals for the planning unit over the course of the planning period based on the final implementation schedule. The implementation schedule needs to be detailed and specify tasks, subtasks, milestones, and responsible parties for the entire planning period.
Chapter 7. Waste Stream Projections - The LSWMP must include projections for all MSW generated within the planning unit. The disposal, reduction, and recovery projections need to be integrally linked to the implementation schedule and include estimates of the progressive reduction of solid waste generated and destined for disposal, and the expected increases in recycling rates over the 10-year planning period.
Review and Approval Process of a Local Solid Waste Management Plan (LSWMP)
DMM, Bureau of Solid Waste Management
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233