Community Updates
- Report It: Brookhaven Landfill Odor and Dust Concerns (PDF)
- July 2024 Brookhaven Landfill Community Update (PDF)
- June 2024 Brookhaven Landfill Community Update (PDF)
- March 2021 Brookhaven Landfill Community Update (PDF)
- October 2019 Availability Session Posters (PDF)
- February 2019 Brookhaven Landfill Fact Sheet (PDF)
- November 2018 Brookhaven Landfill Fact Sheet (PDF)
- July 2018 Brookhaven Landfill Fact Sheet (PDF)
- April 2018 Brookhaven Landfill Fact Sheet (PDF)
- August 2017 Brookhaven Landfill Fact Sheet (PDF)
About the Brookhaven Landfill
The Brookhaven Landfill is located in the town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County, and is operated by the town of Brookhaven. The landfill was opened in March 1974 and consists of six compacted areas called cells. Four of these cells previously accepted municipal solid waste (MSW) and were permanently closed. The disposal of MSW ceased in 1990 in compliance with the Long Island Landfill Law. Cell 5, which accepted construction and demolition (C&D) debris and ash from local waste combustion facilities, was recently capped and closed. Cell 6 is currently active and accepting C&D debris and ash. Earlier phases of Cell 6 are capped and closed.
Permit Status
The current operating permit (PDF) for the landfill was issued on July 12, 2021, and will expire on July 11, 2026. On March 1, 2024, the Town submitted a permit renewal application, which DEC is reviewing. DEC’s review will include a careful examination of the landfill’s past operations and implementation of DEC-required engineering and operational improvements to prevent off-site impacts. DEC will continue to closely monitor the landfill’s operations to ensure this facility meets stringent requirements to protect public health and the environment and the surrounding community’s quality of life.
As is the norm for solid waste permits, the permit does not set a closing date for the landfill. The anticipated closing date is projected by the Town based on the landfill’s remaining permitted capacity and rate of landfilling. Changes to the rate of landfilling will affect the timeframe for the landfill to reach permitted capacity.
Emerging Contaminant Groundwater Investigation
As part of New York State’s extensive and ongoing actions to determine the extent of emerging contaminants in the environment and to protect public health by preventing potential exposure, DEC required active landfills to sample groundwater for these chemicals. Emerging contaminants, like perfluorinated compounds (PFAS), persist in the environment, especially in water. Widespread use and releases of PFAS into the environment led to PFAS detections in surface water, groundwater, animals, and humans worldwide. DEC's ongoing investigations into emerging contaminants across the state identified older landfills as potential sources of these chemicals in the environment.
In 2021, the Town updated the Brookhaven Landfill permit during the renewal process to comply with new solid waste (Part 360 Series) regulations, which required the landfill to collect emerging contaminant samples for four quarters to establish groundwater quality. The quarterly sampling was conducted throughout 2022 and results were subject to a comprehensive review by DEC. Sampling results found levels of the emerging contaminants, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), and 1,4-dioxane in exceedance of groundwater guidance values in the landfill’s on-site monitoring wells downgradient of the waste mass.
The Town must implement a corrective measures assessment program, which includes characterization of the emerging contaminant plume through field investigation. The plume investigation work plan, which outlines all proposed field and investigatory activities, was submitted to DEC by the Town in October 2023, and approved by DEC in May 2024.
May 2024 Brookhaven Landfill Emerging Contaminant Plume Investigation Work Plan (PDF)
The Town completed field activities for the landfill emerging contaminant plume investigation throughout summer 2024 and submitted the draft Emerging Contaminant Plume Investigation Report for DEC review and approval in December 2024.
December 2024 Brookhaven Landfill Draft Emerging Contaminant Plume Investigation Report (PDF)
Appendices - Draft Emerging Contaminant Plume Investigation Report (PDF)
Corrective Measures Assessment Program Next Steps:
The draft Plume Characterization Investigation Report is under DEC review. DEC will perform technical review and convey any potential changes or requirements needed to the Town.
The Plume Characterization Investigation Report is scheduled to be finalized in March 2025. Within 30 days of DEC approval of this report, the Town must notify all persons who own land or reside on land that is directly over or within 500 feet downgradient of any part of the plume of contamination. With the current project schedule, these notifications are expected to be sent in April 2025.
The Town will also begin drafting the Corrective Measures Assessment Report, which outlines the Town’s proposed actions to address the plume and the timeline for implementation.
Consistent with State regulations, DEC is requiring the Town to host a public meeting to discuss the corrective measures once proposed. At this meeting, the public will have an opportunity to comment on the proposed corrective measures.
The Town of Brookhaven is required to include a summary of this meeting with the final Corrective Measures Assessment Report. The deadline for this report will be sent to the Town upon approval of the final Plume Characterization Investigation Report.
Corrective Measures Assessment Program Concerns or Questions
Contact the Division of Materials Management Region 1 Project Manager, Francesca King at (631) 444-0375 or [email protected].
Drinking Water Sampling
Any exposure risk through drinking water was proactively mitigated. The Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) conducted a private well survey incorporating emerging contaminant testing in the vicinity of the landfill beginning in September of 2017. An additional round of outreach was completed in July 2022. All sampled homes with private wells that exceeded the PFAS Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL) were connected to public water or provided with a point-of-entry treatment (POET) system.
Residents may contact SCDHS at (631) 852-5810 with any questions about drinking water sampling or visit their website for the Office of Water Resources.
There are no new threats to drinking water as there are no community public water supply wells hydraulically downgradient of the landfill. The Station Road Wellfield is cross-gradient to the landfill (to the west), and well water supplied to the public meets NYS drinking water standards. All public non-community wells downgradient of the landfill are regularly sampled by SCDHS and subject to routine self-monitoring to assess that these wells continue to meet NYS drinking water standards.
Air Quality Improvement Actions
In 2015, DEC approved an Odor and Dust Monitoring Plan (Plan) developed by the town of Brookhaven and their consultant. Control measures were bolstered with a Corrective Action Plan required by DEC in 2016 to specifically address hydrogen sulfide and odor issues. In 2019, DEC’s ongoing responsiveness to community odor concerns culminated with DEC ordering the town of Brookhaven to take further steps to evaluate odor-producing conditions and take aggressive corrective measures to minimize odors in the future, enhance community air monitoring, and further improve landfill gas collection. Among others, actions included improved hydrogen peroxide dosing systems, the installation of a new flare, and an enhanced air monitoring protocol.
2018 Report for the Brookhaven Village Association Community Air Screen Results
Four air samples were collected in the Brookhaven community, around the Brookhaven Landfill. Twenty-six toxic air pollutants were detected, and all were below DEC's short-term health-based air concentration values. Therefore, the results were not considered a potential health threat or an immediate health concern. Download the complete report (PDF).
2014 Report for the Brookhaven Village Association and South Yaphank Civic Association Community Air Screen Results
During this air screening, four air samples were collected in the Brookhaven community for 1-hour with a 6-liter sampling canister and analyzed using a laboratory method which evaluates the presence of 43 toxic air pollutants. This limited short-term screening assessment did not identify concentrations of toxic air pollutants that would be considered a public health concern. Download the complete report (PDF).
- November 21, 2016 Letter to Ms. Adrienne Esposito, Executive Director, Citizens Campaign for the Environment (PDF)
- August 10, 2017 Letter to Dr. Joseph Giani, Superintendent of Schools (PDF)
Report Your Complaints, Questions, and Concerns
Odors and Dust
Call (631) 444-0380 to report significant odors, dust, or other concerns.
Please leave your name, phone number, date of call, location, and description of concern. Residents are strongly encouraged to make sure that all listed information is provided with the complaint. Incomplete or inaccurate entries, especially regarding the time and location of the occurrence, may hinder the ability to properly investigate and resolve the complaint.
Environmental Concerns or Questions
Contact Division of Materials Management, Region 1 at (631) 444-0375 or [email protected].
Health Concerns or Questions
For health-related concerns, contact New York State Department of Health at (518) 402-7800.