From this page you will find information regarding the proper handling, disposal and treatment of solid wastes DEC is involved with.
Because of their physical characteristics or chemical makeup, some of these wastes require special handling procedures and disposal methods in order to be protective of human health and the environment.
See additional information on universal wastes, including batteries, thermostats, and certain pesticides.
More about Types of Solid Wastes:
- Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) - Proper Management of Household Hazardous Waste.
- Construction and Demolition Debris - Information on Construction and Demolition Debris.
- Industrial/Commercial Waste - Information of Industrial/Commercial Waste.
- Hazardous Waste Lamps - Fluorescent lamps as hazardous waste and universal waste
- Regulated Medical Waste - Information on Regulated Medical Waste in New York State.
- Used Electronic Equipment - Due to rapid changes in technology, electronic equipment quickly becomes out of date. NYSDEC provides guidance and regulatory information on the reuse, recycling, and disposal of used electronic equipment.
- Used Oil - Information on used oil regulation in New York State.
- Waste Tires - Background information on waste tire stockpiles, including legislation and tire fire information.