The DMR Manual
The DMR Manual (PDF) was developed to provide information and guidance regarding the completion and submittal of the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) form required by the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES). It is intended to complement, but not supersede, either the SPDES Permit or applicable SPDES Regulations (Parts 750-1 and 750-2).
Part 750 Regulations:
750-01 Obtaining A SPDES Permit
750-02 Operating With A SPDES Permit
DEC requires permittees to electronically-submit Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) data through EPA's electronic reporting system, NetDMR. NetDMR is accessible from any computer with internet access.
To access NetDMR to sign and submit DMRs electronically, permittees must create a CDX account and add the NetDMR program service.
The EPA has a NetDMR Help Center to help you through the process.
For more information on using NetDMR, or for technical guidance, contact DEC at [email protected] or EPA at [email protected].