The DMR Manual (PDF) was developed to provide information and guidance regarding the completion and submittal of the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) form required by the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES). It is intended to complement, but not supersede, either the SPDES Permit or applicable SPDES Regulations (Parts 750-1 and 750-2) which are the legal documents to which the permittee will be held responsible. If there is a conflict between this guidance and either the SPDES permit or the applicable regulations, the permit or regulations will supersede the guidance.
Part 750 Regulations:
750-01 Obtaining A SPDES Permit
750-02 Operating With A SPDES Permit
NetDMR Introduction
DEC is now requiring permittees to electronically-submit Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) data through EPA's electronic reporting system, NetDMR. NetDMR is accessible from any computer with internet access.
In order to access NetDMR to sign and submit DMRs electronically, permittees must create a CDX account and sign up for NetDMR:
Getting Started
DEC has developed guidance to walk permittees through the entire NetDMR process, from creating accounts to signing and submitting DMRs. Setting up an account is a two-step process. Users first need to set-up a CDX account on EPA's website and then link their permit to NetDMR. DEC has developed guidance which provides step-by-step instructions (PDF).
Once your account is created, your can enter DMR data directly or import data using a template.
The EPA has a user's guide and videos to help you through the process.
For more information on using NetDMR, or for technical guidance, contact DEC at: 518-402-8177 or email [email protected].
NetDMR - Understanding User Roles
In the NetDMR system, DMRs are tied to a valid SPDES Permit-ID. In order to work with a NetDMR, you must first request and then be granted a valid Role for the particular Permit-ID. Based upon this Role, you will be given access to the DMRs.
It is important to understand the levels of access associated with these Roles and to note that they are different from the User Type you selected during the account creation process. User Types define what kind of account you have, but Roles are tied to a particular Permit-ID. Therefore, one User Account may be issued multiple Roles corresponding to multiple Permit-IDs.
User Role Types
- View: You may only view DMRs.
- Edit: You may view and edit a DMR. You can make changes to existing data, and/or enter new information.
- Permit Administrator: You may view existing DMRs - but you cannot edit or add any information. The Permit Administrator decides who will be granted DMR access and who will be denied. The Permit Administrator does this by either granting or denying Role Requests made by other users.
- Signatory: This is the most privileged Role. A Signatory may view and edit DMRs and has the sole authority to submit a completed form to EPA. The way the NetDMR system is designed, the first person (and only the first) requesting a Role for a particular Permit-ID must request the Signatory Role. You will know if you are the first if 'Signatory' is the only role available. If granted the Signatory Role, this first User will also be given the Permit Administrator Role. Because the Signatory Role carries so much legal liability, the NYSDEC has to approve all Signatory Role Requests; it is the one Role Request that cannot be granted by the Permit Administrator.
NetDMR - Editing the DMR
After you have created your account and linked your permit(s), you will start to see DMRs show up once you login to NetDMR. Follow the steps below to enter data into the DMRs.
- First, login to NetDMR. On the home screen, a set of search criteria are visible. To see all available DMRs, simply click "Search" at the bottom of the page. To search for a particular DMR, select the desired criteria and then click "Search".
- Once the search is conducted, a list of DMRs is shown. There are several options you may take. To fill out data required to submit the DMR, select Edit DMR from the drop down list and click "Go".
- You will be taken to the Edit DMR page. There are two main sections on this page.
- The top of the page displays information about the current DMR. Information shown includes permit ID, permitted feature, permittee information, DMR monitoring period and due date, and fields to enter the principal executive officer's information.
- The main section of this page includes fields to enter data into the DMR. This section appears very similar to paper format DMRs. On the left, you will see parameter information and monitoring locations. DMR data is entered in the open fields in the "Quantity or Loading" and "Quality or Concentration" columns. You may only enter data for parameters with text fields. On the right side, there are fields for number of excursions, frequency of analysis, and sample type. The last two fields will be pre-populated.
- Enter the appropriate data or NODI code (a list of NYS Acceptable No Data Indicator (NODI) Codes (PDF) is available on the DEC website)into the open text fields for the appropriate parameters. You may keep working until all fields are entered, or you may save your work and continue at a later time.
- The bottom of the Edit DMR page has a field to enter any additional comments. You may explain any violations here, enter in an ELAP certification number, or any information you wish the DEC to be informed of.
- If there are documents you wish to send along with the DMR, you may attach files at the bottom of the page. Click "Add Attachment." On the following screen, click "Browse" and find the file you wish to attach. Once they are selected, click "Attach File." This attaches your document and takes you back to the Edit page.
- Click "Save and Continue" to keep working on the DMR, "Save and Exit" to go back to the home screen, "Sign and Submit" to submit to DEC and EPA a completed DMR.
NetDMR - Signing and Submitting the DMR
Once a DMR has all appropriate data entered, it must be signed by an authorized signatory and submitted electronically. There are two methods to get to the Sign and Submit page for a DMR.
- From the Home page, search for the DMR you would like to sign and Submit. Once the list of DMRs appears, select "Sign and Submit DMR" from the drop down next to the desired DMR and click Go.
- If you are currently editing the DMR on the Edit DMR page, once it is complete scroll to the bottom of the page. Click "Sign and Submit" at the bottom of the page
- On the Sign and Submit DMR page, there are several actions that need to be done before a DMR can successfully be submitted.
- Make sure to check both the "Include in Submission" and "Add COR and Attachments to Email Notification" boxes on the left side of the screen. This ensures that your DMR will be submitted, and any included attachments as well as an electronic copy will be sent to DEC.
- Review any soft errors with the DMR. You may submit a DMR with soft errors, such as violations.
- Review the certification statement at the bottom of the page. You are authorizing that all data included in the DMR is correct, accurate, and non-falsified. Answer the security question selected from your list when you created your account and submit. Enter your password and submit.
- This will take you to the Submission Confirmation page. You will receive a confirmation ID number, and may view the Copy of Record created for the DMR.
NetDMR - Accessing and Retaining Data
Once a DMR has been submitted electronically using NetDMR, it will be stored electronically. Records for all DMRs that have been submitted will be available to download and view in what is known as a Copy of Record (COR). In addition, any attachments that were included with the DMR are available for download. Because of this, DEC will not require permittees to maintain physical copies of DMRs. To review previously submitted DMRs, use the following steps to access a Copy of Record.
- Log in to NetDMR. On the home screen, select the desired SPDES permit number from the drop down list in the "All DMRs & Copies of Record" section.
- Click "Update," and then click "Search."
- On the Results screen, find the desired DMR to view a COR for. On the left hand side, ensure the next step selected is "View CORs." Click "Go."
- The DMR Copy of Record page is displayed. Information about the DMR is displayed, including submitted DMR data. The authorized signatory who submitted the DMR is displayed at the bottom of the page, along with the date and time the DMR was submitted.
The COR may be downloaded in an XML or PDF format. NOTE: The PDF version is difficult to read, as it attempts to put all parameters on one page. The COR is not required to be downloaded.
NetDMR - Import Steps
Data may be entered into NetDMR using a more advanced method. This is done using an import feature built in to NetDMR. The import feature allows users to enter data for multiple DMRs and permits at once, instead of typing in every data point and navigating between DMRs. Both permittee users and data providers may import data into DMRs. This method may not be useful for all permittees. This page provides an overview of the import feature. For a more detailed walkthrough, please review the DMR Manual or EPA's Permittee User and Data Provider guide.
The import feature uses a template, which has specific formatting and data entry requirements. This is a comma separated value (CSV) file, created using Excel. The template is available on EPA's website at the link below.
Refer to the DMR Manual or EPA's Permittee User and Data Provider guide on how to enter data into the template. You may enter data from multiple permits and DMRs using one template. Once you have entered appropriate data, you must save the template as a CSV file. Microsoft Excel has the ability to save a CSV file directly from an Excel workbook. Once you have the template saved as a CSV file, log in to NetDMR.
In the list of links at the top of the home page, click "Perform Import" under the "Import DMRs" header. On this screen, using the "Browse" button, select your CSV template file and upload it to NetDMR.
Specify the file type as a "csv" file. The import feature will not work if you specify a different file type than your CSV template.
Leave the "Data Replacement Strategy as is.
In the "Description" text field, type a short note describing the current file and what DMR data you are submitting. For instance, include the date of submittal, permit ID numbers, monitoring period, and DMR permitted feature information. This will allow you to easily see past submission attempts.
Finally, click "Submit Import File". This submits your selected CSV template for import. You will be taken to the DMR Import Results web page. A list of past imports appears, including your most recent submission. Depending on the file size and internet connectivity, the import may take a while. Once it completes, the Status will change from "Pending" to either "Success" or "Failed".
- If the template was created correctly, and there were no errors present, the data will be successfully imported. The Status will change to "Success".
- If there were errors associated with the file, the Status will change to "Failed". However, any data that was able to import will still be imported into NetDMR. A status of "Failed" does not mean that no data was imported. This simply means that some or all data was not able to be imported. If this is the case, review the Log file created to find any errors. Correct any errors present in the template, and re-submit the template for import.
After the data has been imported, the DMR must still be electronically signed and submitted to EPA. Refer to the sign and submit section of the DMR Manual or EPA's Permittee User and Data Provider guide to finish the DMR submission process.
NetDMR - Training Information
The training module "Entering DMR Data" shows how you can enter your DMR data in NetDMR and then submit the DMR to DEC. The other training module, "DMR Notifications and Attachments" demonstrates how to send email notifications to interested parties when you submit your DMR and how to attach a file to the DMR when submitting through NetDMR. Additional training modules will be developed as needed.
EPA also hosts several training webinars for NetDMR. For dates and registration information, visit EPA's website. These trainings usually include demonstrations on how to create an account, manage access, enter DMR data, sign DMRs, and import data from a file. EPA has training presentations posted on their website for viewing. More NetDMR assistance is available (PDF).