Deer River Investigation
DEC investigated the growth of Leptomitus lactus, commonly called water mold or sewer fungus, in the Deer River in St. Lawrence County. In addition to conducting regular inspections of permitted facilities in the area, DEC’s investigation included field observations, data collection, and water quality analysis of the Deer River near the hamlet of North Lawrence. DEC also reviewed environmental conditions, known and permitted discharges to the river, and investigated the potential for previously unknown discharges.
The investigation identified the presence of Leptomitus lactus starting at the North Country Dairy outfall. The water quality data from the Deer River showed high total phosphorus, orthophosphate, total nitrogen, and ammonia in the impacted stretch of water. DEC’s data also indicates that North Country Dairy’s discharge is the primary contributor of these constituents in the Deer River.
Ongoing Efforts
On June 28, 2024, DEC issued a Notice of Violation (NOV) to North Country Dairy for contributing to the violation of State water quality standards. In addition to the enforcement action, DEC undertook a detailed technical review of North Country Dairy’s wastewater and treatment technologies to ensure pending modifications to the facility’s permit protect the receiving water.
On July 16, 2024, DEC issued an additional NOV to North Country Dairy, citing the facility for discharge of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) in excess of the daily maximum and monthly average limits as stated in the State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) prescribed permit. North Country Dairy properly reported the exceedance on their monthly Discharge Monitoring Report.
DEC will issue an NOV to notify an entity of alleged violations, seek a response, and to prompt corrective actions. After the issuance of any NOV, there is the potential for future enforcement action, which may result in penalties. DEC does not comment on the specifics of pending enforcement matters.
DEC is committed to requiring facilities across the state to fully comply with permit conditions and to ensuring permits are adequate to achieve water quality standards in receiving waterbodies to protect public health and the environment. DEC continues to monitor North Country Dairy for compliance with all applicable laws, policies, and regulations; and will evaluate the necessity for additional enforcement steps while assessing appropriate cleanup actions.