Owner/operators with projects covered under the State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity (the Construction Permit, or CGP) are required to develop and implement a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that meets criteria set forth by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (Department). All SWPPPs must include practices consistent with the New York Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control (Blue Book). Many construction sites must also comply with the New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual (Design Manual) to address post-construction stormwater discharges.
This page provides technical information needed to comply with the requirements of the CGP. Although this page is primarily intended as a resource for consultants and other design professionals, it may also be helpful to local officials and others involved with stormwater management. Among those points of interest to stakeholders is the Construction Notice of Intent (NOI) Database (General Tools), which includes information provided to the Department in NOIs submitted to obtain coverage under the CGP.
See the Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity webpage for the Permit Document, its Supplemental Documents, and the Process of Gaining and Terminating Permit Coverage.
Technical Requirements
Blue Book
- New York State Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control (Blue Book), November, 2016 version (PDF, 19 MB) - The "Blue Book" provides standards and specifications for the selection, design and implementation of erosion and sediment control practices for the development of Erosion and Sediment Control Plans for all SWPPP's required by the CGP.
- The Engineering schematics appearing as figures in each chapter of the Blue Book are available as individual DWG files for use in engineering drawing software: Engineering Schematics for Erosion and Sediment Controls
Design Manual
- 2024 Design Manual
- New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual (Design Manual) (PDF, 20 MB), July 31, 2024 version
- 2015 Design Manual
- New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual (Design Manual) (PDF, 21 MB), January, 2015 version
The "Design Manual" provides standards and specifications for the selection, design and implementation of post-construction control stormwater management practices for the development of SWPPP's required by the CGP for project types identified in Appendix B, Table 2. This manual is a key component of the Phase II State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) general permit for stormwater runoff from construction activities from all sizes of disturbance.- The criteria and process to use Proprietary Practices for stormwater management on construction projects subject to the CGP is provided in the section on Proprietary Practices for Stormwater Management.
- New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual (Design Manual) (PDF, 21 MB), January, 2015 version
Supplemental Documents to the Technical Documents
- FAQs on Technical Requirements, 2004 (PDF) - Provides the Department's answers to questions regarding technical requirements.
- Maintenance Guidance for Stormwater Management Practices (PDF) (March, 2017) - Provides guidance on how to inspect and maintain stormwater management practices. This guidance can be used by design professional when developing operational and maintenance documents during SWPPP development and MS4 staff that perform SMP inspections.
- Stormwater Management Practices Inspection Checklist (PDF) (March, 2017) - Tool to be used during SMP inspection.
- Construction Stormwater Inspection Manual (PDF) (August, 2007) - For state or municipal construction inspectors performing compliance inspections, as well as for site operators performing self-inspections. An inspection form used by Regulated, Traditional Land Use Control MS4s to document inspections of constructions sites is included.
- Better Site Design (PDF) (April 2008) - Provides guidance for developers and designers to plan for and implement environmentally sound designs for new development and redevelopment projects while reducing the effects of stormwater runoff through both regulatory and non-regulatory techniques.
- Deep-Ripping and Decompaction (PDF) (April, 2008) - Provides guidance for developers and designers on the two-step practice of Deep Ripping and Decompaction (deep subsoiling) of soil material at a construction site to help mitigate the physically induced impacts of soil compression (i.e. soil compaction or the substantial increase in the bulk density of the soil material) during the cleanup and restoration/landscaping sequence of a project.
Technical Tools
Stormwater Interactive Map
- Stormwater Interactive Map - The interactive map includes information such as:
- Coordinates of the cursor location (see bottom right of map)
- Permit Related Layers
- Impaired Waterbodies for Construction GP
- Enhanced Phosphorus Removal Watersheds
- 1-Year 24-Hour Rainfall
- 90 Percentile Rainfall
- Class AA AAs Watersheds
- Regulated MS4s
- Other Useful Reference Layer
- Counties/Cities/Towns/Villages (boundaries)
- DEC Administrative Boundaries (DEC Regions)
- General Permit Information
- Construction Permittees (the Construction NOI Database)
General Tools
- Construction NOI Database - Accessible on the Stormwater Interactive Map, on the left-hand side, under the "General Permit Information" tab, with the link named "Construction Permittees." The database is available as Excel spreadsheets that list active and terminated regulated construction projects by year and county. It contains information provided to the Department by owners/operators of construction projects in the Notice of Intent forms submitted to gain coverage under the CGP. Some of the information accessible is location, acreage, land use, receiving water, estimated construction timeframe, and post-construction stormwater management practices for projects subject to the CGP.
- Runoff Reduction Criteria Spreadsheet
- Based on the 2024 Design Manual
- Based on the 2015 Design Manual
- Worksheets, design example, and instructions to assist designers with Runoff Reduction Criteria.
- Runoff Reduction Worksheets (Excel) (Version 1.8, 11/9/2015)
A series of worksheets in spreadsheet format (in Excel format) to assist designers with the accounting of Runoff Reduction techniques required by the 2015 Design Manual. - Runoff Reduction Worksheets Design Example (Excel)
A series of completed worksheets for a residential subdivision with instructions (PDF) on how to use the worksheets and complete the NOI.
- Runoff Reduction Worksheets (Excel) (Version 1.8, 11/9/2015)
- Worksheets, design example, and instructions to assist designers with Runoff Reduction Criteria.
- Stream Order - Refer to the Center for Educational Technologies' guidance when identifying stream order.
- Pond Design - The USDA NRCS Field Office Technical Guide (FOTG) website provides FOTGs for each state. The New York State FOTG, Section 4, provides Conservation Practice Standards & Support Documents, Ecological Science Tools, Engineering Specifications, and Engineering Tools. Under Conservation Practice Standards & Support Documents, "Pond (378)" provides standards and specifications for the design of ponds.
- NRCS TR-55 - A hydrologic computation method utilized in the design of stormwater management practices. Use the USDA Small Watershed Hydrology (WinTR-55) webpage to access WinTR-55 and support materials.
- The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets home website and its Soil & Water Conservation Committee webpage may be useful to reference for certain projects.
Engineering Schematics
- Engineering Schematics for Erosion and Sediment Controls (from the Blue Book)
- The following downloadable files are in DWG format. The engineering drawings are intended as drafts, do not accommodate site-specific conditions, and must be adapted to specify the engineering details according to individual designs. The title block of all the final plans must be certified by the person responsible for preparing the plan and the design of the stormwater management practice.
- Anti Seep Collar
- Anti Seep Collar Design
- Armored Streambank Protection Methods
- Branch Packing
- Brush Layer
- Brush Mattress
- Buffer Filter Strip
- Channel Stabilization Methods
- Compost Filter Sock
- Construction Ditch
- Design Data For Earth Spillways
- Dewatering Sump Pit
- Diversion
- Earth Dike
- Excavated Drop Inlet Protection
- Fiber Roll
- Filter Fabric Drop Inlet Protection
- Flow Diffuser Design Example
- Flow Diffuser
- Flow Spreader
- Grassed Waterway
- Landgrading
- Landgrading Specifications
- Live Cribwall
- Live Cuttings Live Stakes Planting
- Live Cuttings/Live Stakes Planting Specifications
- Live Fascine
- Optional Sediment Trap Dewatering Devices
- Outlet Structure Examples
- Paved Flume
- Perimeter Dike or Swale
- Pipe Outlet Sediment Trap StI
- Pipe Outlet Sediment Trap StI Specifications
- Pipe Slope Drain
- Pipe Spillway Design
- Portable Sediment Tank
- Reinforced Silt Fence
- Rip Rap Outlet Protection 1
- Rip Rap Outlet Protection 2
- Rip Rap Outlet Protection 3
- Riprap Streambank Protection Details
- Rip Rap Channel Stabilization Details
- Riser Base Detail Sediment Basin
- Riser Pipe Dewatering Device
- Rock Dam
- Sediment Basin Details
- Sediment Dike
- Segmented Retaining Wall
- Serrated Cut Slope Section
- Silt Fence
- Stabilized Construction Access
- Stone & Block Drop Inlet Protection Structure
- Stone Check Dam
- Stone Outlet Sediment Trap StII
- Straw Bale Dike
- Surface Roughening Details
- Temporary Access Bridge
- Temporary Access Culvert
- Tree Revetment
- Turbidity Curtain
- Vegetated Rock Gabions
- Water Bar
- Engineering Schematics for Stormwater Management Practices (SMPs) (from the Design Manual)
- The following downloadable files are in both DWG and PDF format. The engineering drawings are intended as drafts, do not accommodate site-specific conditions, and must be adapted to specify the engineering details according to individual designs. The title block of all the final plans must be certified by the person responsible for preparing the plan and the design of the stormwater management practice.
- NYSDEC_2024_DM_CAD_DWG.zip
- NYSDEC_2024_DM_CAD_PDF.zip
- The following downloadable files are in both DWG and PDF format. The engineering drawings are intended as drafts, do not accommodate site-specific conditions, and must be adapted to specify the engineering details according to individual designs. The title block of all the final plans must be certified by the person responsible for preparing the plan and the design of the stormwater management practice.
- The following downloadable files are in DWG format. The engineering drawings are intended as drafts, do not accommodate site-specific conditions, and must be adapted to specify the engineering details according to individual designs. The title block of all the final plans must be certified by the person responsible for preparing the plan and the design of the stormwater management practice.
Proprietary Practices
- Proprietary Practices for Stormwater Management
- General information on Proprietary Practices:
- The Department does not currently have a research unit that evaluates the monitoring results and pollutant removal efficiencies of proprietary practices (i.e. manufactured stormwater management practices) being used for post-construction stormwater management. Instead, the Department relies on established, third-party stormwater management practice evaluation and verification systems such as: the State of Washington Technology Assessment Protocol - Ecology (TAPE), the Technology Acceptance Reciprocity Partnership Protocol (TARP) (primarily the New Jersey Corporation for Advanced Technology (NJCAT) Technology Verification Database), and the State of Maryland's Department of the Environment (Maryland Alternative Practices List (PDF)).
- Design professionals should refer to the 2015 NYS Stormwater Management Design Manual (Design Manual) for the requirements to use a proprietary practice for new development and redevelopment applications. Specifically, Section 3.3.2 (Criteria for Practice Addition) of the Design Manual addresses the requirements for new development, and Section 9.4 (Alternative Stormwater Management Practices/Proprietary Practices) addresses the requirements for redevelopment applications. Additional information on the use of proprietary practices is provided below.
- Please be advised that 6NYCRR Part 750-2.5(d)(1) requires monitoring and analysis conducted in accordance with an issued SPDES permit to be conducted using test procedures promulgated pursuant to 40 CFR Part 136. Currently, any sampling data used to demonstrate equivalency with the Design Manual for the purposes of demonstrating compliance with the post-construction treatment requirements must use a method listed in 40CFR Part 136 which currently lists Total Suspended Solids (TSS) using EPA Method 160.2 or Standard method 2540 D). Please note that 40 CFR Part 136 does not list Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC) as an acceptable method for analysis of TSS.
- Criteria for Proprietary Practice Use - Redevelopment
- The proprietary practice must be evaluated and verified by one of the third parties identified above and be listed on their webpage as meeting the required assessment protocol.
- Criteria for Proprietary Practice Use - New Development
- The proprietary practice must be evaluated and verified by one of the third parties identified above and be listed on their webpage as meeting the required assessment protocol. However, the documented removal efficiency of the practice must be greater than or equal to the performance criteria required in the State of New York (i.e. 80% TSS removal and 40% Phosphorus removal). The removal efficiency must be verified using at least one year of field testing and monitoring.
- All proprietary practices proposed for new development are considered a deviation from the Department's Technical Requirements. Please be advised that projects with proprietary practices proposed for new development and are not subject to the requirements of a Regulated, Traditional Land Use Control MS4, will be authorized to commence construction in 60 business days from the date the Department receives a complete Notice of Intent.
- Proprietary practices cannot be used to address the remaining Water Quality Volume (WQv) on a new development project unless the Runoff Reduction Volume (RRv) sizing criteria has been addressed.
- Criteria for Proprietary Practice Use - Pretreatment
- All proprietary practices accepted for new development and/or redevelopment applications can also be used for pretreatment, provided the practice has been designed in accordance with the Design Manual.
- General information on Proprietary Practices:
Verified Proprietary Practices for New Development
- Verified Proprietary Practices for New Development
- The evaluation and verification reports/studies for the proprietary practices in the table below have been reviewed by the Department. Based on the information provided, the Department has determined that these practices are acceptable for use on new development (Note: RRv sizing criteria must be addressed first).
- To have a practice accepted for use on new development (and added to the Table below), please send a request with "Proprietary Practice Acceptance - New Development" in the subject line to the following email address: [email protected]. Please include the evaluation and verification reports/studies from one of the third parties mentioned in the first bullet under "General Information on Proprietary Practices" at the start of the Proprietary Practices section above.
Practice | Manufacturer |
FocalPoint High-Rate Biofiltration System | ACF Environmental - Convergent Alliance |
Bayfilter | Bay Saver |
MWS - Linear Modular Wetland | Bio Clean Environmental Services, Inc. |
Filterra Bioretention | Contech |
Jellyfish Filter | Contech |
StormFilter with PhosphoSorb Media | Contech |
ZPG Media Filter | Contech |
Up-Flo Filter with CP2 Media | Hydro International |
FloGard Perk Filter | Oldcastle Infrastructure |
The BioPod Biofilter | Oldcastle Infrastructure |
Stormwater Training and Certification
DEC-Endorsed Certification Programs
Individuals with either of the following certifications can act as the Qualified Inspector or Trained Contractor at a construction project subject to the CGP.
- New York State Erosion and Sediment Control Certificate Program (NYSESCCP)
- Certified Professionals in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC)
DEC-Endorsed Four-Hour Erosion and Sediment Control (E&SC) Training
Under the SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity, certain contractors (Trained Contractor) and certain Qualified Inspectors are required to complete four hours of DEC-endorsed training in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control (E&SC) every three years. To satisfy this training requirement, the Department has partnered with county Soil and Water Conservation Districts across the state to deliver a four-hour E&SC training course. In addition, the Department accepts the following training options as meeting the four-hour endorsed training requirement:
- The NYS Conservation District Employees' Association (NYSCDEA) online version of the DEC-endorsed four-hour E&SC course.
- The NYS Builders Association (NYSBA) online version of the DEC-endorsed, four-hour E&SC course.
- The one-day "CPESC Exam Review Course" for those taking the CPESC exam. Eligibility requirements may apply. Local courses may be listed on the training calendar.
Training Events conducted by the County Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs)
Date: November 18, 2024
Sponsor: Niagara County SWCD
Niagara County Fairgrounds
4487 Lake Ave
Lockport, NY 14094
Time: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Registration: https://www.niagaraswcd.com/2024-02-27%20ESC%20REGISTRATION.pdf
Deadline: November 15, 2024
Contact Information: Dave Reckahn, 716-434-4949 x4, www.niagaraswcd.com
Date: November 19, 2024
Sponsor: Suffolk County SWCD
Location: ZOOM
Time: 12:00-4:00 PM
Registration: https://www.suffolkcountyny.gov/departments/soil-and-water-conservation-district
Contact Information: [email protected] 631-852-3285
Date: November 19, 2024
Sponsor: Warren County SWCD
Location: ZOOM
Time: 12:00-4:00 PM
Registration: https://warrenswcd.org/4-hour-erosion-and-sediment-training/
Deadline: Friday before the training date. Classes will be closed when they are filled
Contact Information: Jim Lieberum ([email protected]), Nick Rowell ([email protected]), Maren Stoddard ([email protected]) 518.623.3119 – main office number
Date: November 22, 2024
Sponsor: Essex County Soil and Water Conservation District
Location: Zoom
Time: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Registration: https://forms.gle/SMmxm5myVZ7ah2n69
Registration Deadline: November 20, 2024
Contact Information: Renee Clark, 518-962-8225, [email protected]
Date: November 26, 2024
Sponsor: Ontario County SWCD
Location: Ontario County Soil & Water Conservation District Building
480 North Main Street
Canandaigua 14424
Time: 8 AM- 12 PM
Registration Deadline: 11/22/2024
Contact Information: 585-396-1450, : [email protected]
Date: December 3, 2024
Sponsor: Suffolk County SWCD
Location: ZOOM
Time: 12:00-4:00 PM
Registration: https://www.suffolkcountyny.gov/departments/soil-and-water-conservation-district
Contact Information: [email protected] 631-852-3285
Date: December 3, 2024
Sponsor: Warren County SWCD
Location: ZOOM
Time: 12:00-4:00 PM
Registration: https://warrenswcd.org/4-hour-erosion-and-sediment-training/
Deadline: Friday before the training date. Classes will be closed when they are filled.
Contact Information: Jim Lieberum ([email protected]), Nick Rowell ([email protected]), Maren Stoddard ([email protected]) 518.623.3119 – main office number
Date: December 4, 2024
Sponsor: Rockland County SWCD
Location: Rockland County Firemen’s Training Center Auditorium
35 Firemen’s Memorial Drive
Pomona, NY 10970
Time: 8:45 AM – 2:00 PM
Deadline: November 20, 2024
Contact Information: [email protected] (845) 364-2670
Date: December 6, 2024
Sponsor: Saratoga County SWCD
Auditorium – Saratoga SWCD
50 West High Street
Ballston Spa, NY 12020
Time: 7:30 AM Registration; 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeDPkIBPjakju_VSJLm3kU5a85zNijBD45LkBM4JCuSQl2UXw/viewform
Deadline: December 4, 2024
Contact Information: [email protected], 518-885-6900
Date: January 8, 2025
Sponsor: Niagara County SWCD
Niagara County Fairgrounds
4487 Lake Ave
Lockport, NY 14094
Time: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Registration: https://www.niagaraswcd.com/2024-02-27%20ESC%20REGISTRATION.pdf
Deadline: January 6, 2025
Contact Information: Dave Reckahn, 716-434-4949 x4, www.niagaraswcd.com
Date: February 27, 2025
Sponsor: Niagara County SWCD
Niagara County Fairgrounds
4487 Lake Ave
Lockport, NY 14094
Time: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Registration: https://www.niagaraswcd.com/2024-02-27%20ESC%20REGISTRATION.pdf
Deadline: February 26, 2025
Contact Information: Dave Reckahn, 716-434-4949 x4, www.niagaraswcd.com
Stormwater Training and Conferences:
Stormwater Management Training Series (multiple courses/dates)
Sponsors: Cornell University Cooperative Extension, Orange County
Location: Cornell University Cooperative Extension, Orange County, 18 Seaward Avenue, Suite 300, Middletown, NY 10940
Contact: Rose Baglia at [email protected] or Cathy Hughes [email protected], 845-344-1234
Sponsors: Monroe County SWCD
Co-sponsor: Stormwater Coalition of Monroe County
Location: Virtual (check the Monroe County SWCD website for more information)
Contact: Kelly Emerick, 585-753-7380; [email protected]
Sponsors: Saratoga County Cornell Cooperative Extension
Location: Saratoga County Cornell Cooperative Extension, 50 West High Street, Ballston Spa, NY 12020
Contact: Blue Neils, 518-885-8995 Ext. 224, Saratoga County Stormwater Management Program
Sponsors: Central New York Regional Planning & Development Board
Location: CNY RPDB, 126 N. Salina Street, Syracuse NY, 13202
Contact: Kathleen Bertuch at [email protected] or 315-422-8276 Ext. 208, Central NY Stormwater Coalition
Other Learning Opportunities
American Public Works Association
A variety of training opportunities, including video conferences and text-based courses, APWA offers live instructor-led workshops on stormwater management topics.
Center for Watershed Protection
Training workshops on stormwater management and design of control practices across the country.
Certified Professionals in Erosion and Sediment Control, Inc.
Training and certification for qualified individuals who apply for and satisfy certification standards as a professional of erosion and sediment control and/or a professional of stormwater quality.
Low Impact Development Center
The LID Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of Low Impact Development technology.
New York State Department of State
The NYS DOS home page contains information for local governments, licensed professionals, watershed organizations.
Urban Natural Resources Institute
An initiative of the USDA Forest Service Northern Station, which serves as a point of contact for focused research, development, and information exchange on urban natural resource (UNR) management.
USEPA National Point Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Training
Archived United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Webcasts provide training at "no cost", which can be viewed any time from your personal computer.
The Water Research Foundation
Training opportunities and conferences on a wide range of environmental issues.