Reference Documents
Electronic Notice of Intent Instructions (PDF, 2 MB) - These instructions will help the user in signing up for an account and navigating through the e-NOI.
MSGP Notice of Intent Instructions (PDF, 287 KB) - General instructions for the MSGP Notice of Intent
Reference Maps
Google Earth map of Priority Waterbodies List - The Priority Waterbodies List Map is a statewide inventory of NYS waterbodies which characterizes water quality and the waterbody uses supported, identifies water quality problems, pollutants, and sources, and provides information about restoration and protection activities for each individual waterbody. The map may be used to help facilities answer Question 4 on the Notice of Intent. In addition, this map may be used to determine the facilities geographic coordinates which is necessary to complete the Notice of Intent.
Google Earth map of Impaired Waterbodies Applicable to MSGP--The map of Impaired Waterbodies Applicable to MSGP shows impaired waterbodies as defined in GP-0-17-004. These waterbodies are subject to additional requirements in the SPDES Multi-Sector General Permit. The map may be used to help facilities answer Question 5(a) on the Notice of Intent. In addition, this map may be used to determine the facilities geographic coordinates which is necessary to complete the Notice of Intent.
Instructions for the Google Earth Maps (PDF, 1.8 MB)--This document provides guidance on how to download Google Earth and instructions on how to answer question 5(a) on the Notice of Intent, and find the coordinates of the facility, using the map of Impaired Waterbodies Applicable to MSGP in the Google Earth application.
Additional Mapping Tools
The Stormwater Interactive Map is an interactive mapping application used to look up geographic information related to the Phase II Stormwater Program.
The Environmental Resource Mapper is an interactive mapping application that can be used to identify some of New York State's natural resources and environmental features that are state or federally protected, or of conservation concern, such as endangered species, rare plants and rare animals and significant natural communities.
Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR)
Instructions for completing DMRs - Instructions for completing DMRs.
With the issuance of GP-0-17-004, all facilities will now be required to submit their DMRs using EPA's NetDMR system. Instructions on how to register for NetDMR are located on the DEC website. If you have any questions related to DMR reporting or registering for NetDMR, please call (518) 402-8177 or email [email protected].