Water Withdrawal Permit Renewals, Transfers, & Modifications
Water Withdrawal Permit Renewal and Transfer Applications
For permit renewal and transfer applications, use the Water Withdrawal Permit Renewal and Transfer forms and checklists found on our Forms and Tools for Water Withdrawal Permit Applications webpage.
A new owner of a permitted facility must transfer the facility by providing a Water Withdrawal Permit Renewal/Transfer Application WW-1 (R/T) (PDF) and any supplemental information before acquisition of the facility.
A permittee must provide a permit renewal or transfer application electronically to their local Regional Permit Administrator and to Central Office permits staff. Forms must be signed by a current representative of the legally responsible party at the facility and must include:
- Water Withdrawal Permit Renewal/Transfer Application WW-1 (R/T) (PDF)
- Updated Water Conservation Program Form
- Latest Annual Water Withdrawal Reporting Form
- Copy of current Engineering Report
- Copy of current Permit
Note: If your facility was originally issued a permit under the Initial Permit Program (6 NYCRR Part 601.7 - leaves DEC website) with a maximum-capacity-based gallon per minute permit limit, your renewal application will be evaluated and your facility will be given an appropriate daily (gallon per day) withdrawal limit based on the reasonable water withdrawal needs of your facility in accordance with 6 NYCRR Parts 601.11 and 601.15.
To determine whether a permit modification is required instead of a permit renewal, consider the following questions:
- Is there a proposed change in system capacity as a result of alteration(s) to the existing water withdrawal system?
- Will new pumps of greater capacity be added to your water withdrawal system?
- Will a new source of water withdrawal be added after the issue date listed on your permit? This includes additional sources of water and/or replacement in kind.
- Will a previously permitted well be deepened, replaced, or have an increase in diameter?
- Will a public water supply system be extended into a new water service area?
If you answered yes to any question, then your facility requires a Permit Modification.
Water Withdrawal Permit Modifications
A permittee must apply for a permit modification before a facility with a current permit undergoes a change, upgrade, or modification to its water withdrawal system that would affect the source, use, or capacity of the system.
Changes requiring a permit modification include, but are not limited to, changes in pump capacities, installation of new pumps, enlargement of conduits, increased reservoir storage, installation of new sources of withdrawal, change in diameter of an existing well, land acquisition for the purpose of development or protection of a public water supply, and extension of a public water supply area into a new water service area. Refer to 6 NYCRR Part 601.6 (leaves DEC website) for more information.
If you are unsure whether a proposed change requires a permit modification, contact your local Regional Permit Administrator.
Permit modification applications must include the following items. A permittee must provide both a hard copy and electronic copy of their permit modification application to their local Regional Permit Administrator. The letter and forms must be signed by a representative of the current legally responsible party at the facility:
- Cover Letter NOTE 1 (See Below)
- Revised Engineering Report NOTE 2 (See Below) signed and stamped by a New York State Registered Professional Engineer developed in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 601.10 (leaves DEC website)
- Updated General Map and Watershed Maps (if applicable)
- Pumping test reports for new or modified wells
- Updated Joint Application Form
- Updated Water Withdrawal Application Supplement Form WW-1
- Updated Water Conservation Program Form
- Copy of current permit
- Copy of latest Annual Water Withdrawal Reporting Form
For permit modification applications and forms, use the forms and checklists found on our Forms and Tools for Water Withdrawal Permit Applications webpage.
- For modifications related to the use, source, or capacity of the water withdrawal system, provide a cover letter to indicate what is being requested and indicate what changes are proposed including any change in:
- The system capacity to withdraw water including changes in pump specification, increased pipe diameter, or increased reservoir size
- The principal purpose of the withdrawal/use
- Any relevant technology standards
- The proposed source of the water withdrawal
- The revised Engineering Report shall be signed and stamped by a New York State Registered Professional Engineer. The report must include all items listed in 6 NYCRR Part 601.10(e) (leaves DEC website). See Recommended Engineering Report Format (PDF) for more information, and:
- A general description of the proposed changes to the water withdrawal system
- The proposed average daily, maximum daily, and 30-day use of the modified portion of the water withdrawal system and of the water withdrawal system in its entirety with all supporting calculations
- An evaluation of all practicable alternatives to the proposed source which shall include an analysis of increased water conservation measures as a means to reduce or eliminate the need for the proposed source
- A project justification including answers to the eight questions listed in 6 NYCRR Part 601.10(k) (leaves DEC website)
DOW, Bureau of Water Resource Management
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233