Polystyrene Foam Ban Complaint Form

This form is for complaints related to the NYS Expanded Polystyrene Foam Container and Polystyrene Loose Fill Packaging Ban outside of New York City.

Complaint Details

Important Notes:

  • Certain facilities and covered food service providers meeting eligibility criteria may not be in violation if they have been granted a financial hardship waiver allowing them to continue using foam disposable food service containers.
  • If the business or establishment is located in New York City, please contact the NYC Department of Sanitation or submit complaints through NYC311
Type of Business/Establishment

select all that apply

Complaint Type

select all that apply

Pictures or video supporting your complaint should be sent to [email protected] with "Foam Ban Violation" in the subject line. Please provide enough information in the email to match it to your complaint form and use the same email address to submit your pictures or video that you list in your contact information below.
Complainant Contact Information

You may file a complaint anonymously by leaving this information blank. If you do so, DEC cannot provide you with feedback and if there is insufficient information, we may not be able to investigate the complaint.