That [name], as [title] of [not-for-profit corporation name (or their successor in that title)] is hereby authorized and directed to file an application for funds from the Environmental Justice Community Impact Grant Program on behalf of [not-for-profit corporation name or Applicant Community Group name, if different from not-for-profit corporation] in an amount not to exceed $ [Grant amount], and upon approval of said request to enter into and execute a State Assistance Contract with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for such financial assistance to [not-for-profit corporation name or Applicant Community Group name, if different from not-for-profit corporation] for [Grant Project name] and further, to carry out and comply with the terms of such Project agreement.
Date __________________________
I, [name], [the duly elected and qualified executive] of the [not-for-profit corporation name] of [place], New York, do hereby certify that the preceding resolution was adopted at a [regular] OR [special] meeting of the [governing body] held on [date], and is [incorporated in the original minutes of said meeting] OR [on file and record], and that said resolution has not been altered, amended or revoked and is in full force and effect.
(Signature of Executive)
Seal of Not-for-Profit Corporation