Freshwater Wetlands Proposed Regulations Changes: An Overview
DATE: Thursday, August 1, 2024
TIME: 2:00PM - 3:00PM
LOCATION: Virtual - WebEx
Major changes in NY’s Freshwater Wetlands regulations will take effect January 1, 2025. Currently, the DEC is accepting comments on the draft regulations. The proposed rule would clarify jurisdictional status of smaller wetlands of “unusual importance” that meet one of 11 specific criteria contained in the Freshwater Wetlands Act as amended in 2022. In addition, the draft regulations provide a revised wetlands classification system and a process for the public to request and appeal jurisdictional determinations. Earlier this year, DEC gathered input through an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, to garner input from the public about these changes.
This informational webinar will cover the need for the regulatory changes, the contents of the draft regulations, how the comments received earlier in the year were incorporated, and the next steps in finalizing the regulations.
**Note: Because of the status of the draft regulations, we are inviting questions in advance only. When you register there will be a mechanism for you to submit your question(s).**