Reference Layers
Layer Name | Description | Information Available | Update Frequency |
DEC Regional Offices | This data layer is active by default when you first access DECinfo Locator. It can be turned off by clicking the corresponding box under the Reference tab in the legend panel to the left of the map. | Link to regional office directory web page | As needed. |
DEC Regional Boundary | This data layer outlines the DEC regional boundaries 1-9. | Displays which DEC administrative boundary | Not applicable. |
Adirondack Park Boundary | Also called the "Blue Line," this boundary encompasses approximately 6 million acres of public and private lands, making it the largest park in the contiguous United States. | No additional information available | As needed. |
Catskill Park Boundary | Also called the "Blue Line," the boundary encompasses approximately 700,000 acres of public and private lands. | No additional information available | As needed. |
Cities | This data layer shows city boundaries. | City's area in square miles and its population, as of the 2010 Census | Census data will be updated as data become available. |
Towns | This data layer shows town boundaries. | Town's area in square miles and its population, as of the 2010 Census | Census data will be updated as data become available. |
Villages | This data layer shows village boundaries. | Village's area in square miles and its population, as of the 2010 Census | Census data will be updated as data become available. |
County Boundary | This data layer is active by default when you first access DECinfo Locator. It can be turned off by clicking the corresponding box under the Reference tab in the legend panel to the left of the map. | County's area in square miles and its population, as of the 2010 Census | Census data will be updated as data become available. |
Tax Parcels | Tax Parcel IDs are assigned to real property by the local tax assessor's office. | Parcel ID number | Annually. Last updated 11/09/2023. |
Environmental Quality Category
Please Note: You may see many icons from the Environmental Quality tab on your map, depending on the number of data layers you have activated. As with any urban area in New York State, there are a great many municipal and industrial facilities permitted by DEC. Through the permitting process, DEC monitors these facilities to help protect the environment and human health.
Permits and Registrations Layers
(Open Permits and Regulations tab in DECinfo Locator)
Layer Name | Description | Information Available | Update Frequency |
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Automatically Designated, and MS4 Additionally Designated Area (Criterion 3) | Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Automatically Designated areas have a population that is at least 50,000 and an overall population density of at least 1,000 people per square mile, based on the 2000 and 2010 censuses. The MS4 Additionally Designated Area (Criterion 3) layer shows the total area in which minimum control measures (MCMs) 4 and 5, which includes construction site stormwater runoff control and post-construction stormwater management, must be implemented. The MS4 General Permit extends the stormwater management requirements for MCM 4 and 5 to the municipal boundaries of each covered entity. | Permit number and links to additional information | Every 5 years. Last updated 11/23/2022. |
Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities (TSDFs) | These facilities have a 6 NYCRR PART 373 permit to receive hazardous waste for treatment, storage, or disposal and are usually referred to as TSDFs. | Facility name, address, and links to more information, online database record(s), and document folder(s), when available. | As needed. Last updated 11/23/2022 |
Air Facility Registrations | Air facility registrations are issued to facilities that have annual emissions totaling less than half of the major source thresholds, do not require permit conditions, and meet the criteria of Subpart 201-4. | Facility name, DEC identification number and link to registration certificate. | Daily. |
Air Title V Permits (ATV) | Title V Permits are issued to facilities that are major sources of air emissions. These facilities are usually considered to be the largest in the state and meet the criteria of Subpart 201-6. | Issued permit and permit review report | Daily. |
Air State Facility Permits (ASF) | State Facility Permits are issued to facilities considered to be mid-sized. They have lower potential emissions, fewer permit requirements than Title V facilities, and they meet the criteria of Subpart 201-5. | Issued permit | Daily. |
Hazardous Waste Reduction Planning Program Generators | Facilities that release hazardous wastes and toxic substances into the environment must reduce, to the maximum extent possible, the volume or quantity and toxicity of waste. Facilities that generate 25 tons or more of certain hazardous wastes per calendar year are subject to the law and must submit a hazardous waste reduction plan update annually. | Facility name, type, EPA ID, and link to more information | Annually. Last updated 5/28/2024. |
Radiation Control Permit Facilities | This layer will show the locations and details of facilities that have Radiation Control Permits which control the release of radioactive material to the environment. | Facility name, location, type, permit information, and link to annual report | Annually. Last updated 4/19/2024. |
Active Landfills | This layer provides information about active landfills permitted by DEC. | Facility owner's name, activity descriptions, permit numbers, and links to annual reports | Annually. Last updated 11/1/2024. |
Transfer Facilities | Transfer facilities receive and consolidate waste before it is transported to another facility for processing, treatment, further transfer, or disposal. The size and design of a transfer facility determines the regulatory requirements in 6 NYCRR 362-3 that must be met. This layer provides information about transfer facilities permitted by DEC. | Facility owner's name, regulatory status, and links to annual reports | Annually. Last updated 12/17/2024. |
Combustion Facilities | Combustion facilities use elevated temperatures in the presence of oxygen to process waste. This layer provides information about combustion facilities permitted by DEC. | Facility name, owner, authorization details, and links to current and past annual reports | Annually. Last updated 2/13/2024. |
Inactive Solid Waste Landfills | This data layer identifies all inactive landfills in New York State with known locations. | Facility name, location, solid waste ID, classification numbers, and link to report | As needed. Last updated 01/24/2023. |
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facilities | Household hazardous waste facilities collect, store, and dispose of household hazardous waste (HHW) from residents and conditionally exempt small quantity generators (CESQGs). HHW frequently includes materials such as automotive fluids (gasoline, antifreeze, etc.), pesticides, fertilizers, paint thinners, cleaning products, and solvents. This layer provides information about HHW facilities permitted by DEC. Some facility authorization dates may be expired, though the facility continues to operate under State Administrative Procedure Act (SAPA) protection. | Facility name, owner, authorization details, and links to current and past annual reports | Annually. Last updated 3/4/2024 |
Recyclables Handling and Recovery Facilities | These facilities collect and separate non-putrescible recyclables from the solid waste stream or process previously separated non-putrescible recyclables. This layer provides information about facilities authorized by DEC. | Facility name, owner, authorization details, and links to current and past annual reports | Annually. Last updated 12/17/2024. |
Vehicle Dismantling Facilities | Vehicle Dismantling Facilities (VDF) take in end-of-life vehicles and recover materials from them for reuse and recycling. These materials include scrap metal, gasoline, oil, brake fluid, tires, mercury switches, and lead-acid batteries. VDFs reduce the need to produce new vehicle components, help reduce the amount of landfill space needed for disposal, and can reduce pollution by properly managing vehicle fluids. This layer provides information about VDFs authorized by DEC. | Facility name, owner, authorization details, and links to current and past annual reports | Annually. Last updated 3/13/2024. |
Scrap Metal Processors | Scrap Metal Processors (SMP) receive, process, store, and recycle metal and metal-containing products (e.g., appliances). Many SMPs are co-located with Vehicle Dismantling Facilities, and some report their annual report data on the VDF form, which includes a section for scrap metal. This layer provides information about SMPs authorized by DEC. | Facility name, owner, authorization details, and links to current and past annual reports | Annually. Last updated 1/25/2024. |
Waste Tire Handling and Recovery Facilities | These facilities store, handle and/or process waste tires. This layer provides information about facilities authorized by DEC. | Facility name, owner, authorization details, and links to current and past annual reports | Annually. Last updated 9/1/2024. |
Wastewater Facilities (SPDES) | New York's State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) program is designed to eliminate the pollution of New York waters and to maintain New York's waters with reasonable purity standards and the highest quality of water possible - consistent with: public health, public enjoyment of the resource, protection and propagation of fish and wildlife, and industrial development in the state. | Permit for individual facilities | Daily. |
Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Outfalls | Combined sewers collect stormwater runoff, domestic sewage and industrial wastewater in the same pipe and bring it to a wastewater treatment facility. They are designed to overflow during heavy rain events, causing excess water to be discharged directly into a waterbody. The public is advised to avoid contact while recreating within waterbodies with a CSO during or following rain or snowmelt. There are about 800 CSO outfalls in New York State. This is a decrease from about 1,300 in 1993, due to CSO abatements completed by the permittees. | Permit number, Outfall number, receiving waterbody, and links to the CSO annual report and additional information about CSOs | Annually. Last updated 11/6/2024. |
Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) | Point source stormwater discharges from certain industrial activities to navigable waters are unlawful unless they are authorized by a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit or by a state permit program. Facilities must be issued an individual New York's State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit, obtain coverage under the Multi-Sector General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity (MSGP), or provide certification to DEC that industrial activities are not exposed to stormwater. This layer contains data for MSGP facilities. | Basic details about facility, a link to a document folder for each facility, and links to more information | Quarterly. Last updated 2/4/2025. |
Petroleum Bulk Storage Facilities | The Petroleum Bulk Storage program applies to properties which have, except for tank systems that are specifically exempted: • One or more tank systems that are designed to store a combined capacity of more than 1,100 gallons or more of petroleum in aboveground and/or underground storage tanks; or • One or more underground tank systems that are designed to store 110 or more gallons of petroleum. Any such facilities must register all tank systems with DEC and must be managed in compliance with applicable regulations for the storage of petroleum. | DEC database record for individual facilities | Daily. |
Major Oil Storage Facilities | The MOSF program applies to facilities that store a total of 400,000 gallons or more of petroleum in aboveground and underground storage tanks. Facilities must be licensed by DEC and managed in compliance with applicable regulations for the storage and handling of petroleum. | DEC database record for individual facility | Daily. |
Chemical Bulk Storage Facilities | The Chemical Bulk Storage program applies to properties that store a hazardous substance in: • An aboveground storage tank larger than 185 gallons; • Any size underground storage tank; or • In a container that can store 1,000 kg or more for a period of 90 consecutive days or more. All regulated tanks at facilities must be registered with DEC and managed in compliance with applicable regulations for the storage and handling of hazardous substances. | DEC database record for individual facility | Daily. |
Permitted and Reclaimed Mines | There are approximately 1,860 permitted mining operations in New York State that mine commodities including sand & gravel, construction aggregate, gem minerals, salt, metal ore and other materials. DEC permitted mines have approved mining and reclamation plans that specify how mining will take place and how the affected land will be returned to a productive use. Since the enactment in 1975 of the Mined Land Reclamation Law, approximately 4,800 mines have received mined land reclamation permits and more than 3,000 mines have been approved as reclaimed by DEC. Most of the reclaimed mines were reclaimed by the permittee/mine operator in accordance with the reclamation plan. Today, sites that were once permitted to mine are used as farms, wetlands, wildlife habitats, residential developments and public recreation areas. Mine locations have generally been scaled from USGS 7 ½-minute topographic maps provided by the applicant. The location may be either the approximate centroid of the mine or the point where the mine access road enters the public road. This data has not been field-verified but is expected to be within 100 meters (326 feet) of the actual mine, except for older reclaimed mines. | Mine database record for individual site | Daily. |
Oil, Gas and other Regulated Wells | DEC regulates the following well types: • All oil, gas and solution salt mining wells regardless of depth; • All wells associated with underground storage of hydrocarbons in caverns or reservoirs; and • Stratigraphic, geothermal and brine disposal wells greater than 500 feet in depth. DEC well location information is derived from many sources, including historic maps and paper records that pre-date the existence of a regulatory framework in New York. As such, many locations should be considered "approximate" and are generally expected to be within 100 meters (326 feet) of the coordinates listed. Well locations that have been verified with GPS are expected to be within 15 meters (50 feet) of the coordinates listed. Plugged wells may not have a visible surface expression. The same may be true for some pre-regulatory wells that were abandoned by the operator. The dataset reflects the status of more than 42,000 wells in the Oil and Gas Wells database as of the previous business day. Wells currently afforded a confidential status in accordance with the ECL are included, but all confidential data is redacted. | DEC database record for individual well | Daily. |
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) | Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) are farms that meet herd size thresholds and that also confine those animals for 45 days or longer during any 12-month period in an area that does not produce vegetation. CAFOs are covered under the CAFO General Permit (PDF). | Facility location, SPDES ID, farm size | Annually. Last updated 11/6/2024. |
Water Withdrawal Annual Report | Facilities that have the capacity to withdraw 100,000 gallons or more of water per day must report water use annually to DEC. Facility locations shown are generally the locations of main facility buildings and may not reflect the actual location of the water withdrawals. Records are complete from 2018 to the time of the latest update, and historical records are added as they are made digitally available. | Facility DEC identification number, name, address, usage category, withdrawal type, and links to water withdrawal reports, water conservation reports (Suffolk and Nassau Counties only), sampling data (as required by permit in Suffolk and Nassau Counties only) and more information | Annually. Last updated 1/14/2025. |
Water Wells | New York State registered water well drillers are required to submit completion reports documenting where wells have been drilled, the specifications of those wells, and any subsequent work performed on those wells. This layer includes water well locations statewide, excluding public water supply wells, drilled from 2017 to present. Completion reports for the wells are added as they become available. Historical wells are added as the wells are mapped. Well locations are generally accurate to the parcel scale but may not represent the exact location on the property. Well locations are collected from water well completion reports submitted to DEC and are not always verified. | Well number, owner, well type, depth, pump capacity, Completion Report | Annually. Last updated 5/3/2024 |
Dams | The functions of the DEC Dam Safety Section include: safety inspection of dams; technical review of proposed dam construction or modification; monitoring of remedial work for compliance with dam safety criteria; and emergency preparedness. This layer represents data associated with Dams located in NYS from DEC's regulatory program data. | NY Dam Inventory data | Annually. Last updated 1/30/2025 |
Projects of Interest | This data layer provides locations and details about select permit applications that have received a lot of public attention. | Variable, depending on the project | As needed. Last updated 1/3/2022. |
Environmental Cleanup Layers
(Open Environmental Cleanup Layers tab in DECinfo Locator)
Layer Name | Description | Information Available | Update Frequency |
Environmental Easements | Environmental Easements are required for remedial projects which rely upon one or more institutional and/or engineering controls. NYSDEC must be notified of any change of use of the property, and the change of use must be evaluated to ensure that the administrative and engineering controls remain functionally in place. | Location | Quarterly. |
Remediation Parcels | Boundary of a cleanup site. | Boundary and DEC database record for individual cleanup site | Daily. |
Remediation Sites Active | These are sites of environmental cleanup and safe brownfield redevelopment. DEC's remediation and enforcement programs ensure the timely and efficient cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated properties. The status of these sites is reflected in their Site Classification. | DEC database record for individual cleanup site and documents when available | Daily. |
Remediation Sites Closed | Remediation sites where all cleanup activity has been completed are identified as Closed Sites. | DEC database record for individual cleanup site and documents when available | Daily. |
Remediation Sites No-Action | Locations that were identified as potential sites, but which did not represent a significant threat to human health or the environment are identified as No-Action Sites. | DEC database record | Daily. |
Sediment Caps | These are areas where contaminated sediment is isolated from the environment by an engineered cap. If any dredging or other work is planned in the vicinity of one of these caps, NYSDEC should be contacted (email [email protected] , or call 518-402-9764) to ensure the work is done safely and the cap is protected or, if necessary, repaired after work is completed. | Location | Annually. Last updated 1/3/2025 |
Environmental Monitoring Layers
(Open Environmental Monitoring Layers tab in DECinfo Locator)
Layer Name | Description | Information Available | Update Frequency |
Waterbody Inventory/Priorities Waterbody List (Shorelines, Rivers and Streams, Lakes and Reservoirs) | The Waterbody Inventory/Priority Waterbodies List (WI/PWL) compiles waterbody assessment information for all lakes, rivers, streams, estuaries and coastlines in the state. The WI/PWL Fact Sheets outline the most recent assessment of best uses, identification of water quality problems and sources, and a summary of activities to restore and protect each waterbody. | Fact Sheet | As needed, but at least once every two years. Last updated 1/15/2025. |
Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 10 | A reference layer from the US Geologic Survey to delineate watersheds. | Boundary | As needed. |
Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 12 | A reference layer from the US Geologic Survey to delineate watersheds. | Boundary | As needed. |
Clean Water Plans | Clean water plans outline a watershed-based strategy to improve or protect water quality. Plans document pollution sources, set pollutant reduction goals, and identify strategies that communities may use to improve water quality. | Specific pollution concerns and thresholds (Total Maximum Daily Loads) | As needed. |
Air Quality Monitoring Sites | Air quality monitoring sites measure for criteria air pollutants and other public health-related contaminants. An Air Quality Index meter shows general air quality. Not all sites provide the same data. | Site-specific air quality data | Measurements taken continuously. |
Community Air Quality Report | This layer provides access to reports generated through DEC's Community Air Screen (CAS) program, through which DEC provides air sampling equipment and training to interested citizens and then analyzes collected air samples to provide an explanation of the results. | Site-specific air quality data | As needed. Last updated 1/30/2025. |
Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program (CSLAP) Annual Reports | The Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program (CSLAP) is a volunteer lake monitoring and education program that is managed cooperatively by DEC and New York State Federation of Lake Associations (NYSFOLA). | Annual reports | Annually. Last updated 05/15/2024. |
Aquatic Biological Monitoring Reports | DEC's Stream Biomonitoring Unit has conducted biological monitoring (or biomonitoring) since 1972 to assess the water quality of the State's rivers and streams. Biological monitoring provides information on the health of an ecosystem based on which organisms live in a waterbody. The types and numbers of organisms collected from polluted water differ from those collected in clean water, helping DEC determine "how clean" (level of water quality) the water is and to detect water quality changes over time. | Fact Sheet | Annually. Last updated 5/24/2024. |
Aquatic Toxicity Monitoring | As part of the Rotating Integrated Basin Studies (RIBS) program, the Division of Water’s (DOW) Toxicity Testing Unit (TTU) historically used various bioassays to look for toxicity in surface waters and aquatic sediments. Tests on ambient surface waters were conducted using the "water flea" Ceriodaphnia dubia (a crustacean), where impacts to survival and reproduction were monitored to identify potential toxic effects. This analysis was initiated in the early 1980’s and was discontinued in 2022, but data is still available for the period 2004-2022. Similarly, collected sediments were also analyzed using Microtox®. This toxicity testing system uses the bioluminescent bacterium Vibrio fischeri to screen bottom sediments and porewaters. A reduction in bioluminescence is interpreted as a toxic effect. This analysis was initiated in the early 1990’s and was discontinued in 2023, but data is still available for the period 2004-2023. | Toxicity data | Last updated 4/28/2023. (No further updates planned) |
Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) | Some species of algae can produce toxins that can be harmful to people and animals; these are call harmful algal blooms. These reported locations show currently active blooms (black halo) and archived blooms (were present earlier this season). *This layer is active from late May through October. See the notifications page and archive page for additional information. | Waterbody name and photos | Daily. |
Public Involvement Layers
(Open Public Involvement Layers tab in DECinfo Locator)
Layer Name | Description | Information Available | Update Frequency |
Potential Environmental Justice Area | Environmental Justice concerns are included DEC's environmental permit review process and application of the State Environmental Quality Review Act. | Boundary and statistics | As new areas are proposed. Last updated 6/15/2021. |
Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) | These areas have been designated by the Climate Justice Working Group as disadvantaged communities, as defined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. | Boundary an census tract ID | As areas are updated. Last updated 3/28/2023. |
Environmental Justice (OEJ) Grants | DEC offers competitive grants to support and empower communities as they develop and implement solutions that significantly address environmental issues, harms, and health hazards, build community consensus, set priorities, and improve public outreach and education. | Details of corresponding grant award. Final reports are available once award contracts are reviewed and accepted. | As grants are announced. Last updated 9/30/2022. |
Environmental Excellence Award Winners | Awards are given annually in recognition of outstanding, innovative and sustainable projects or programs and unique partnerships that are contributing to a healthier environment and economy and serving as models of excellence. | Case studies and/or press release, when available, and basic information about the award | As awards are announced. Last updated 2/25/2021. |
Climate Smart Communities | Registered communities that made a commitment to act by passing the CSC pledge. Certified communities have gone beyond the CSC pledge by completing and documenting actions that mitigate and adapt to climate change at the local level. | Boundary and link to more information | Quarterly. Last updated 12/13/2023. |
Climate Smart Communities Grants | The Climate Smart Communities grant program was established in 2016 to provide 50/50 matching grants to cities, towns, villages, counties and boroughs for eligible climate adaptation and mitigation projects. Benefits include leadership recognition, free technical assistance, and access to grants | General information about the grant award | Annually. Last updated 12/9/2024. |
Zero Emissions Vehicle Rebates | The Municipal ZEV Clean Vehicle (CV) Rebate Program provides rebates to cities, towns, villages and counties (including New York City boroughs) to purchase or lease (for at least 36 months) new clean vehicles for fleet use. | General information about the rebate award | Annually. Last updated 12/9/2024. |
Zero-emission Vehicle Infrastructure Grants | This layer shows the names and locations of communities that have been awarded competitive Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Infrastructure Grants. The grant funds were provided for the purchase and installation of electric vehicle charging stations for plug-in hybrids and all-battery electric vehicles. Each charging stations, mostly Level II stations, has two charge ports and is easily accessible and available to the public. | General information about the rebate award | Annually. Last updated 2/10/2025. |
Environmentally Sensitive Areas Layers
(Open Environmentally Sensitive Areas Layers tab in DECinfo Locator)
Layer Name | Description | Information Available | Update Frequency |
Critical Environmental Areas (CEA) | To be designated a CEA, an area must have exceptional or unique characteristics with respect to human health, agriculture, culture, history, archaeology, recreation, education, or it must have inherent ecological, geological or hydrological sensitivity to change. Local agencies may designate specific geographic areas within their boundaries as CEAs. State agencies may also designate geographic areas they own, manage or regulate. Following designation, the potential impact of any Type I or Unlisted Action on the environmental characteristics of the CEA must be evaluated during the SEQR process. | Boundary | As needed. Last updated 1/16/2024. |
Regulatory Tidal Wetlands | Tidal wetlands in New York State are found on the Hudson River from the Troy Dam south to the southern tip of Staten Island, and along the entire shoreline of Long Island, including the shorelines of Gardiners Island, Shelter Island and Fishers Island. | Tidal wetland trend report | As needed. Last updated 7/24/2019. |
Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas | Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas (CEHA) for New York State are areas prone to coastal erosion and have been identified and mapped. This includes the shorelines of Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, the Hudson River, Long Island, and the Atlantic Ocean. | Map image, Regulatory guidelines | As needed. Last update 5/8/2024 |
Legal Information Layers
(Open Legal Informations Layers tab in DECinfo Locator)
Layer Name | Description | Information Available | Update Frequency |
Permit and Enforcement Hearings | This layer provides information concerning cases on the Office of Hearings docket including case status and outcomes. Links to the Office of Hearings public docket and, in some cases, Decisions and Orders by the Commissioner, as well as Administrative Law Judge hearing reports, are provided. Cases referred from 2017 to the present are included. | Case overview and Decision | Daily. |
Orders on Consent | Orders on Consent result from DEC enforcement of state environmental laws and regulations. For more about Orders, see OGC 11: Order on Consent Enforcement Policy. Generally, icons for Orders are placed where the violations occurred. Otherwise, the icons are placed at the Respondent's address. The Orders on Consent layer of DECinfo Locator includes, so far, only Orders with effective dates in 2019-2021. The layer does not include Orders addressing violations where both the Respondent is located out-of-state and none of the violations relates to a specific location within New York | Consent Order | Last updated 7/17/2024. |
Outdoor Activity Tab
Land-related Activities Layers
(Open Land-related Activities Layers tab in DECinfo Locator)
Layer Name | Description | Information Available | Update Frequency |
DEC Lands | This data layer consists of shaded polygons representing individual tracts of land that fall under management of the DEC. (State Parks, which fall under the management of the state Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, are not included in this layer). State Land recreationalists are responsible for knowing the appropriate rules and regulations before entering these lands. Information is available from local DEC offices. | Unit management plan (management objectives for the tract over a prescribed period of time) and link to that tract's web page | Monthly. |
Conservation Easements | Conservation Easements are voluntary, legal agreements negotiated by the state with private property owners for the purpose of protecting water quality, wildlife habitat, sensitive ecosystems, wetlands, riparian areas, or scenic areas. Each Conservation Easement is different and allows for different uses. Conservation Easement land recreationalists are responsible for knowing the appropriate rules and regulations before entering these lands. Information is available from local DEC offices. | Conservation Easement's management plan and a link to that easement's web page | Annually. Last updated 6/26/2024. |
Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) | There are more than 130 WMAs comprising more than 225,000 acres statewide. The WMA system protects and manages wildlife/habitats and provides opportunities for wildlife-related recreation, such as hunting, trapping, and viewing. Each WMA has allowed uses and hunting regulations; please use the "More Information" links for individual WMAs to access these details. | Link to WMA's web page and Habitat Conservation Plans when available | As needed. Last updated 11/20/2024. |
Hunting on DEC-Managed Lands | This layer will let you see where hunting is allowed and will provide links to more details about the area represented. It is the responsibility of hunters to make sure they are in compliance with state hunting regulations for individual parcels. Includes the WMU layer on be default. | Hunting location/Property name, link to property web page, links to general hunting regulations, hunting season map, and report your harvest link | Annually. Last updated 11/20/2024. |
Wildlife Management Units (WMU) | Wildlife Management Units (WMUs) are the geographical boundary units DEC uses to set hunting and trapping seasons in New York State. Legal descriptions of each unit boundary are available. | WMU code and square acres covered by that unit | As needed. |
Fire tower | This layer will let you locate these historic structures. Add parking and trails data to your map to plan a trip. For more information, visit our Fire towers page. | Name of the fire tower and state land where it is located | Monthly. |
| Find the locations of DEC-managed lean-tos on state lands. These structures are available on a first-come, first-served basis but must be shared with other campers up to capacity, which is typically eight people. For more information about camping on state lands, visit our State Land Camping Rules page. | Name of the lean-to and state land where it is located | Monthly. |
| These parking areas are managed by DEC and are open to the public. | Name of the parking area and state land where it is located | Monthly. |
Picnic Area
| Many state lands offer designated picnic areas for public use. | Name of the picnic area and state land where it is located | Monthly. |
Primitive Campsite
| Designated primitive tent sites usually have fire rings and nearby pit privies, but have no running water or electricity, and campers must carry in all food and gear needed for their stay. These sites are typically located in flatter areas with deeper, harder soils that are more resistant to heavy use and erosion, minimizing the impacts of camping. They are available on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, visit our Primitive Camping page. | Name and number of the campsite and state land where it is located | Monthly. |
Scenic Vista
| These locations offer expansive views from DEC lands. | Name of the scenic vista and state land where it is located | Monthly. |
Viewing Area
| These locations offer the best opportunities to view wildlife. | Name of the viewing area and state land where it is located | Monthly. |
Visitor Center
| DEC-managed visitor centers offer a range of amenities, along with educational exhibits and opportunities. • Rogers Environmental Education Center - Located in Sherburne, NY • Reinstein Woods Environmental Education Center - Located in Depew, NY • Stony Kill Environmental Education Center - Located near Wappingers Falls, NY • Catskill Interpretive Center -- Located near Beechford, NY • Five Rivers Education Center, located near Delmar, NY | Name of the Visitor Center and DEC facility in which it is located | Monthly. |
Campgrounds Layer
(Open Campgrounds Layer tab in DECinfo Locator)
Layer Name | Description | Information Available | Update Frequency |
Campgrounds (Roads and trails, campsites, and amenities) | DEC operates 52 campgrounds in the Adirondack and Catskill parks that provide a variety of experiences, including island camping, tent and trailer camping, boat launches, hiking trails, beaches and day use areas with picnic tables and grills. Note that some campground boundaries might not represent the full extent of a campground's border, in cases where survey data has not been updated. | Photos of individual campsites and amenities(when available) and a link to campground web page | As needed. Last updated 7/20/2020. |
Trails Layer
(Open Trails Layer tab in DECinfo Locator)
Layer Name | Description | Information Available | Update Frequency |
DEC Trails | While many trails on DEC-managed lands are suitable for varied uses, depending on the season and terrain, there are restrictions based on unit management plans for each tract type (Wildlife Management Area, Conservation Easement, Wild Forest, etc.). | Name of trail and state land | Monthly. |
Water-related Activities Layers
(Open Water-related Activities Layers tab in DECinfo Locator)
Layer Name | Description | Information Available | Update Frequency |
Trout Streams | Trout stream reaches are displayed on the map, color-coded by management category. A reach is a defined segment of stream. The categories are based on how the reaches are managed and can help anglers find the trout stream fishing experience they desire. Please see the Trout Stream Map User Guide for additional information. | Provides stream name, reach description, management category, trout fishing regulations, trout stocking information (where applicable) and applicable notices for categorized trout stream reaches | Annually. Last updated 3/15/2024. |
Trout Stream Fishing Access: Stream Access Parking Areas | Mapped access areas are included to aid anglers in finding fishing access on NY Trout Streams and are exaggerated to make them more visible on the map. Please see the Trout Stream Map User Guide for additional information. | Provides stream name, access type, and applicable notices. | As needed. Last updated 3/15/2024. |
Fishing Pier/Platform | These locations have fishing piers or platforms available. Locations that are accessible are denoted by icons that have blue outlines. For more information, visit our Places to Fish page. | Name of the fishing location and state land where it is located | As needed. |
Shellfish Harvest Zones | Clams, oysters, mussels and scallops may be taken only from areas designated by DEC as certified (or open) for the harvest of clams, oysters, mussels and scallops. No permit is required for recreational shellfish harvesting from state lands. Freshwater shellfish may only be taken or harvested with a license to collect or possess. Some local towns have additional restrictions on catch limits, size limits, season, type of gear and may require residency and additional permits. Please contact towns for more information. | Link to harvest zone specifics | As needed. Last updated 7/24/2019. |
Shellfish Closures (Including Temporary Shellfish Closures) | New York State has a variety of shellfish available for harvest: hard clams or quahogs, blue mussels, razor clams, soft clams, oysters and bay scallops. Commercial and recreational shellfishing is subject to rules regarding harvest zones, catch limits and zone closures, both temporary and permanent, related to the quality of the water in those areas. | Link to site-specific closure details | Daily. |
Marine Access Sites | DEC operates several waterway access sites on Long Island that offer opportunities for a variety of activities. Locations that are accessible are denoted by icons that have blue outlines. | Link to web page about waterway access site | As needed. Last update 7/24/2019. |
Boat Launches | Hand launch and trailer launch sites administered by the DEC and other entities. Locations that are accessible are denoted by icons that have blue outlines. | Basic information about the launch site and link to the appropriate county boat launch web page | As needed. Last updated 2/4/2020. |