Recreation Management Plans
Public recreational opportunities on conservation easement lands are managed either through an Interim Recreation Management Plan (IRMP) or a Recreation Management Plan (RMP) prepared by department staff. IRMPs and RMPs are prepared in compliance with the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), a Full Environmental Assessment Form is completed during the development of these plans.
Interim Recreation Management Plans (IRMPs) are initial and temporary recreation plans prepared to comply with commitments and requirements for public recreation planning immediately after the State purchases the conservation easement and prior to development of an RMP. The IRMP only implements public recreation activities historically conducted on the property by the private landowner. Any introduction of new forms of recreation or development is kept to a minimum.
Recreation Management Plans (RMPs) present a long-term plan for public recreation activities and access on the eased property. The RMP planning process invites broad public input and explores the full range of recreation rights purchased by the State. Provided in the RMP will be a description of the property and past and present uses; relevant public recreation opportunities and limitations; how public access and recreation will be implemented and managed; who will have responsibility for various management tasks; identification of public recreation facilities that may already exist on the property; new public recreation facilities and improvements proposed to be constructed and maintained; and how public access is anticipated to interact with other uses of the property such as active forest management and private leasing programs. Recreation planning and RMP development considers the relationship between proposed public recreation and adjacent parcels such as Forest Preserve and State Forest lands.
Properties encumbered by conservation easements are private property and, as such, State administered public recreation activities on such land in the Adirondack Park is reviewed by the Adirondack Park Agency (APA) for consistency with the Adirondack Park Private Land Use and Development Plan; the Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers System Act; and the Freshwater Wetlands Act. The department and the APA have agreed to exercise their respective authority and responsibility through the cooperative arrangements created by the "Memorandum of Understanding Between the APA and the DEC Concerning State-Owned Conservation Easements on Private Lands within the Adirondack Park".
Department staff have developed Interim Recreation Management Plans or Recreation Management Plans for conservation easement tracts that offer public recreational opportunities, these IRMPs and RMPs are listed below. However, in some instances the IRMP or RMP may be part of a state land Unit Management Plan (UMP), these recreation plans can be accessed by visiting the Unit Management Plans webpage.
Development and Review Process
Interim Recreation Management Plans (PDF)
Recreation Management Plans (PDF)
APA DEC MOU Concerning State-Owned Conservation Easements in the Adirondack Park (PDF)
Recreation Plans
Region 5
Cedarlands Conservation Easement - RMP
Corinth and Edinburg Conservation Easement - RMP
Hyslop Tract - RMP
Kushaqua Tract - RMP
Lyme Adirondack Timberlands - IRMPs (Region 5)
Sable Highlands Conservation Easement - IRMP
Sacandaga Block - RMP
Santa Clara - IRMP
Speculator Tree Farm and Perkins Clearing - IRMP
Upper Hudson Woodlands - Fishing, Boating and Hunting Access RMP
Upper Hudson Woodlands - IRMPs
Region 6
Beers Lot and Pine Hill Conservation Easement Tracts (Western Lassiter) - Draft RMP
Big Moose Conservation Easement - RMP
Conifer-Emporium Conservation Easement - Draft RMP
Cranberry Forest Conservation Easement - IRMP
Croghan Tract - RMP
East Branch of Fish Creek - RMP
Flatrock Mountain Conservation Easement - RMP
Grass River Conservation Easement - RMP
Kildare and Five Mile Conservation Easement Tracts - RMP and IRMP
Long Pond Conservation Easement - RMP
Lyme Adirondack Timberlands - IRMPs (Region 6)
Oswegatchie Conservation Easement - RMP
South Colton Conservation Easement - Draft RMP
Three Lakes Conservation Easement - RMP
Tooley Pond Tract - RMP