Final Report
The High Peaks Strategic Planning Advisory Group (HPAG) has submitted its final report on promoting sustainable recreation (PDF) in the Adirondack Park to New York State DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos. In 2019 the HPAG, made up of stakeholders with expertise in local government, recreation, natural resource protection, business, and tourism, was tasked with providing DEC with recommendations on how to address critical issues associated with increased public use of High Peaks resources in order to protect these areas in the short and long term, as well as for future generations.
For any inquiries regarding the final report, please contact us at [email protected].
In November 2019, DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos announced the formation of HPAG. The advisory group will collaboratively provide advice to DEC on how to balance critical issues associated with increased public use in the High Peaks Region in order to protect the area's natural resources for future generations.
The Advisory Group is charged to make recommendations for strategies, actions, and tactics by the end of June 2020 to:
- Ensure public safety within the communities, along roadways, at trailheads, and in interior areas where recreation is occurring;
- Protect natural resources and recreation infrastructure;
- Provide a quality recreation experience;
- Support local economic vitality; and
- Make science/factual driven decisions with the use of best available data.
The Advisory Group is comprised of stakeholders with expertise in local government, recreation, natural resource protection, business, tourism, and other priority areas. Commissioner Seggos named this group to achieve the goals for the initiative and
- Incorporate, expand, and/or modify recommendations made to date;
- Identify priorities;
- Determine whether additional data is needed to inform the group; and
- Identify actions for implementation.
Public Participation
In their first meeting, Advisory Group members agreed that public input and transparency were critical to the successful development of a strategic framework.
Interim Report
The High Peaks Strategic Planning Advisory Group's (HPAG) determined early in their process that it was necessary to develop recommendations for immediate actions for DEC and its State and local partners to undertake during summer 2020. This became of greater importance with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The High Peaks Strategic Planning Advisory Group's Immediate Action Recommendations Report (PDF) included actions that DEC and its State and local partners could undertake, pending available funding and continued partnership, to promote sustainable use of the Adirondacks High Peaks and protect this resource.
Commissioner Basil Seggos' response to HPAGs interim report (PDF).