Nursery Stock Availability For 2024
On this page
DEC strongly urges customers to order by phone so that operators can provide the most up-to-date availability information; several species are already sold out. Refer to the Spring Seedling Sale webpage for ordering instructions and more information about the annual sale.
Bareroot Stock
Available in spring ONLY.
Species | Minimum Height | Cost per unit | Availability |
Jack pine | 5" | 25/$25, 100/$75, 250/$120 | Available |
Red pine | 5" | 25/$25, 100/$75, 250/$120 | SOLD OUT |
White pine | 5" | 25/$25, 100/$75 | SOLD OUT |
Norway spruce | 5" | 25/$25, 100/$75, 250/$120 | SOLD OUT |
White spruce | 5" | 25/$25, 100/$75, 250/$120 | SOLD OUT |
Atlantic white cedar | 5" | 25/$25 only* | SOLD OUT |
Eastern red cedar | 5" | 25/$25 only* | SOLD OUT |
Species | Height | Cost per unit | Availability |
American hazelnut | 5"-14" | 25/$30, 100/$80 | SOLD OUT |
American hornbeam | 5"-14" | 25/$30, 100/$80 | SOLD OUT |
Black walnut | 5"-14" | 25/$30, 100/$80 | Available |
Bitternut hickory | 5"-14" | 25/$30 only* | SOLD OUT |
Hybrid poplar | 5"-14" | 25/$30, 100/$80 | SOLD OUT |
Silver maple | 5"-14" | 25/$30, 100/$80 | Available |
Red maple | 5"-14" | 25/$30 only* | SOLD OUT |
Sycamore | 5"-14" | 25/$30 only* | SOLD OUT |
Red oak | 5"-14" | 25/$30, 100/$80 | Available |
Bear oak | 5"-14" | 25/$30, 100/$80 | Available |
Black oak | 5"-14" | 25/$30, 100/$80 | Available |
Black cherry | 5"-14" | 25/$30 only* | SOLD OUT |
River birch | 5"-14" | 25/$30, 100/$80 | SOLD OUT |
American sweetgum | 5"-14" | 25/$30, 100/$80 | SOLD OUT |
"Copper" chinquapin | 5"-14" | 25/$30 only* | SOLD OUT |
Species | Height | Cost per unit | Availability |
Beach plum | 5" | 25/$25 only* | SOLD OUT |
American Plum | 5" | 25/$25 only* | SOLD OUT |
American highbush cranberry | 5" | 25/$25 only* | Available |
Northern bayberry | 5" | 25/$25, 100/$75 | SOLD OUT |
Bristly locust | 5" | 25/$25, 100/$75 | Available |
Ninebark | 5" | 25/$25, 100/$75 | SOLD OUT |
Black chokeberry | 5" | 25/$25, 100/$75 | SOLD OUT |
Red osier dogwood | 5" | 25/$25, 100/$75 | SOLD OUT |
Silky dogwood | 5" | 25/$25, 100/$75 | Available |
Prairie willow | 5" | 25/$25, 100/$75 | SOLD OUT |
Pussy willow | 5" | 25/$25, 100/$75 | SOLD OUT |
Sandbar willow | 5" | 25/$25, 100/$75 | SOLD OUT |
Streamco willow | 5" | 25/$25, 100/$75 | Available |
Northern white cedar | 5" | 25/$25 only* | SOLD OUT |
Virginia rose | 5" | 25/$25, 100/$75 | Available |
Wetland rose | 5" | 25/$25, 100/$75 | Available |
Sand cherry | 5" | 25/$25, 100/$75 | SOLD OUT |
Winged sumac | 5" | 25/$25, 100/$75 | SOLD OUT |
Witch hazel | 5" | 25/$25, 100/$75 | SOLD OUT |
Wild grape | 5" | 25/$25, 100/$75 | Available |
*2-unit limit for varieties only available in units of 25*
Containerized Stock (Plugs)
Please order containerized stock by phone only.
Species | Minimum Height | Cost per unit | Availability |
Blue spruce | 6" | 50/$55 | SOLD OUT |
Adirondack Packet #5 — 40 plants Contains 10 each: balsam fir, red, spruce, tamarack, red maple | 6" | $55 | SOLD OUT |
Mixed Species Packets
The nursery reserves the right to make species substitutions of their choice when necessary.
Packet Name | # species each/ Total # of plants | List of Species | Cost | Availability |
Pollinator Packet #1 | 25 each/100 plants | Virginia rose, ninebark, highbush cranberry, silky dogwood | $80 | Available |
Wildlife Habitat Packet #2 | 10 each/30 plants | Silky dogwood, black chokeberry, highbush cranberry | $35 | Available |
Long Island Packet #3A | 10 each/30 plants | Northern bayberry, Virginia rose, bear oak | $35 | Available |
Riparian Packet #4 | 25 each/100 plants | Winterberry, hybrid poplar, red oak, Streamco willow | $80 | Available |
Ruffed Grouse Packet #6 | 10 each/60 plants | American hazelnut, red osier dogwood, pussy willow, white spruce, witch hazel, winged sumac | $80 | Available |
Contact for this Page
Saratoga Tree Nursery
2369 Route 50 S
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Phone: 518-581-1439
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New York State