The Eighteenmile Creek Area of Concern (AOC) is in western New York State along the southern shore of Lake Ontario in Niagara County. The Eighteenmile Creek AOC encompasses the lower portion of Eighteenmile Creek, from the base of Burt Dam to Olcott Harbor at the outlet to Lake Ontario.
The Eighteenmile Creek AOC was designated as an AOC under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement in 1987 because of poor water quality and sediment contamination by former industrial and municipal discharges, waste disposal and pesticide usage.
Ongoing investigations and sediment remediation actions under the federal Superfund program continue upstream where the source areas are believed to be primary contributors of contaminants to the AOC, resulting in BUIs. Under the AOC program, monitoring and assessment of water quality and ecological conditions will continue as the remediation efforts advance. While some BUIs may be removed before sediment remediation is complete, others will remain until after remediation when subsequent assessments can be conducted to assess whether BUI removal targets have been achieved.

Remedial Action Plan Documents
Eighteenmile Creek Stage I/II Remedial Action Plan 1997
Eighteenmile Creek Remedial Action Plan Stage II - Update
Beneficial Use Impairments (BUIs) and Removal Reports
Restrictions on Fish and Wildlife Consumption
Degradation of Fish and Wildlife Populations
Bird/Animal Deformities or Reproduction Problems
Degradation of Benthos
Restrictions on Dredging Activities – Removed 2020