
Download the Fall 2023 issue (PDF)
Download the Fall 2023 issue in Spanish (PDF)
In this issue, students will learn about black bears, including the basics of their life history. Students will also learn how to be BearWise® and learn about some of the ways that the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) studies and manages them.

Download the Spring 2023 issue (PDF)
Download the Spring 2023 issue in Spanish (PDF)
In this issue, students will learn about mammals. They will get an introduction to what mammals are, learn about some of the different types of mammals found in New York State, and also learn about some of the mammals that were once found in New York State, but are now extinct. Finally, students will learn about some of the mammal research happening at DEC, and how to take part in citizen science efforts.

Download the Winter 2023 issue (PDF, 11.6 MB)
Download the Winter 2023 issue in Spanish (PDF)
In this issue, students will get an overview of geology, including rocks and minerals, earth processes, and how scientists at the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) use geology in their everyday work.