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The action involves a zoning map amendment to change an R6A district to an R8A district and an R8A with a C2-4 commercial overlay; a zoning text amendment to establish a Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH) area; and a special permit for a reduction in required parking spaces to facilitate the proposed development (together, Proposed Actions). The sites within the "Affected Area" are located on Block 1192 and include parts of (p/o) Lots 63 and 66, the Development Site, as well as p/o Lots 1, 46, 77 and 85. The Proposed Actions would facilitate the Proposed Project, the construction of a 14-story, approximately 145 foot tall (excluding mechanical bulkhead), 471,495 gross square foot mixed-use residential and commercial development. The development would include 419,346 gross square foot of residential space with 475 dwelling units (DUs), including 119 permanently affordable DUs pursuant to Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH), Zoning Resolution (ZR) Appendix F. The building would also include 8,128 gross square foot for local retail use and approximately 44,021 gross square foot for parking, loading and mechanical space. The project is located at 972-962 Franklin Avenue in Brooklyn, New York .
Contact: Stephanie Shellooe, New York City Planning Commission, 120 Broadway, 31st Floor, New York, NY 10271, Phone: (212) 720-3328, E-mail: [email protected].