Franklin County - Multi-Use Recreational Trail System
Positive Declaration and Availability of Draft Scope
Franklin County - The Franklin County Legislature , as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Multi-Use Recreational Trail System may have a significant adverse impact on the environment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement must be prepared. The Draft Scope is available from the contact below; at the following address 443 Electronics Parkway Liverpool, NY 13088, and online at:….
The action involves a proposal by Franklin County to establish and continually develop a County-wide system of trails and roads for recreational use by off road vehicle (ORV), foot, bicycle, horseback, dog sled, ski, and other outdoor activities. The Project consists of the development of a multi-use recreational trail system to be administered by the County in cooperation with the Towns and Villages contained therein. The trail system will be located on various County-owned lands, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) owned lands, Adirondack Park Agency (APA) owned land, privately owned parcels and County, town, and New York State Department of Transportation (NYS DOT) roadways within Franklin County. The Project consists of the development of approximately 500 miles of a unified trail system in Franklin County for use by both motorized and non-motorized users. Franklin County expects such development to make the County a destination location for outdoor enthusiasts, while providing a structured recreational trail system for both County residents and non-residents. Additionally, by placing the trail system under the County’s authority and supervision, potential environmental impacts and public safety issues can be managed by utilizing the combined resources of the County and local municipalities. The goal of the Project is to provide a safe, environmentally responsible multi-use recreational trail system that provides a network of diverse experiences in as many different areas of the County as possible. The Action will include the adoption of a Trail Master Plan. Franklin County will secure all easements for trail use on lands they do not own. Local Laws will be passed to allow for ORV use within local rights-of-way, as needed. The trail network will result in economic benefits by linking notable destinations through trail linkages across the county. Additionally, the proposed trail network will connect to multi-use trail networks in St. Lawrence and Clinton Counties, creating a regional trail network. . The project is located throughout Franklin County, New York.
Ryan Luppino
Barton and Loguidice DPC
443 Electronics Parkway
Liverpool, NY 13088