The Department's subject matter list briefly describes the various types of records maintained by DEC. This list serves as a reference for members of the public wishing to submit a records request under the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL). Requesters can often, after consulting the subject matter list, limit their request to the specific records that meet their informational needs. Department staff are often able to respond to such specific requests more quickly and efficiently than to more general requests.
For ease of review, the Department's subject matter list is organized by program area. This list was last updated on 02/21/2024.
Title | Description |
Adjudicatory Hearings | Decisions, orders, rulings, reports, affidavits, mailing lists, etc. related to the hearings |
Disaster Response and Recovery Records | Agency records documenting responses to a major disaster, including such records as photographs, press clippings, property damage reports, records of emergency response, summary reports of personal injuries, records relating to demolition and new construction, and correspondence. (WTC) |
Rulemaking--SAPA Article 2 Rulemaking Package | Records that are part of the rulemaking package required under Article 2 of the State Administrative Procedures Act |
Rulemaking--Supporting Documents | Records that are supporting documents related to rulemaking, but not part of the rulemaking package required under Article 2 of the State Administrative Procedures Act |
Division of Air Resources
Title | Description |
Acid Deposition Monitoring | Records relative to samples of Adirondack lakes conducted by the Adirondack Lakes Survey Corporation (ALSC) |
Air Permits, Registrations, and Facility / Emission Point Data | Applications for permits to construct, certificates to operate, Title V permits, State Facility permits and registrations. Drawings, plot plans, flow diagrams, emission calculations, and other supporting information for permit-related activities. Facility files also contain items related to compliance with air pollution regulations. Files also include copies of correspondence, test data, and monitoring plans relative to specific facilities. Primary facility files are kept in regional offices. |
Air Quality Planning Subject Files | General correspondence and reports, legislative bills, correspondence regarding emissions from mobile sources and modeled future year air quality and control strategies, and associated files pertaining to the day-to-day functions of the Bureau of Air Quality Planning--which is a sub-unit of the Division of Air Resources. |
Air Toxics Correspondence and Subject File | General correspondence to public and regions which includes written guidance on toxicity and control of specific chemicals. |
Air Toxics Project Files | Project files, including correspondence, test data, plans relative to specific facilities which are sources of air contamination. |
Annual Fee Billing Files | Operating Permit Program (OPP) and regulatory fee policies, billing, uncollectible fee bill per the Attorney General's Office, and undeliverable fee bills and address corrections. |
Atmospheric Science Files | Material related to research and development applications in Atmospheric Science. |
Capital Projects | Budget request and Five Year Capital plan. Also includes Mobile Source Capital and Operating Program fund. |
Contracts | Contracts approved by the Department of Law and Office of the State Comptroller. |
Data Analysis | Reports, test data, other technical documents and correspondence generated by car inspection stations showing the results of enhanced inspections completed of vehicle exhaust systems. |
Emission Statement Files | Emission statements, correspondence, phone records, mailing lists and notices of violation (NOVs) pertaining to emission-producing facility annual reporting requirements that are stipulated by 6 NYCRR Part 202-2 "Emission Statements." All emission statement data submitted to the Division of Air Resources are compiled into an inventory, which is then filed with the EPA. Inventory data is also used in the development of the State Implementation Plan (SIP). |
Enforcement | Inspection Reports, Notices of Compliance Determinations (NOCDs), Notices of Violation (NOVs), Consent Orders (COs) & related correspondence. |
EPA Work Plans (Annual) | Plans required by EPA to justify receipt of Federal Section 105 and other grant moneys. Files provide backup data as well. |
Facility/Emission Point Data | Applications for permits to construct and/or certificates to operate. Drawings, plot plans, flow diagrams, emission calculations & other supporting information. Facility files contain items related to compliance with air pollution regulations. |
Facility Planning / Maintenance | Records related to Air Resources' occupied buildings / labs: move to 625 Broadway; Hemlock Street Automotive Emissions Lab; SUNY East Campus Air Quality Labs; Alternative Fuel Vehicle Research Lab. |
Federal Grants | NYSDEC original copies of executed cooperative agreements covering federal grant projects, financial status reports, work papers and related docs. |
Impact Analysis Source Files | Documents relating to procedures & standards for analyzing the ambient impact from sources of air pollution. These include modeling protocols, what the analysis should consist of, monitoring data, and other data that might impact the ambient air. |
Instrument Protocol Assessment | Reports, technical documents, project descriptions, and other correspondence. |
Instrumental Analysis Development Files | Material relating to research and development applications of instrumental techniques for analysis and measurement of factors, parameters, and variables which characterize air pollution. |
Legislative Initiatives | Legislative initiatives generated by NYSDEC or other state agencies forwarded for program review and comment. |
Mathematical Modeling Research Studies | Material related to research and development applications of mathematical modeling techniques which simulate air pollution. |
Motor Vehicle Emission Policy Development | Summary reports and studies, papers written and speeches delivered by staff, technical reports, photographs, design sketches, project proposals, contracts, legal agreements, inspection / maintenance program history and research. |
Office of Director (OOD) Subject Files | Guidance documents; interdepartmental procedures & correspondence; briefing documents, committees / teams / commissions - reports and minutes; policy directives; space allocations; Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) / Memoranda of Agreement (MOAs). |
Operating Permit Program (OPP) Reports | Annual Operating Permit Program (OPP) reports; audits by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and State Comptroller's Office; cash flow reports; EPA required fee demonstrations. |
Ozone Transport Commission (OTC) | Financial records relative to the Ozone Transport Commission. |
Policy and Guidance Documents | Division guidance issued within the Commissioner Policy System, final signed policy or guidance, routing sheets, supporting docs. |
Program Development Documents (Historic) | Early development of the Operating Permit and Mobile Source Programs. |
Program Files - Mobile Sources and Technology Development | Financial and contractual documents, project descriptions and other correspondence. |
Public Outreach Activities | Records relative to public outreach activities in support of program initiatives: event planning, logistics, volunteers, evaluations, regarding Department events; annual public outreach work plan; MS state partnership grants; and Communication and Education Committees (i.e., OTC, NESCAUM, NESCCAF). |
Quality Assurance Records-Air Monitoring Equipment | Reports, lists & data relating to quality assurance performed, e.g., laboratory tests of equipment, field performance and systems audits on equipment, and verification of data. |
Quality Assurance - Mobile Sources and Technology Development | Inspection reports, other technical documents and other correspondence documenting inspections of motor vehicle inspection stations to verify proper operation of required tests and equipment. |
Regional Work Plans | Narrative and tables prepared to allocate available resources to address current and anticipated program concerns in all nine DEC regions. |
Research Files on Toxic Air Contaminants/Subject File | Data and other pertinent information on individual chemicals. Policy and strategic information on air toxics. |
Signature Files | Program initiated correspondence prepared for Executive staff signature. |
Stack Testing Reports | Stack sampling for particulates and other contaminants required on a case by case basis. Records may also include test proposals, drawings and related correspondence. |
State Budget | Air Resources State Operations one year budget request including allocations, correspondence, guidelines for preparation, methodologies, budget requests, Division of Budget correspondence and various fiscal information. |
State Implementation Plan (SIP) Planning & History Files | Correspondence between State, EPA and local agencies regarding implementation plans required under the Clean Air Act to achieve and maintain national air quality standards. Includes guidance, proposals, State submittals, and court judgments. |
Statewide Air Monitoring for Air Quality | Air quality data collected at 80+ manual and continuous monitoring sites statewide. The data contains information on various air contaminants (including but not limited to: ozone, particulate matter, toxic air pollutants, volatile organic compounds, criteria pollutants, etc. |
Statewide Air Quality Monitoring Equipment | Air analyzer and calibration standards, calibration certification records, and other records relating to the operation of the air quality monitoring sites. |
Time Distribution System Analysis | Backup data & reports regarding Leave and Accrual Tracking System (LATS), quarterly reports & annual analysis of the department-wide LATS data. |
Office of Climate Change
Title | Description |
Local Government Climate Action/ Climate Smart Communities | Files related to programs to support local climate action, including Climate Smart Communities. |
OCC Presentations | Slides from selected Office of Climate Change public presentations (pdf). |
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative | Records pertaining to the policy decisions and implementation of the 11 state cap and trade program. Materials include design of the auction. |
Sea Level Rise Task Force | Materials related to the development and support of the New York State Sea Level Rise Task Force (created pursuant to Chapter 613 of 2007). |
State Climate Action Planning | Records related to the activity of the Climate Action Council convened pursuant to Executive Order 24. |
State Energy Plan | Files related to the Office of Climate Change's participation in the state energy plan pursuant to Executive Order 2. |
Division of Communication, Education, and Engagement
Title | Description |
"Conservationist" Administrative Files | Copies of vouchers, bills and contract for Infonet (the private company which handles the magazine's subscription process); copies of contract and invoices for Dodge Graphics Press (the magazine printing contractor); copies of postage statements, promotional material, and subscription cards. |
Environmental Education Public Contacts | Annual list of number of visitors to education centers and programs, attendance at DEC summer youth camps, participants in educator workshops, and students taught on NYS Open Data webpage. |
Emergency Response Coordination Unit
Title | Description |
Administrative Subject and Correspondence Files | Correspondence, briefing documents, reports, and other records related to carrying out and documenting the director level decision and policy making of individuals in these positions. |
Emergency Response Subject and Correspondence Files | Correspondence, briefing documents, reports, and other records related to carrying out and documenting the director level decision and policy making of individuals in these positions. |
Homeland Security Subject and Correspondence Files | Correspondence, briefing documents, reports, and other records related to carrying out and documenting the director level decision and policy making of individuals in these positions. |
Division of Environmental Permits
Title | Description |
System Developments Docs. | Documentation and files related to the design and development of new software systems such as eTrack and EAF Mapper. Business Requirements Document, Requests for Proposals, workgroup products, design and development documents, programming and systems information, status reports. |
Hydroelectric Power Project Federal Licensing | Application materials and correspondence for hydroelectric power plant siting and relicensing, draft environmental reports, DEC conditions for licenses and exemptions, and Section 401 Water Quality Certifications. |
Local Waterfront Revitalization Program | Records on Local Waterfront Revitalization Programs (LWRPs), consisting of approved plans, DEC administrative files of review comments and correspondence with the LWRP agency. |
Non-Permit Projects | Correspondence, reports, proposals, studies and Environmental Impact Statements on projects DEC does not issue a permit for, e.g. Barge Canal, Great Lakes, Coastal Zone Mgt., State Historic Preservation Act, DOT projects, APA projects, sewer, power plants, gas and electric transmission lines, prisons, emergency response and local government projects, to the extent the records aren't already available on public website or docket. |
Permit Management | All the paperwork (application, plans, test data, State Environmental Review documents, hearing reports, etc.) required to complete an application and issue or deny a Uniform Procedures Permit. Types of permits: protection of water, freshwater and tidal wetlands, 401 water quality certifications, air pollution, SPDES, solid waste management, hazardous waste, mined land reclamation, dams, water supply, radiation, WSR, LNG, coastal erosion. |
State Revolving Fund Projects | Environmental reviews and assessments, State Environmental Review Process Certifications, Environmental Information Documents and findings (FNSIs- Findings of No Significant Impact and NEPA EISs) for State Revolving Fund projects. |
Technical Assistance Projects - Manuals | Handbooks, manuals, background material, correspondence and related records. |
Technical Assistance Projects / Workshops / Outreach | Correspondence, news releases, speaker presentations, handouts, notebooks, evaluations for workshops for industry sectors, small business and local government. |
Office of Employee Relations
Title | Description |
Employee Exposure Assessment Questionnaires | Four sided forms used to report exposures to toxic chemicals. |
Employee Occupational Accident and Injury Report Data | The OSHALOG database is used to generate the Department's Annual Occupational Accident and Injury Report |
Fire Inspection Reports | Reports resulting from Department of State Fire Code Inspections of Department-owned buildings. |
Labor Relations | Labor Relations materials relating to CSEA, Police Benevolent Association of New York State (PBANYS), PEF, grievances, Employee Organization Leave, Labor/Management Meetings, Contracts, Bargaining Units, disciplinary actions, department negotiations, Rules & Regulations, Laws. |
Medical Monitoring - Department Employees | Forms, reports, and correspondence related to the medical monitoring of the health of employees. |
Respirator Fit Testing Records | These records contain the results of mandated respirator fit tests. |
Safety Inspections - State Workplaces | Forms, reports, correspondence related to safety audits and inspections of Departmental facilities and operations. |
Training Course Files and Rosters | HAZWOPER, Respiratory Fit Testing and Supervisor Training records and rosters. |
Division of Environmental Justice
Title | Description |
Environmental Justice Program Subject and Correspondence | Correspondence, briefing documents, reports, and other records related to carrying out and documenting the executive level decision and policy making of individuals in these positions and daily operations of program. |
Division of Environmental Remediation
Title | Description |
Annual Reports and Meeting Minutes of Boards and Working Groups | Agendas, reports, minutes, and recommendations of the State Superfund Management Board (SSMB) meetings, State Superfund Working Group, New York State Brownfields Advisory Board, and the Bulk Storage Advisory Council. |
Bulk Storage Program Facility Records | Records that relate to bulk storage facilities which are regulated under the Petroleum Bulk Storage, Chemical Bulk Storage, and Major Oil Storage Facility programs, and storage facilities not regulated by the State but required to submit reports to the State by the Federal government. This series may exist in the Central or Regional offices. These records include registration and licenses records, inspection and enforcement records and other records related to the facilities. |
Contract and Payment Records | Series consists of contract related records. Records include procurement records, contracts, payments, and other related documents associated with Division's programs. Information may duplicate what is in site specific records. |
Federal Grants Records | Series consists of federal grant related records. Records include non-technical administrative records (grant applications, grant awards, progress reports, financial status reports). Information may duplicate what is in site specific records. |
General/Non Site Specific Records | Series consists of records related to administering the Division's programs. Records include financial, personnel, planning, policies and procedures and other related records. Records are associated with the following programs: Superfund, Environmental Restoration, Voluntary Cleanup, Brownfield Cleanup, Response, Bulk Storage and Brownfield Opportunity Areas. Includes records in central and regional offices. |
RCRA Corrective Action | Facility assessment and investigation reports (RFAs and FRIS), Corrective Measures Study Reports, correspondence, memoranda, drawings, plans, constructor design and specifications, groundwater data, monitoring reports and various technical materials. Includes site specific records in central and regional offices. |
Remedial Programs Site Specific Records (RPSSR) | Remedial programs include State Superfund and Federal Superfund programs, Environmental Restoration Program, Voluntary Cleanup Program, Brownfield Cleanup Program, and Brownfield Opportunity Areas Program. Includes site specific records in Central and Regional offices. |
Response Program Incident Records (Responsible Party Lead) | Records that relate to incidents ("spills") for which the responsible parties performed the response activities, not the State. Response Program records include all incident-related records regardless of contaminant. This series does include Response Program records associated with petroleum remediation projects (a.k.a. S-sites). This series may exist in Central or Regional offices. |
Response Program Incident Records (State Lead) | Records that relate to incidents ("spills") for which the State performed the response activities, not the Responsible Party. Response Program records include all incident-related records regardless of contaminant. This series does include Response Program records associated with petroleum remediation projects (a.k.a. S-sites). This series may exist in Central or Regional offices. |
Site Specific Cost Recovery Records | Series consists of cost recovery related paper records. Records include legal documents (consent orders, agreements) and cost information (bills, summaries) and other related documents associated with Division's remedial programs and Response Program. Information may duplicate what is in site specific records. |
Subject and Correspondence Files | Outgoing correspondence produced by bureau staff, monthly reports, etc., budget and contract materials used in their preparation. This series may exist in Central or Regional offices. |
Survey Records | Includes paper records related to: Community Right to Know requirements (hazardous waste generation) Hazardous Substances Site Survey (Pre 2003), Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) Surveys, and Aqueous Fire Fighting Foam (AFFF) Surveys. |
Unified Information System | Database containing site or incident specific data for DER programs including: The State Superfund Program, Voluntary Cleanup Program, Environmental Restoration Program, Brownfield Cleanup Program, Federal Superfund Program, the Spill Response Program, The Bulk Storage Program, and the Brownfield Opportunity Areas Program. Data includes but is not limited to: site location and description, remedial project information, contract information, cost recovery information, and application information. Data is stored on a central office computer server and backed up by the Department. |
Executive Office
Title | Description |
Administration/Other | Records relating to administrative matters and other issues relating to the internal functioning of Office of General Council (OGC). |
Affirmative Action Grievance Files | Grievance files include complaints, agency responses, and decisions. May also include correspondence, exhibits, tape recordings, depositions, notes, transcripts, agency decisions, appeals to the Division of Human Rights, arbitration decisions, and State or Federal court litigation records. |
Affirmative Action Program Report Files | Agency affirmative action plans, programs, and activities. |
Affirmative Action Subject Files | Correspondence, memoranda, copies of reports, articles, policies and procedures, copies of regulations, and related materials arranged by subject. |
Agency-Wide Affirmative Action Plans & Procedures | Contains plans and procedures to establish affirmative action goals. |
Commissioner Subject and Correspondence Files | Correspondence, briefing documents, reports, and other records related to carrying out and documenting the executive level decision and policy making of the Commissioner. |
Executive Deputy Subject and Correspondence Files | Correspondence, briefing documents, and other records related to carrying out and documenting the executive level decision and policy making of individuals in these positions. |
Deputy/Assistant/Associate Commissioner Subject & Correspondence Files | Correspondence, briefing documents, reports, and other records related to carrying out and documenting the executive level decision and policy making of individuals in these positions. |
Regional Admin. CO Subject and Correspondence Files | Operating budget records for Regional Administration and Regional Direction, correspondence, briefings, reports, annual budget requests, spending plans, lease payments, personnel records, and rosters. |
Commissioner's Office - Administration Subject and Correspondence Files | Correspondence, briefing documents, reports, and other records related to carrying out and documenting the executive level decision and policy making of individuals in these positions. |
Commissioner's Office - Budget Recommendations | Recommendations and supporting documents on the agency's budget request. |
Commissioner's Office - Commissioner Initiatives and Events | Correspondence, planning, notes, agendas, attendance lists, briefing documents, reports and other records pertaining to education and outreach carried out by Commissioner's Office staff. |
Commissioner's Office - General Administrative and Correspondence Files | Correspondence, briefing documents, reports, and other records related to carrying out and documenting the executive level decision and policy making. |
Commissioner's Office - Legislative Files | Correspondence, memoranda, technical review and comments generated to support the Office of Legislative Affairs. |
Commissioner's Office - Strategic Planning | Correspondence, meeting notes, work plans and reviews from policy staff meetings and retreats. |
Training and Development Office - Course Information Records | Records related to course content (agenda / outline), instructor, hours and roster. |
Training and Development Office - Course Registration Processing Records | Individual Health and Safety training applications; summary of transactions and participant rosters. |
Training and Development Office - Toxic Substances Training and Education Files | Series consists of Health and Safety training records required to be maintained by Federal OSHA and NYS Right to Know Laws. |
Division of Fish and Wildlife
Title | Description |
Administrative Subject and Correspondence | Correspondence, reports, memoranda, purchase orders, time records, travel vouchers, performance evaluations, monthly reports, species statistical reports, news releases, fiscal summaries, and related records. |
Aerial Photograph for Research Functions | Series of aerial photographs covering different portions of New York State. |
Article 15-Protection of Waters Program | Files contain all information relative to individual permits including application forms, maps, relative correspondence and copies of executed permits. |
Biological Reports | Contains summary reports of data from the Biological Data File on the various species monitored by the bureau. Reports consist of charts and narrative observations. |
Biological Survey Forms | Copies of biological surveys conducted by regional biologists on New York streams and ponds; files relating to the administration of the biological survey unit; data encoding sheets. |
Biologist/ECO Deer Check Slips | License number, season, weapon, county, town, Deer Management Unit (DMU), date, sex, age, antler beam and number of points of kill. Age/badge number, check station and date checked. |
Coldwater Fisheries | Files contain information on coldwater (trout and salmon) fish species, and program planning and evaluation documents. Also contain correspondence, personnel, fiscal and regional program records. |
Conservation Fund Advisory Board | Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, travel vouchers, fiscal reports, and copies of annual reports. |
Contracts | Contracts (legal documents) and related payment information, that are approved by the Department of Law and Office of State Comptroller. Contracts pending and supporting documents. |
Correspondence | Correspondence to and from the General Public and Fish and Wildlife Personnel and Agency Personnel. |
DECALS | DECALS computerized records for sporting licenses from 2002 to present. Also, supporting customer service documents such as DMP corrections, military affidavits, request for replacement carcass tags, DMP applications, and harvest reports. |
Educational Reference Materials | This series deals with fisheries information and educational material. A major portion is in the form of handouts. The remaining material regards groups that have interests in fisheries management, and includes correspondence requesting information. |
Endangered Species Research Correspondence and Subject | Includes correspondence, emails, memos, articles and news clippings, data, publications, reports, photographs, and slides related to DEC endangered species programs. |
Env. Protection Program Administration and Facility Mgt. | Federal-Aid documents, building property plans, licenses, radioactivity, miscellaneous administration projects where Bureau of Habitat is originator. |
Environmental Impact Statements | Contains environmental impact statements (EIS) and supporting surveys and reports on projects for which the bureau has statutory responsibility. |
Environmental Management | Consists of information regarding stream improvement structures, e.g., artificial reef structures, and work aimed at improving the habitats of lakes and streams. |
Environmental Project Review and Permitting | Reports and studies submitted in support of applications, licenses and permits of numerous environmental projects. |
Environmental Protection | Data and information regarding the protection of fishes and aquatic habitat. Data on toxics in fish flesh and environmental reviews of major projects. |
Federal Grant Records | Division annotated copies of executed cooperative agreements covering federal grant projects, letter of credit and grant expenditure ledgers, financial workpapers, reports and related documents. |
Financial/Data - Permit Office | Series consists of routine fiscal records (e.g. bank deposit slips, bank statements, check copies, and daily and monthly summaries of monies received) that are created in the course of issuing permits. |
Fish Habitat Records | Correspondence (internal and external), records and files on fish habitat. Budgeting, planning and status and inventory documents. |
Public Fishing Access Records | Correspondence (internal and external), records and files on the public access program. Program budgeting, planning and status and inventory documents. |
Fish Propagation | Production records of fish hatcheries operated by the Department, private hatchery correspondence, fiscal, interagency, other States, general correspondence. |
Fish Stocking/Hatchery Historical Records | Files contain individual stocking records of every body of water stocked in New York State by year. Hatchery historical records are individual historical data by location. Files are retained in central office, fish hatcheries and regional offices. |
Freshwater Wetland Regulatory Mapping | Regulations, mapping effort and procedures, law and legal issues. |
Furbearer Pelt Sealing Forms | Name, address, and date of birth of fur harvester. Date, area and species of fur taken. |
Game Harvest Analysis Reports (deer, turkey, bear) | Computer summary of harvest data. |
Game Management Research Correspondence and Subject | Materials related to various game management programs including big game, furbearer/small game, and upland game bird. This consists of correspondence, memos, reports, publications, harvest summaries, journal articles and news clippings, data, photographs, and slides. |
Geographic Information System | Records that document the sources of data and methods used in the development of specific GIS data layers. |
Great Lakes Fisheries | Administrative materials, Great Lakes Fishery Commission reports and correspondence, regulation and legislative proposals, technical information relating to Great Lakes Fisheries, correspondence regarding Great Lakes Fisheries issues. |
Habitat Improvement Plans | Similar to unit management plans, these plans document specific properties, including the specific species found on the property, the fecundity of the species and any plans for altering the area. |
Habitat Specific Study Maps | Maps drawn up for other units in the Division for specific studies or reports as a service to the other units. |
Hunter Education Correspondence | Hunter Education correspondence of all types relating to 4,000 courses which reach 50,000 students annually. |
Hunter Education Instructor Applications | Contains all pertinent information for instructors and applicants, correspondence and applications. Since records are confidential, they should be shredded when disposed of. |
Hunter Education Instructor Card | Names, address, certification date, dates of classes held, number of students taught, refresher courses attended and other miscellaneous information regarding instructor. |
Hunter Education Instructor Complaint | Written information received in the form of a complaint or a violation of the law involving Hunter Education Instructors. |
Hunter Education Student Attendance | Individual instructor student attendance records which provide names, address, dates of birth, certificate numbers of all students who attend sportsman ed courses. |
Hunter Education - Regional | Hunter, trapper, bowhunter, waterfowl identification training program documents. |
Impact Analysis | Projects: Corps of Engineers Flood Control, Dept. of Transportation, Power Generation (hydro & steam), Resource Conservation & Development correspondence, reports, plans, news articles, impact reviews, biological surveys, and hearing materials. |
Inland Fisheries - Administrative | Correspondence on administrative matters, fish species management, production and research including management studies and research reports, and outside agencies and professional societies. |
Leasing and Franchise Ledgers | Ledgers provide the name of individuals or businesses, parcel(s), taxes collected, and date of transaction of leasing and franchising activity of state-owned shellfish lands. |
License and Promotional Sales | Series consists of reports, statistical data, correspondence and memoranda pertaining to number and types of wildlife licenses granted and income generated. |
Long Island Sound Studies | Records related to environmental studies of Long Island Sound. Records include project proposals, reports, and notes from meetings. |
Map Amendment | Affidavits, correspondence, maps, testimony, court proceedings, and return receipts of certified mail relating to changes in the tidal wetland maps and notification of landowners. |
Migratory Bird Stamp | Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, promotional and advertising related records, news releases, newspaper clippings, sporting publications, invoices, and photos relating to Migratory Bird Stamp Program. |
Monitoring/Research Project | Project statements, reports, related correspondence and analyses on Chemical Contaminants, Environmental Disturbance Investigations, Habitat Inventories, Trend Analysis, Toxicity Studies, EPA Special Projects. |
Natural Heritage Info. Requests and Project Review | Letters and maps requesting review of proposed projects and activities for potential impacts on rare species and habitats, and Natural Habitat's responses. |
Natural Heritage Program Records | Location and biological information on occurrences of plants, animals and natural communities of particular interest because they are endangered, threatened or exemplary. This data and that in the Significant Wildlife Habitats files are complementary. |
Natural Heritage Program Reference | Reference files historical records, for the animal, plant and natural community records, procedures, management techniques, other states' programs. |
Natural Resource Damages | Injury and damages assessment studies, cost documentation, and all others needed for litigation. |
Non-game Unit - Research and Management | Non-game wildlife research and management files. |
NYS Fisheries Landings Data | These are records that report the amount ("landings") and related dollar, "dockside" value of fish caught by commercial harvesters. |
Official Regulatory Freshwater Wetlands Maps | Official Mylar Freshwater Wetlands Maps promulgated under Article 24 on the ECL and the Freshwater Wetlands Maps. |
Original Fish Drawings | Original fish drawings consisting of watercolor paintings depicting freshwater fish species inhabiting the State. |
Pittman-Robertson Fed-Aid Project Admin. | Multi-year "Applications for Federal Assistance" and Annual "Project Agreements" and associated information for Pittman-Robertson apportionment to eligible projects for reimbursement of expenses. |
Power Project Review | Power plant, transmission line, and hydropower project documents, including Hudson River Settlement. |
Regulatory Actions Affecting Fish and Wildlife Resource | Regulations, Policy, Implementation Procedures, Division Generic Environmental Impact Statements, Bureau, Division, Department and/or other Actions. |
Resource Reference Material | Reports, regulations, studies, surveys |
Return a Gift to Wildlife Subject | Records of Return a Gift to Wildlife (RAGTW) project solicitation, budgets and fiscal and program reports prepared by project managers. State taxpayer solicited funds, donated funds used for selected fish and wildlife projects. |
Special License Applications and Licenses | Files contain the original application, copies of licenses issued, renewal notices, amendments to licenses, special conditions and correspondence regarding licenses. |
Special Licenses Program | License Issuing and Review Procedures. History of agency actions, legislative and regulatory intent of licenses. Policy relating to application review and license issuance. Correspondence concerning licenses and species. |
Sporting License | Specifications and schedules for annual production and distribution of sporting license materials. Records of License Sales. |
State Fish & Wildlife Management Board Minutes | Official minutes of FWMA State Board meetings since 1958. Correspondence relating to the Board and its duties related to public access and wildlife management. |
State Fish and Wildlife Management Board Admin. | Series consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, meeting agendas, newspaper clippings, and copies of other published material such as journal articles, magazine articles, etc.. |
Subject and Correspondence | Correspondence, newspaper clippings, magazine articles, hearing transcripts, journals, articles, press releases, meeting minutes, reports, studies, statistical data on fish and wildlife population, draft legislation and regulations, maps, and budget materials. |
Tidal Wetlands Access Permit Database | Permits information for various activities tidal wetlands areas. Includes the name, address, driver's license number or hunting license permit number, and area the individual has access to. |
Tidal Wetlands Acquisition and Management | Records related to the State's acquisition and management of tidal wetlands pursuant to Article 25 of the ECL. Records include copies of deeds and easements, environmental, ecological, and cost data collected on standardized forms. |
Tidal Wetlands Inventory Maps | Aerial photographs depicting tidal wetlands, written description of the history of each map. The mylars are marked up as to boundaries. However, the infrared photographs are not. |
Urban Wildlife Habitats Map | Original maps for urban wildlife habitat inventory. |
Warm Water Fisheries | Correspondence (internal and external) on warmwater fisheries management and research. Progress reports on warmwater fisheries studies. Administrative records for Warm Water Unit. Program planning and evaluation summaries. |
Watershed | Contains chemical and biological survey sheets of all surface water in the Region. |
Watershed Maps | USGS and NYS Department of Transportation Quad maps for entire region marked with pond and tributary numbers. Also mylar overlays for each map with stream systems and water bodies indicated. |
Wetland Inventory Program Maps | Maps for the biological wetlands inventory. |
Wetlands Mapping Videotapes | Hi-8mm originals and SVHS annotated and edited copies of videotape created during helicopter flyovers of coastal areas. |
Wildlife Habitat Research Correspondence and Subject | Files on various wildlife habitat management programs and initiatives. Records include correspondence, memos, reports, publications, journal articles and news clippings, data, photographs, and slides. |
Wildlife Management Reports | Reports related to DEC wildlife and habitat management programs. These reports summarize projects including habitat improvements, wildlife investigations, land acquisitions, conservation projects, pathology activities, etc. |
WSRR Classification | Files on river characteristics and values, programs from other states, applications and information on all hydroelectric projects proposed and regulations and guidelines for implementation of the Wild, Scenic, and Recreational Rivers Act. |
WSRR Program Administration | Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers Program permit applications, violations, inquiries and information. |
Division of Forest Protection
Title | Description |
Basic Ranger Training Program for Volunteers | Records detail the basic Ranger training given to rural fire companies and other volunteer groups. |
Division Training and Development Records | Training certificates, state mandated annual use of force training records, and Incident Qualifications System database. |
Excess Equipment Disposition Records | Records pertaining to the loan of federal surplus equipment to the Division's field staff and local governments. |
Federal Grants to Rural Fire Companies | Applications, approvals and disapprovals of Volunteer Fire Assistance Grants and State Fire Grants (SFA). |
Forest Fire Reports | Contains information on each forest fire that occurred in New York as well as federal fires. Details may include fire cause, location, fire weather, fire behavior, acreage, direct cost, officers and municipalities responding, legal action taken, and responsible party. |
Forest Protection General Administration Files | Records include Forest Fire Protection, law enforcement and stewardship of state lands, search and rescue administration, biweekly reports, annual reports, and Procedures Manual. |
Northeastern Forest Fire Protection Comm (COMPACT) | Correspondence with individual state Forest Fire Supervisors, COMPACT agreements, and current and previous initiatives of COMPACT. |
Report of Violations | Reports of violations observed and initiated by forest rangers. |
Search and Rescue Reports | Search and Rescue Reports |
Freshwater Wetlands Appeals Board
Title | Description |
Freshwater Wetlands Appeals Board (FWAB) ase Files | Appeals, determinations by Commissioner, local government, or APA, legal briefs, correspondence, decisions by FWAB, and other documents relating to appeals of Freshwater Wetlands determinations. Department provides the Docket Clerk, legal, & support staff for the FWAB which functions as an independent review organization. The Docket Clerk retains the above documents as the official file, FWAB decisions are also filed with relevant County Clerk. |
Freshwater Wetlands Appeals Board Decision Files | Original documents relating to all closed appeals. |
Office of General Counsel
Title | Description |
Civil and Administrative Litigation Files | Records pertain to litigation in state or federal court against or on behalf of the department (excluding criminal enforcement) including but not limited to Article 78 proceedings, federal Resource Conservation & Recovery Act (RCRA) cases, and litigation against violators of the Environmental Conservation Law. Records include: summonses, pleadings, affidavits, notices, briefs, memoranda of laws, findings of fact, opinions, decisions, correspondence, and court documents. |
Contracts, Agreements, and Memoranda of Understanding | Records relating to contracts, agreements, and memoranda of understanding. |
Criminal Enforcement | Legal action taken by the Department for criminal prosecution for violations of the Environmental Conservation Law (ECL). |
Declaratory Rulings | Files include petitions from applicants, comments from the public, final rulings by the General Counsel, and associated correspondence and background research materials relating to agency determinations of how laws or regulations affect certain situations or proposed actions (e.g., permit applications). See 6NYCRR, Section 619 and SAPA, Section 204. |
Hazardous Waste Site Cases | Files include files of hazwaste site law violators, memos, letters, Orders, notes, press, lit material, technical data, summaries, site maps. |
Hearings on Permit Application Files | Files relating to adjudicatory hearings on environmental permit applications, including background material, briefs, transcripts, and final decisions. Records are used by staff for hearings which determine whether or not to issue an environmental permit, including hearings on the conversion of power plants from oil to coal or special limitations, siting of power transmission lines, and permitting of major facilities. |
Legal Advice / Guidance / Policy | "Advice" refers to written guidance furnished to a Department program or official concerning a legal question. Includes correspondence and research files, copies of letters or memos, etc. Also includes statements of policies and procedures relating to enforcement for violations of the ECL. |
Legal Interpretations, Research and Reference Files | Records of research on legal and technical issues prepared and used by Department staff. This records series also contains legal interpretation files, legal memoranda, legal analyses, and treatises relating to environmental matters, or other laws relevant to Department legal work. |
Original Orders on Consent | Records include signed Orders on Consent, administrative hearings reports, stipulations, notes, memoranda, and correspondence related to all matters. |
Office of Hearings and Mediation Services
Title | Description |
Adjudicatory Hearings | Decisions, orders, rulings, reports, affidavits, mailing lists, etc. related to hearings, including those related to the Department's compliance with the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL). |
Internal Audit and Investigation
Title | Description |
External Audits | Reports and related materials pertaining to audits and reviews conducted by the State Comptroller and other state, federal and external auditing entities. |
Federal and State Audit Report Files | Federal and State Audit Reports, related workpapers and documentation covering draft and final project audits. |
Internal Audits | Reports and supporting documents pertaining to audits and reviews of department programs and operations. |
Internal Control Program | Plans, instructions, internal control analyses, risk assessments, organizational charts, training programs, internal control program databases. |
Executive Inquiries | Reports, notes, recordings, photographs, statements pertaining to executive inquiries and investigations. |
Office of Internal Audit Administrative Files | Records created and maintained by program units as part of routine administration. |
Division of Lands and Forests
Title | Description |
American Ginseng Permit Files | Series consists of applications, permits, correspondence, memoranda, dealer lists, reference/research materials regarding ginseng, and copies of annual reports summarizing permitting activities. |
Audio-Visual Reference Materials | Series consists of black and white and color positive prints, slides, and video cassettes (VHS) depicting various forest resource management related activities. |
Big and Historic Tree Program Files | Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, nominations from interested parties regarding trees that should be considered historic or are of significant size. |
Cooperating Consulting Forester Program Files | Series consists of correspondence and related informational materials regarding cooperating consulting foresters utilized by the Bureau to promote forest resource management throughout the state. |
County Forestry Program Files | Series consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, copies of proposed and final legislation, county forest financial reports, certificates for inspection, proposed plans of expenditures, and related publications and instructional material. |
Detached Parcels Records | Maps, deeds, abstracts, correspondence, notifications on parcels of State-owned lands in Forest Preserve Counties but outside the Park itself. |
Federal Aid Projects | Wetlands purchased under federal assistance under BOR or Pittman-Robertson Act. Procedures for acquisition. |
Federal Cost Sharing Program Files | Series consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, cost sharing rates and computations, fiscal data, monthly reports submitted by the federal government summarizing program status, and program reports. |
Federal River Basin Grant and Studies Files | Series consists of grant application files awarded under P.L. 566 as well as study files pertaining to river basin areas throughout the state. Files contain correspondence, memoranda, applications, and related fiscal documents. |
Federal, State, and Local Cooperation Files | Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, copies of proposed and final legislation, copies of policies and procedures, grant applications, and assorted publications dealing with the administration of various cooperative forest resource management programs. |
Field Notes Records | Field notes of land surveys. |
Flood Control Records | Agreements, maps, authorizations, deeds, directives, notifications, vouchers, abstracts, for the purchase of lands for flood control purposes. |
Forest Health Management Administrative and Research | Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, published reports, newspaper clippings, copies of journal articles, and other material related to forest insect and disease management programs. |
Forest Practice Board Subject Files | Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, copies of proposed and final legislation, copies of policies and procedures, grant applications, and assorted publications dealing with the administration of various cooperative forest resource management programs. |
Forest Preserve Administration Files | Information on assessment, acquisition, planning, use, management, and administration of the forest preserve and unique area lands. (Facilities Management, Trespass, Program Reporting, Recreation Management, Interior Use, Activities on State Lands, and Water Recreation.) |
General Administrative Files | Series consists of routine fiscal and personnel related records and other records concerning the daily administration of the bureau. |
Land Acquisition | Records of acquisition projects containing abstracts, maps, appraisals, valuation data, title information, and closing documents associated with State's acquisition of parcels of real property. |
Land Survey Maps | State-owned and contiguous lands, (including but not limited to) Lake George and Adirondacks, DOT road acquisition maps, flood control maps, and miscellaneous reference maps. (mylar, linen, paper) |
Miscellaneous published maps. | Series consists of assorted maps, all of which were published and deal mainly with the Adirondack and Catskill Forest Preserves. |
Miscellaneous Title Investigations Records | Investigations to clear titles of State lands. |
Natural Resource Conservation Education Files | Series consists of grant application files that contain correspondence, memoranda, fiscal related materials, rules and procedures, and other informational records concerning the Natural Resource Conservation Education Program. |
Non-DEC Recorded Conservation Easements | Non-DEC recorded Conservation Easements. ECL §49-0305(4) requires that all Conservation Easements be filed with the Department. |
NYS Aerial Photos and Survey Records | New York State aerial photos and aerial survey records of sections of New York State. |
Open Space Conservation Plan Files | Final and draft plans, regional advisory committee recommendations, public comments received in response to draft plans, and internal correspondence. |
PNP Program Subject and Correspondence Files | Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, background research materials on various plant species, species recovery plans, studies, and limited authority agreements. |
Real Property Utilization Reports | Individual and composite lists of State-owned lands indicating location, usage and acreage instructions. |
State Forest Lands Inventory Records | Series consists of inventory data on tree species comprising state forests and aerial photographs and maps used to identify and locate timber stands. |
State Forest Tax Law (480A) Files | Series consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, administrative related records, files on individuals/localities involving disputes over administration of State Forest Tax Law (Section 480-A of the Real Property Tax Law). Owners of forest land who commit that land to the production of forest products may qualify for tax relief on that land under the State Forest Tax Law. Interested landowners must submit an application form, management plan, and map or aerial photograph showing the location of the property to the Regional Forester assigned to the county in which the property is located. Owners whose applications are acceptable are issued a Certificate of Approval. |
State Forests Land Records | Maps and mosaics, planting information, and management plans. |
State Land Management Administrative Files | Series consists of internal memoranda, copies of policies and procedures, instructional materials, background and reference materials, published reports, etc. related to the State Land Management Program. |
State Land Management Utilization Permit Files | Series consists of applications, permits, and related documents concerning the issuance of routine and non-routine temporary revocable permits, agricultural leases, and concurrent use and occupancy agreements, access permits for individuals with disabilities, and Adopt a Natural Resource. |
State Land Master Plan | Unit management plans, studies, amendments, rules and regulations, and correspondence. |
State Nature and Historical Preserve Admin. Files | Contains files on properties dedicated to the State Nature and Historical Preserve as well as properties acquired as unique areas for possible dedication to the preserve. |
State Nursery Administrative Files | Correspondence, policy and procedures, memoranda and instructions, records and reports of the Saratoga Tree Nursery. |
Temporary Revocable Permits, Forest Preserve | Permits issued, permit applications denied, and correspondence. |
Timber Sales Revenue Contracts and Accomplishment Reports | Series consists of copies of contracts and correspondence. |
Title File Records | Records of completed land acquisition projects containing abstracts, deeds, maps, bids, estimates, appraisals, notifications, report tabulations, vouchers, agreements, contracts, and authorizations. |
Topographical Maps | USGS Topographical Survey Maps of New York State printed by USGS. They are annotated with state land boundaries, project designation information, survey map numbers, and photo index information. |
Unit Management Plan Development Files | Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, unit management plans (final and draft) and working files used to develop unit management plans. |
USFS Consolidated Grant Files | Series consists of grant files pertaining to the management of privately owned forests, urban and community forestry and forest health management. Programs are administered by the state but funded by the federal government. |
Utilization and Marketing Subject Files | Contains technical information and data about forest and wood harvest, maintenance, status, and use in New York and other states. Information on trends, marketing projects, efficiency studies, and on-going program activities. |
Division of Law Enforcement
Title | Description |
Arrest Reports | Arrest reports for violations of Environmental Conservation Law. |
Dispatch / Complaint System | Electronic record of complaints received regarding possible violations of the ECL and their investigation and resolution. |
Hunting Accidents | Information on hunting accidents (reports, statements, hearing). |
Hunting License Revocations | Hunting license revocations: recommendations from Environmental Conservation Officer, correspondence, copy of revocation order. |
Law Enforcement Quartermaster Inventory | Uniform, vehicle, firearm and equipment information and specifications. Inventory for each officer. |
Statistics on Violations of Law | Statistics on types of violations of various laws. |
Uniform Ticket System (UT-50) | Database of tickets issued by ECOs for violations of the law. |
Legislative Affairs
Title | Description |
Boards and Commissions Files | Boards/Commissions (B/C) files are maintained to preserve background information on environmentally-related B/C. Each file holds copies of enabling statutes, designation letters, membership lists and any documents related to B/C. |
Departmental Legislative Proposals | Records pertaining to formulation of departmental legislation including legislative proposals, legislative initiation forms, sponsor memoranda, comments from other agencies, position statements and correspondence. |
Hearing Records | Records pertaining to the formulation of formal testimony presented at legislative hearings, hearing notices, questions and answers, and hearing transcripts. |
Legislative Correspondence | Copies of correspondence between all departmental personnel and legislators, also memos, comment sheets, and constituent letters forwarded by legislators. |
Non-DEC Legislative Proposals | Records pertaining to legislation proposed by other state agencies including legislative bills, sponsor's memoranda, and correspondence. |
Notice of Appearance Filings | Forms pertaining to Executive Law 166 and/or lobbying are filed by NYSDEC employees with the agency Legislative Affairs Unit. Legislative Affairs submits these forms quarterly to the New York Temporary State Commission on Lobbying. |
Senate and Assembly Bills | Copies of legislative proposals as printed by the legislature, and position statements. |
Division of Management and Budget
Title | Description |
Analysis of the Budget | Narrative and statistical presentations which analyze and report on the effects of the Executive Recommendations and Legislative Appropriations on the agency's budget request. |
Biweekly Payroll Processing Records | Agency copies of payroll and personnel transaction forms. Payroll deduction forms and transmittal certification forms and other records sent to OSC/DCS to update the biweekly payroll. |
Capital Proj. Budget Req. & Five Year Capital Plan | Capital Project Budgets Request and Five Year Capital Plan - on legal size forms and attachments. |
Certificates of Approval of Availability | Approved certificates with appropriate back up material. |
Classification Files | Includes requests to the New York State Department of Civil Service for new positions, changes to existing positions, reallocations, duty statements, title and salary plans, correspondence and background material regarding the classification of Civil Service and appointed positions. |
Conference and Hearing Files | All correspondence associated with Regulatory Fee conference and hearing requests by organizations and individuals who disagree and dispute their annual fee. All requests for conferences and hearings are forwarded to the proper environmental program for the following annual Regulatory Fees: Air, State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES), Waste Transporters, Hazardous Waste, and Mined Land. |
Contract Record File | All contract documents and related payment information. |
Contract Vouchers | Records documenting contract payments. |
Cost Recovery Documentation | Includes site files containing source documentation covering Federal CERCLA-SARA projects for cost recovery purposes. |
Department Housing Files | The inventory, photos, policy, and signed agreements for all Department owned employee housing. |
Eligible List Certification Files | Copies of certified eligible lists, canvass letters, responses to canvass, and other records related to availability canvasses for appointment from lists. |
Employee Suggestion Program | Employee Suggestions referred by Department of Civil Service for evaluation and possible implementation, programmatic evaluation of such suggestions, correspondence with Dept. of Civil Service. |
Employment Inquiry Files in Response to Vacancies | Job applications, resumes, and other records prospective employees submit to Personnel and Program Offices for employment consideration. |
Environmental Monitor Invoices | Invoices which show exact cost recovery for environmental oversight at a regulated entity. |
Examination Files | All records relating to administration and planning of exams including examination announcements and examination scope records. |
Federal Grant Records | NYSDEC original copies of executed cooperative agreements covering federal grant projects, letter of credit and grant expenditure ledgers, financial workpapers and reports, and related documents. |
Fiscal Plan Execution | Approvals on filling positions, logs, daybooks, allocation sheets, item number, cost center and header conversion records, and certificates of approval. |
Health Insurance Files | Health insurance transaction forms, declination of health insurance, transmittal notices, and dependent information. |
License Issuing Agent Files | Records relate to non-state persons and companies which sell sporting licenses as License Issuing Officers (LIOs) for the agency. Sales reports, receipts, notices, correspondence, LIO applications and appointment letters. |
MWBE Quarterly Utilization Report | Agency copies of quarterly reports filed with the MWBE until reporting utilization of minority and women owned businesses in agency contracts. |
MWBE Agency Goal Plans | Agency MWBE goals. |
MWBE Utilization Plans | MWBE utilization plans filed with the MWBE unit. |
Major Petroleum Facility Files | Contain applications for major petroleum facility licenses, correspondence from or to the facilities, original permit applications and notices of late filing, if applicable. |
License Fee Report | Major Petroleum Facility License Fee Reports. |
Miscellaneous Fiscal Reports and Information | Information sent to legislative staff and copies of reorganizations. |
Monthly Cash Reports of Regulatory Fees | Monthly summary of cash for all programs (Air, SPDES, TSD's, Waste Transporters, and Generators) for regulatory fees, interest and penalties assessed, and received to date. |
Oil Spill Daily Journal of License Fee Reports | License fees paid monthly by each major petroleum facility with federal identification number, period name, and serial number. |
Outreach Program Records | Applications, decisions and awards, program descriptions, publications, participant duty descriptions, and related correspondence and reports. |
Payment Records | Copies of invoices returned with payments and payment information such as check stubs, date of receipt and amount. |
Payment Records File | All payment information relating to the purchase of commodities and services, lease rentals (copies only) and employee travel. |
Payment Reports | Daily reports and summaries of payment records received. |
Payroll Records Files | All payroll information necessary to process employees payroll checks. Forms are processed to change salary information. |
Permit Invoices | Copies of original invoices sent to all permit holders. |
Personal History Files | Appointment letters, probation reports, performance program evaluations, disciplinary actions, veterans status certifications, resumes, employee information forms, memoranda and correspondence related to employee. |
Printouts of Time & Activity and OSC Accounting Reports | Time & Activity Federal Reimbursement Reports, State Comptroller Accounting Reports, Letter of Credit Ledger Reports, special reports in cases of litigation, especially related to hazardous waste dumping. |
Processed License Fee Reports of Petroleum Facilities | Contains monthly data of barrels of petroleum received and fees owed by major petroleum facilities. |
Purchase Order Awards and Correspondence | These documents may include bid proposals, commodity specifications, actual cost of goods or services purchased by the agency, vendor name and address, delivery location name and address, and funding source for procurement. |
Purchase Requisitions | List of goods to be procured for a specified agency location. This document may include vendor name & address, delivery location name & address, and funding source for procurement. |
Recalculation Requests (Fee Challenges) | Forms completed by companies who have received a regulatory fee bill and who wish to dispute the fee for a specific year and program. Includes pertinent data necessary for challenging the fee and determination from programs. |
Recruitment Plans and Reports | Contains procedures, search committees, job advertising, recruitment and outreach plans, screening criteria, statistics on applicants and related records. |
Regular Budget Request | Agency's State Operations Budget Request including correspondence, guidelines for preparation, Department methodologies, worksheets and summaries. |
Retirement Benefits Files | Copy of original application and/or declination of membership form. |
Revenue Transactions Fees | Abstract of receipts, revenue reports, bank statements, bank deposit slips, and refund vouchers. |
Special Revenue Funds | Expenditure reports, revenue reports on special revenue accounts, analyses, and backup information. |
State Aid Program and Local Projects | State and Local Assistance programs, procurement records, budgets, vouchers, grant awards and reports. |
Summary Reports-Personnel/Payroll Functions | Statistical & narrative summary reports on vacant positions, non-permanent positions, payroll additions & separations, health insurance transactions, employees on probation, & performance evaluations due. |
Time and Activity Records | Time records for all employees prior to 4/6/17. All records after this date are maintained by the New York State Office of General Services - Business Services Center (NYS OGS BSC). |
Workers Compensation Files | Records of on-the-job accidents or illness as forwarded to the Workers Compensation Board and State Insurance Fund for worker's compensation or disability benefit claims. |
Division of Marine Resources
Title | Description |
Aerial Photographs | Contains color, infrared and black-and-white photographs and negatives of Long Island used to identify tidal wetlands, marine habitats, mussel beds, submerged aquatic vegetation, and eroding beaches. |
Affiliated Programs | Descriptive records and correspondence concerning actions and activities of organizations and non-state programs which are of relevance and interest to Marine Resources programs. |
Biological Data File | Contains uncompiled physical and chemical data pertaining to species monitored and regulated by the bureau (summer/winter flounder, scup, tautog, sturgeon, american shad, striped bass, lobster, weakfish, etc.). |
Federal Aid Projects | Federally funded project proposals and grants-in-aid, budgets, progress reports for studies of marine resources, e.g., striped bass in the Marine District of New York, lobster in Long Island Waters. |
Management Plans | Management plans for marine areas and shorelines. |
Marine Fisheries Management Files | Records include fish tag returns submitted by fishermen, fishermen interview data, and summary and statistical reports about this data. |
Marine Fisheries Permit Applications File | Contains applications and supporting documentation for fishing permits for species regulated by the bureau such as striped bass, lobster, weakfish, etc. |
Marine Habitat Impact Assessment Files | Environmental reports, impact statements, sampling protocols, and records related to proposed and actual changes or impacts on marine habitats. |
Marine Permits and Summary Lists | Includes permit applications for shellfish diggers, commercial and non-commercial harvesters of lobster, crab, clam, and other species and activities regulated by the bureau as listed in Section 13 of the Environmental Conservation Law. Summary lists generated from a database are also found. |
Marine Resources Subject | Records of actions and activities, correspondence and data relating to resource protection and management by Marine Resources and its program units. |
Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management | Informational materials (e.g. records of council actions and programs), data (e.g. fish catches) and correspondence relating to New York's participation in activities of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, an interstate governmental organization. |
Recreational Fishing Access Files | Reports and related records concerned with acquiring or rehabilitating structures to improve access by recreational fishers to marine resources. |
Shellfish Growing Areas Water Quality Monitoring | Water Quality Data records, lab reports, shoreline survey reports, correspondence for shellfish growing areas in Long Island Sound and tributary bays, rivers etc. |
Shellfish Management and Sanitation Map Files | Maps of underwater lands, coast and geodetic survey charts, historical leasing and franchise maps involving shellfish culture activities. |
Shellfish Management Bed Permits | Series consists of copies of permits and related records documenting permittees' claims to lands. |
Shellfish Management General Files | General subject information relating to permit holders, depuration, and transplants, copies of laws, regulations, local ordinances, and scientific studies affecting the permitting process, and other materials relating to shellfish management. |
Shellfish Sanitation Reference File | Published and unpublished scientific studies, reports and other records on the characteristics and health ratings of shellfish populations and related managerial issues and actions. |
Shellfish Shippers Inspection Files | Inspection reports, visible files of past inspections, correspondence to permittees on inspection deficiencies and other matters, correspondence with governmental units. Permits are for businesses or individuals to wholesale ship and store shellfish. |
Shellfish Stock Assessment Reports | Reports containing tabulated data and data analysis concerning shellfish populations in specific geographic areas of NY's Marine District. |
Special Marine Harvesting and Research Permits | Lists and copies of valid permits (ECL, Article 13), background materials such as applications, correspondence, and memoranda relating to the issuance or renewal of each permit. |
State-Federal Fisheries Management | Informational records, data, and correspondence relating to New York's role in management and monitoring of Marine Resources. |
Tidal Wetlands Inventory Maps | Aerial photographs depicting tidal wetlands, written description of the history of each map. The mylars are marked up as to boundaries. However, the infrared photographs are not. |
Uncertified Shellfish Township Information | Closed Area Notices and related records concerning uncertified shellfish lands in Long Island towns. |
Division of Materials Management
Title | Description |
6 NYCRR Part 360 Subparts 360-4 and 360-5 files | Records related to permitted facilities for recycling organic wastes. |
6 NYCRR Part 380 Permit Files | Files of companies with Part 380 Permits consisting of correspondence, copies of permits, and inspection reports. |
6 NYCRR Part 381 Transportation Permit Files | Low-level radioactive waste transportation permit files including correspondence and copies of permits. |
Beneficial Use Determinations (BUDs) | Records on file for each BUD petition include at minimum the final determination, but may also include interoffice correspondence, analytical data, evaluations, annual reports, and correspondence with petitioner. |
Certification/Recertification Training Files | Series consists of training course descriptions, rosters, course syllabus, exam results, abstracts of course receipts, annual reports of applicators and other records concerning the training and examination of pesticide applicators. |
Contaminated Site Files | Correspondence and inspection reports for various New York State sites contaminated with low level radioactive wastes. |
Commercial Pesticide Permit Files | Series consists of permit applications, copies of permits, annual sales reports, correspondence and memoranda. |
Environmental Excellence Awards | Applications, news releases, success stories, photos, application review records. |
eSmart Database | Database consisting most, but not all, information found on Hazardous Waste Annual Reports submitted by large quantity generators, as well as Hazardous Waste Manifest Data. |
Financial Assurance for Solid Waste Facilities | Memoranda, letters, background reports, guidance documents, rulemaking and training materials used to manage the financial assurance program. |
Fresh Kills Landfill Facility Files | Reports, correspondence, memoranda and monitoring data. |
General Correspondence Files | Consists of correspondence, memoranda, proposed legislation, monthly reports, personnel-related records, and other materials pertaining to routine administrative operations. |
Hazardous Regulatory Enforcement Files | Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, violation notices and other inspection and enforcement-related records concerning hazardous waste handlers prior to January 1, 2005 |
Hazardous Regulatory Enforcement Files for Facilities w/ Sig. Violation | Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, violation notices and other inspection and enforcement-related records concerning hazardous waste handlers that have significant violations resulting in an administrative, civil or criminal order or settlement after January 1, 2005. |
Hazardous Regulatory Enforcement Files for Facilities w/o Sig. Violation | Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, violation notices and other inspection and enforcement-related records concerning hazardous waste handlers that do not have significant violations after January 1, 2005. |
Hazardous Substances Regulation Administrative Files | Series consists of correspondence, memoranda; copies of policies and procedures; rules and regulations (including various drafts and related comments); personnel and fiscal-related records; assorted publications and reference materials; draft legislation; and related records. |
Hazardous Waste Administrative Files | Correspondence, memoranda, policies, procedures, rules and regulations, personnel and fiscal records, publications, reference materials, draft legislation and related records |
Hazardous Waste Annual Reporting Documents | Instruction and forms booklets, annual reports to the Governor and Legislature, ESEPA Biennial Reports. |
Hazardous Waste Annual Reports (Paper) | Annual reports submitted by large quantity generators. |
Hazardous Waste Facility Permitting Files | Applications, permits, reports, monitoring records, determinations, closure plans, financial assurance records, assessments, corrective measure studies, plans, drawings, designs and specs. |
Hazardous Waste Manifests-Elec Imaging (Formax) | The manifests identify the type of waste, and records dates shipped to, and received for, disposal. (1990-current, electronically scanned). |
Hazardous Waste Manifests (Paper) | The manifests record the shipment of hazardous waste from the point of generation to a disposal facility, identifies the generator, transporter and TSD Facility. It also identifies the type of waste and the dates shipped to, and received for, disposal. |
Hazardous Waste Reduction Plans | Series consists of plans submitted pursuant to Hazardous Waste Reduction Law. |
Hazardous Waste Reduction Plans (Regions 1-9) | Series consists of plans submitted prior to January 1, 2007 pursuant to Hazardous Waste Reduction Law. |
Household Hazardous Waste Programs Files | Series consists of permit applications and permits relating to household hazardous waste collection centers and related correspondence and memoranda; and collection day plans. |
Integrated Facility Management (M2P2 Initiative) | Correspondence, Facility Summary Forms, M2P2 Inspection Reports, list of selected facilities and related records. |
Landfill Closure Assistance Program Grant Fiscal Documents | Supplementary detailed fiscal documentation, including copies of purchase orders, invoices, and canceled checks. |
Landfill Closure Project Files | Files contain correspondence, grant applications, submitted by municipalities in order to receive state assistance monies to close their landfills. Region is custodian of Closure Investigation Report. |
Local Solid Waste Management Plans | Series contains applications for planning grants, applications checklists, contract amendments, correspondence, memoranda, planning grant quarterly reports, comments on progress reports, draft plans, and review comments. |
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Files | Documents from the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Agreement States Program information and DEC annual reports. |
Organic Recycling Facility or Transfer Station Files | Records related to permitted facilities for recycling organic wastes. Includes land applications of biosolids, composting facilities, co-composting facilities and transfer stations. |
Pesticide Enforcement Files | Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, records related to the complaint, inspection and investigation processes, violation-related records, EPA quarterly reports concerning the production, sale, distribution, use and disposal of pesticides. |
Pesticide Product Registration Files | Records include applications, data sheets, correspondence, memoranda, data evaluation records (DERs), study summaries, analytical methods, product labels, material safety data sheets, and certificates of pesticide registration. |
Radiation Regulations | Parts 380, 381, 382, 383, 383-6 Regulations records files consisting of: background materials, hearing reports, technical data, testimony, memorandums of agreement with the Health Department in addition to the regulations. |
RCRA Corrective Action | Facility assessment and investigation reports (RFAs and FRIS), Corrective Measures Study Reports, correspondence, memoranda, drawings, plans, constructor design and specifications, groundwater data, monitoring reports and various technical materials. Includes site specific records in central and regional offices. |
Recycling Facility Files | Records related to registered and permitted facilities for recycling and transfer of solid wastes. Includes recyclables handling and recovery facilities, construction and demolition debris handling and recovery facilities, waste tire handling and recovery facilities, metal process and vehicle dismantling facilities, used cooking oil and yellow grease processing facilities, navigational dredge material handling and recovery facilities, land applications of biosolids, composting facilities, and mulch processing facilities, and non-specific recovery facilities. |
Regulated Medical Waste Generator, Transporter, & Treatment Facilities & Other Infectious Waste Processor Authorizations, Enforcement and Annual Reports | Series consists of annual reports received from medical waste generators, processing facilities, transporters and treatment facilities, & other infectious waste processors and enforcement cases related to facilities. Series consists of NYSDEC and USEPA Inspection Reports, Discrepancy Reports, Registration Forms, Permits, Exception Reports, and Letters of Agreement. |
Reports or Large Quantity Generators (mfiche, optic) | Records of all hazardous wastes managed in NYS by large quantity generators. Reports are submitted annually. (1990-1993: microfiche, 1993-current: electronic scanning, Fomax system). |
Returnable Container ("Bottle Bill") Prog. Part 367 | Container deposits initiated and redeemed reports, annual statistical summary reports, correspondence with public distributors and dealers, technical and economic studies, and consent orders. |
Solid Waste Disposal and Combustion Facility Files | Records related to landfills and combustion facilities, including reports, correspondence, and monitoring data. |
Solid Waste Transfer and Processing Facility Files | Records related to permitted and registered transfer facilities, municipal solid waste processing facilities, and household hazardous waste collection facilities and events. |
Source Separation/Recycling Projects | Applications, construction grants, contracts, technical reports, inspections, fiscal records, audit reports, correspondence related to planning, funding payment implementing, operating source separation and recycling projects. |
State Solid Waste Management Plan Files | Series contains final plans, draft plans, summaries of comments and modifications. |
State Solid Waste Management Plan Information | Series contains reports, studies, and public comments related to the Solid Waste Management Plan. |
State Superfund ("Waste-End Assessment Program") | Quarterly assessment reports, payment records, filing documents, correspondence, and related records of hazardous waste generators and treatment, storage, and disposal facilities who pay assessment fees to replenish the State Superfund. |
Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Annual Reports | Annual TRI Summary Reports concerning annual amounts of chemicals released or managed as waste. |
Unofficial Hazardous Waste Rulemakng Files | Historic materials and files related to completed rulemaking activities regarding hazardous waste management regulations. |
Waste Determinations and Administrative Files | Series consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda, copies of variances, rule changes, and other records identifying what is a hazardous waste and when hazardous waste handling facilities require permits. |
Division of Mineral Resources
Title | Description |
Financial Security for Division of Mineral Resources Permits | The Division requires financial security (FS) to guarantee proper plugging and abandonment of wells regulated under the Oil, and Gas and Solution Mining Program and proper reclamation of mines regulated under the Mined Land Reclamation Program. Financial security instruments include bonds, letters of credit and certificates of deposit. Related FS records consist of correspondence to and from financial institutions and well and mine operators. Mined Land Reclamation records also include financial security calculation spreadsheets. |
Lake Erie Natural Gas Development | NY official comments on Federal EIS from 1980s on potential future gas development in Lake Erie and supporting documentation, historical records of NY State Legislature position regarding Lake Erie development, and other Lake Erie reports and correspondence on potential gas and / or oil development of Lake Erie (Note: Oil development banned by International Joint Commission.) |
Mined Land Reclamation Files - Application records | Permit applications, permits, Environmental Assessments, Environmental Impact Statements, SEQR records (e.g., Lead Agency coordination, Declarations, Findings Statements), Mined Land-use Plans including narrative and graphic (e.g., maps) representations, documents on the "Approved Documents List," referenced in the permit, Organizational Reports, court proceedings and decisions and other correspondence. The file must also include mine latitude and longitude, various environmental studies that may apply (including potential hydrogeologic, visual, noise, traffic, or cultural resources impacts, wetland studies), best management practices plan and stormwater pollution prevention plans, drill logs, boring data, and any information on working of underground mines. Documents concerning the status of the mine relative to the effective date of the Mined Land Reclamation Law, if applicable. |
Mined Land Reclamation Files - Operation records | Inspection reports, mining termination notices, department reclamation approval letters, compliance letters, photo documentation of site conditions, monitoring data required to be submitted to the Department by conditions of the permits (if applicable), complaint records and complaint investigations results, blast plans, blasting records and blast monitoring data (either submitted to or collected by the Department) |
Mined Land Reclamation Files - Enforcement and compliance records | Notices of Violations, Orders on Consent, Notices of Hearing and Complaint, court proceedings, decisions, etc. |
Oil and Gas Account Files | Correspondence, legislation, fiscal reports detailing (1) deposits to the account from fines and penalties and (2) expenditures for well plugging and site remediation. |
Oil and Gas Annual Well Reports | Status reports on oil, gas, and brine produced annually by every unplugged oil, gas, or other regulated wells. |
Oil and Gas State Land Lease Files | Leases between NY State and industry for oil and gas development on state land or underground gas storage beneath state land. Also includes no-surface entry, non-competitive leases for small tracts of state land that will be drained by an oil or gas well on other property. Files include contracts, maps, correspondence, and records of payments for leases. Correspondence includes inquiries about current and potential leases and lease violations. |
Oil and Gas State Land Lease Sale Files | Nomination correspondence and copies of bid guarantee checks; State Land Tract Assessments and maps; notices for public meetings and mailing lists, public comments and DEC responses to comments; Lease Sale Public Notice and mailing list; bid packages and list of potential bidders; bids received, copies of bid checks, and bid summary. (Note: final contracts and correspondence in individual lease files.) |
Oil, Gas, and Other Regulated Well Operators Reports | Pertinent information on well operators, (e.g., address, phone, business organizational information). |
Records Regarding Oil, Gas, and Other Regulated Wells | Applications, permits, inspection records, non-routine incident reports, and related documents on oil and gas wells, including location of well, owner/operator, whether it is plugged or operating, annual production, and State Environmental Quality Review records. |
Correspondence Regarding Oil, and Gas, and Other Regulated Wells | Correspondence concerning oil, gas and other ECL 23 wells - complaints, letters from operators, and requests for reports. |
Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Environmental Records | Correspondence, reports, Federal OCS oil and gas leasing proposals, lease sale documents, proposed and final regs, leasing policy decisions, legislative proposals, minutes, and general research files. |
References Pertaining to Oil and Gas Well Files | Photographic slides, bound volumes, photos, digital media. |
Technical Reports and Procedures Files | Abandoned wells, aquifers, archeological sensitivity, casing and cementing guidelines, cogeneration, critical issues, Environmental Assessment Forms, oil and gas field maps, plugging criteria, brine disposal, public water supplies, and underground injection, disposal and storage. |
Underground Gas Storage and Injection Files | Applications, reference material, annual reports, and correspondence. |
NYC Watershed
Title | Description |
Watershed Subject and Correspondence Files | Correspondence, briefing documents, reports and other records related to carrying out and documenting the executive level decision and policy making of individuals in these positions. |
Division of Operations
Title | Description |
Automotive and Equipment Files | Purchase and Title Records on the vehicles (trucks, cars, utility vehicles) and motorized equipment (construction equipment, boats, tractors, etc.) owned by the Department. |
Automotive Billings-Copies | Automotive billings consist of interagency and commercial credit card usage information used to develop program chargeback data. |
Automotive Contracts-Copies | Contracts relating to the purchase of automotive equipment. |
Camping Permits | One copy of camping permit issued at Department campgrounds to campers. Information contained on permit includes permittee's name, address, site number, dates of permit, number and names of party, rate, number of nights, and dollar amount due. Also includes license plate numbers of vehicles, campground name and date issued, and campground use information. |
Construction Contract & Specifications Files | Files consist of technical drawings and specifications developed to solicit contract bids for the construction or maintenance of Department facilities. These locations include DEC regional office buildings, crew headquarters, campgrounds, boat launch sites, environmental education centers, fish hatcheries, and dams. |
Contracts Concerning Department Facilities | Contains information relative to contracts between Department and other organizations and/or individuals regarding concessions at department facilities. |
Electronic Equipment Parts | Lists and catalogs of parts for the repair of electronic equipment. |
Electronic Systems Technical Information | Technical manuals, specifications, and technical data sheets for operating the Department's electronic systems and electronic equipment e.g. fisheries equipment. |
Engineering, Architectural Design, Construction Recs | Engineering specifications, shop drawings, design criteria and contracts for facilities constructed by the Department which include, but are not limited to, Campgrounds/Day Use areas, Regional Office Bldgs, Education Centers, Wildlife Management Areas, Boat Launching Sites, Sign Shops, Fish Hatcheries, Dams, Bridges and Roads. |
Equipment Management | Contains correspondence, policy & procedures, cross reference motor vehicle accident reports, monthly fuel bills, equipment purchases, disposition, inventory, etc. |
Guidance & Procedures for Operation of Facilities | Outline of policies and procedures for the operation of the Department's Campgrounds and Environmental Education Centers and Camps. |
Leases of Department Premises-Copies | Records relating to real estate properties leased by the Department. |
Manual Inventory Logs (Automotive & Equipment) | Inventory log of all Department automotive equipment. |
Office Space Management | Records relating to the management of office space within the Department's state-owned and leased facilities. |
Radio Systems | Radio system information, Federal Communication Commission licenses for radios and towers used by the Department for the Divisions of Law Enforcement and Forest Protection. |
Radio System Technical Data | Technical electronic data on the Department's radio towers, radio systems for Forest Protection and Law Enforcement, etc. Air monitoring, instrumentation and data communications. Renewal licenses for equipment. |
Reports of Public Accidents | Information is contained on a form. The form provides information relative to an accident and/or injury to a person at one of the facilities including name and address of person, facility, how, when and where accident occurred, extent of injury, treatment. Also contains extent of injury, treatment for injury, persons assisting and supervisor's name. |
Rules & Regs. Governing State Lands & Public Campgrounds | A list of the rules and regulations governing the use of state lands, public campgrounds, and special facilities. |
Special Incident Reports from Dept. Facilities | A form used to report special incidents occurring at Department facilities, including evictions, arrests, complaints, theft, damage, vandalism, dangerous conditions, etc. Form contains date, time, type, and location of incident, information on persons involved, details of incident, action taken and person submitting report. |
State Agency Environmental Audit | Guidance Manual, Agency Certification Checklists, Non-Compliance Reports and Remedial Plans, Regional Reviews, Remedial Plan Approval, Annual Report and related electronic database. |
Statistical Analysis of DEC-Operated Campgrounds | An analysis of campground revenue and attendance by individual facility and regional and state totals. Includes current year figures and the previous year's figures. |
Vehicle Accident Files | Opened and closed files on all Department vehicles that have been involved in accidents, including such documents as accident reports, repair estimates, correspondence with and between Depts. of Law, Insurance and DMV. |
Vehicle Maintenance Records | Reports documenting service and repairs. |
Vehicle Surplus Reports | Records to show that we surplused Department vehicles no longer used to OGS. |
Press Office
Title | Description |
Press Releases | Press releases issued by the Agency to the media to inform the public about events, activities and accomplishments. |
Public Information Subject Files | Records used to support an agency's programs, including correspondence, memoranda, studies, reports, plans, and copies of internal policies and procedures pertaining to relations with the press and news media. |
Records Office
Title | Description |
FOIL Training, Requests and Appeals | Training records, formal requests and department responses related to the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL). |
Personal Privacy Annual Reports | Records relating to the Personal Privacy Protection Laws (PPPL) |
Personal Privacy Protection-Records Inventory | Consists of Worksheets which assess whether & how particular forms are subject to the Personal Privacy Protection Law (PPPL) & System of Records forms which report to the Department of State which record series & what information is subject to the PPPL. |
Records Disposition Requests/Authorizations | These are State Archives' Request, Schedule, and Description forms used by agencies to request and receive authorization from Archives to retain and dispose of agency records. |
Records Series Inventory | Reports which inventory the Department's records. One set of reports is the result of the Office of General Service's 1975 record series inventory, the second one the result of the 1987 Governor's Records Management Improvement Project. Most data items from the 1987 inventory of record series have been, or will be, entered into a d Base system on the Bureau PC. These files will be periodically updated as changes occur. |
Records Transfer Lists | Transfer Lists are State Archives (formerly OGS) forms which are used to send records to temporary storage at the State Records Center and are used to record their location there. |
State Environmental Board Subject Files | Agendas, minutes and correspondence pertaining to meetings of the State Environmental Board (SEB). Also contains express terms of various rules and regulations voted on by the board. (Formerly RDA 15796) The DEC Commissioner acts as SEB chair, the Board also consists of 9 other State Agency heads and 6 non-State agency members. |
Division of Water
Title | Description |
Agency Correspondence Files | Files for each agency and unit within agencies who are partners in the Non-Point Source (NPS) program implementation. |
Application Files pertaining to Public Water Supply | Active and closed records of applications for public water supply permits, including engineering, legal, financial and historical data on the public water supply systems (both municipally and privately owned) regulated by Environmental Conservation Law. |
Biomonitoring Stresser Surveys | Series of reports for selected waterbody studies. |
Classification and Inventory of New York State Lakes | Information collected to support water quality assessments and management activities within DEC for lakes throughout NYS. |
Clean Water Act Sections 106 & 319 Grant Files | Files DEC's Performance Partnership Grants from EPA for funding under Sections 106 and 319 of the Clean Water Act |
Coastal Erosion Communities | List of property owners, current public officials, permits/variances, copies of local laws and legal cases, correspondence with residents & officials concerning coastal erosion issues. Information pertaining to public meetings/hearings; maps outlining coastal erosion limits. |
Coastal Erosion Communities - Regional Records | Permits/variances, correspondence with residents and officials concerning coastal erosion issues, maps outlining coastal erosion limits. The Bureau of Flood Protection and Dam Safety is the Central Office Unit which oversees this program |
Coastal Management Program Files | Technical reports, maps and other materials prepared by DEC under the terms of federal grants for the State's Coastal Management Program. Related research materials, administrative files, plans, federal and State regulations, progress reports. |
Construction Grants Program | Records in this series are paper records associated with the Construction Grants Program funded by EPA and the State. Records include project specific records associated with the Federal and State grants awarded to municipalities for the construction of wastewater treatment (sewage) plants and facilities. It also includes general program specific records (205G). |
Cornell Cooperative Extension Contract File | File folders for each project being done under Section 319 Grants to Cornell. |
Dam Safety Files | Files of all dams in New York including permits, consent order and enforcement correspondence, drawings, engineering reports, plotted maps, microfilm, correspondence, inspection reports, computer general printouts, photos. |
Flood and Coastal Erosion Forecast, Warning and Followup | Correspondence, charts, tables, reports, maps used to administer program of flood and coastal erosion forecasting and warning. |
Flood and Coastal Protection Projects Inspection, Operation | High water records, emergency operations procedures, construction drawings, easement maps, inspection reports, workplans, permits for work on easement lands, correspondence, training records, rehabilitation & improvement budget. |
Flood Control and Beach Erosion Projects | Project information, cost and technical data, maps, claims, maintenance and operation data, Drainage District Improvement records, and permits. |
Flood Plain Management Files | Correspondence, Local Laws and Ordinances, Federal Flood Plain Mapping and Flood Insurance Study Reports, Community Assessment Visit reports, hydrologic and hydraulic calculations, base maps, computer printouts. |
Flood Protection and Dam Safety Program | Grant applications, project eligibility determinations, state contracts, state payments, audit requests and reports, project closeout information, bid information and inspection reports. |
Geological Services Files | Data and Reports pertaining to geotechnical studies undertaken and/or evaluated by this Section. Delineation of primary aquifers. |
Great Lakes Toxics Substance Control Agreement | Documents associated with NYS Adoption and implementation of Governor's Great Lakes Toxic Substance Control Agreement. |
Great Lakes Water Qual. Guide. (Great Lakes Init.) | Submissions to USEPA including: Memorandum of Agreement, Water Quality Standards, Summary or Responses to public comments, DOW TOGS. |
Ground Water Management | Federal and State Legislation reviews and proposals, non-point pollution program development information. |
Inactive and Defunct Water Programs | Records of water resources programs that have been completed or, although technically still in effect, have been inactive for many years and are likely to remain so. |
Industrial Chemical Survey Forms | Inventory of chemical usage by companies in NYS on a standardized form based on requirements of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Closed records consist of about 1 cu. ft. Magnetic tape files are being retained in Brooks Park, Ohio, at a computer |
Integrated Intensive Waterbody Surveys | All files regarding coordination and conduct of integrated intensive waterbody surveys for determination of waste assimilative capacity. |
Integrated Water Quality Monitoring | Series contains correspondence, memoranda, research studies, reports, and statistical and analytical data. |
International and Interstate Water Commission | Proceedings before commissions established by multi-state and international agreements - Delaware River Basin, Susquehanna River |
Laboratory Contracts and Analytical Data Mgmt. | Files contain all information on laboratory contracts from the selection process to its termination. Also files contain all data generated by contract laboratories. |
Laboratory Coordination | Files contain all information on coordinating analytical services for all water, air, and hazardous substances samplings done on agency programs and sent to contract laboratories for analysis. |
LI Well & Water Sup. Permits Files - Reg. 1 | Applications and permits for Long Island Wells and municipally- and privately-owned water supply systems, including applicable engineering, legal, financial and historical data. |
Minutes of DEC Predecessor Agencies | Original minutes documenting the decisions, actions, and policies of the State Water Supply Commission, Water Storage Commission, Water Power Commission, Water Power and Control Commission, and the Water Resources Commission. |
Municipal Sewer Use Ordinances | Municipal Sewer Use Ordinances and referred correspondence. |
Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Oper. Cert. | Certification applications, education and experience documentation, lab exams, certification notices, etc. |
National Flood Insurance Program | General information, model ordinances, federal regulations, state regulations, policy data, etc. Community maps, studies and related correspondence. Community Assessment Reviews. |
National Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Program | Pretreatment Program applications, correspondence, approvals. Magnetic tape files being retained in Brooks Park, Ohio, at a computer facility. |
Natural Res. Cons. Service (NRCS) Contract Files | Individual files on each project and each contract with NRCS. |
Non-Point Source Implement. Proj Req for Proposals | Files on RFP's developed and sent out for post implementation projects, also files on review and selection process. |
Non-Point Source Pollution Literature File | Comprehensive literature file on Non-Point Source data dating from mid 1970's to present. Includes journal reprints, conference proceedings and bound books. |
Non-Point Source Water Contamination | Historical information on non-point source (eg, land run-off) water contamination program, eg, model ordinances for controlling non-point source contamination, contracts for silviculture studies, road salting effects, urban run-off contamination. |
Non-Point Source. Coord. Comm. (NPSCC) Meeting Files | A file for each meeting of the Non-Point Source Coordinating Committee. Each file contains meeting announcement, meeting minutes, and set of handouts from the meeting. |
Operating Reports - Sewage Treatment Plants | Sewage treatment plant monthly operating reports and monthly discharge monitoring reports (DMR's). Private/commercial/industrial facilities including state and federal institutions such as hospitals, thruway, prisons, Army Depot etc.) |
Operation & Maintenance - Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants | SPDES permits, inspection reports, enforcement action(s), general correspondence. All correspondence related to permitted municipal sewage treatment plants. |
Operation & Maintenance - Sewage Treatment Plants | SPDES permits, inspection reports, enforcement action(s), general correspondence. All related primarily to private/commercial/industrial facilities including state and federal institutions (e.g. hospitals, Thruway Authority, prisons, army depots, etc. |
PCB Hudson River Demonstration Project Files | Files contain technical, administrative and fiscal data on the PCB Hudson River Demonstration Project. |
Rotating Intensive Basin Studies and Reports | Series of water quality monitoring reports for large drainage basins of the state. Materials include final reports, research studies and statistical and analytical data. |
SEQR Regulatory Coordination | Historical State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) reviews of Department projects and historical Division of Water regulations adoption. |
Sewage Treatment Works-Oper & Maint Grants | Grant applications, vouchers, etc., correspondence, inspection reports on grants to municipal sewage treatment plants. |
Source Category Reference Files | File on each source category and subcategories. |
SPDES (State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) | State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Applications, plans, correspondence, and permits. Closed records consist of about 27.5 cu.ft. Information on computer: a) SPDES Regulatory Fee System, and b) SPDES Permit Tracking System. |
SPDES Compliance Records | SPDES records/pretreatment files, Quarterly Non-Compliance Reports, priority attainment for waterbodies strategy information, consent orders, construction grants information, ICSS, WICSS, etc. |
SPDES Effluent Permits | Establishment of water quality based on SPDES (State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) effluent permit functions and limits. SPDES is a subsidiary of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). |
State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permits - Regional | SPDES permits, Discharge Monitoring Reports, inspection reports, operation & maintenance reports, legal action documents, water quality surveillance reports, enforcement actions, plans & drawings for private/commercial/industrial wastewater dischargers. |
State Soil and Water Cons Committee MOU Files | Files on each MOU that have been developed with the State Committee. Also files about interactions with SWCDS and County Water Quality Coordinating Committees. |
Strategy for Water Supply Development | Inventory of existing public water supply systems serving 5000 or more persons. Inventory of industries operating own water supply systems. Evaluation of such systems capability to meet existing and future water demands. Records of public meetings on problems. |
Stream Pollution (Region 7) | Correspondence, documentation on old pollution problems. |
Subject and Correspondence Files | Routine administrative subject and correspondence files pertaining to travel, personnel, budgets, proposed legislation, and other daily activities of the unit. |
Surface Water Classification Maps | Originals and blow ups of surface water classification maps, used together with Title 6, NYCRR, parts 800-941 Regulations. |
Surface Water Quality Planning | Program Files and references, planning reports. 303(e) basin plans, comprehensive county studies, 208 plans. |
Surface Waters Reclassification Files | Pending correspondence, petitions, inquiries, drafts and revisions, master file, streams, lists, hearing information, maps (and changes) and mailing lists. |
Susquehanna/Delaware River Basins Project Files | Data and reports pertaining to groundwater resources and/or contamination of these resources. Specific reports and data maintained for Susquehanna/Delaware River basins. |
Tech Assistance Project - Wastewater Treatment Plant | Correspondence and other records pertaining to each Technical Assistance project carried out at a wastewater treatment plant - trouble-shooting of treatment plant operation. |
Wastewater Facilities Monitoring | SPDES Permits, Discharge Monitoring Reports, Compliance Monitoring Reports. |
Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Training | Correspondence and other material pertaining to particular training courses, including operator certification training and examination. |
Water Quality Grant & Contract Administration | Grant applications, scoring information, award documents, contracts, payment records, and progress reports for grants and contracts between DEC and outside entities related to water quality projects. |
Water Quality Sanitary Sewer System Planning | Reports and files for Major Drainage Basins, old 205 (J), Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO), Priority Attainment of Waterbody Segments (PAWS), Sanitary Sewer Systems (SSS), NYC Population Projections, Priority Water Problems (PWP), and 208 reports. |
Water Quality Standards | Text and Reference on Toxicology and Chemistry, Historical Records of Water Quality Standards Revision. Current Operational Records for Water Quality Standards, Technical Information on Specific Chemicals. |
Water Quality/Toxics Surveillance Network Files | Analytical results and field observations collected at the sites that make up the two networks are filed on standard forms for reviews looking for trends in the quality of the state's water. |
Water Quantity Management | (a) Drought: monitoring of conditions and planning for state government's response. (b) Reservoirs: regulation of flow releases from large water supply reservoirs. (c) Special projects: study of projects proposed to increase available quantities of water supply. |
Water Supply - Withdrawal Applications | Records of applications for public water supply and water withdrawal permits, including application forms and engineering, legal and historical data. |
Water Supply Commission Survey Questionnaire | Completed questionnaires from a statewide survey of community water supply and sewerage systems conducted by the State Water Supply Commission in 1905 and 1906. The 10 page questionnaires are sometimes accompanied by turn-of-the century topographic maps and descriptive sketch plans. |
Water Toxicity Testing | Coordination and conduct of the Division's complete water effluent toxicity testing activities and functions. |
Water Well Program | Annual registration forms, preliminary notices and well completion report |
Waterbody Inventory/Priority Waterbodies List | Series of water quality assessment reports for drainage areas of the state. Materials include final report and background documentation. |
Watershed Project Files, With Non-Point Source (NPS) | Files on each watershed project where there is an NPS component at work. |