March 04, 2022
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) today announced that the start of registration for the 2022 DEC Summer Camp season is being postponed from Sunday, March 6, as previously announced, to Sunday, April 10, 2022 at 1 p.m.
In addition, due to current staffing challenges, this summer's camp program offerings have changed. Camp Rushford and Pack Forest will open for a seven-week season. DEC may open registrations for Camp DeBruce if additional staff become available this spring. Camp Colby will remain closed until 2023 to complete major renovations to the camp.
Updates and changes can be found on the DEC Summer Camps webpage, on DEC's Facebook page (leaves DEC's website), and the Summer Camps Facebook page (leaves DEC's website). Campers and camp families can contact [email protected] with any questions.
DEC's Summer Residential Camps are now hiring counselors, lifeguards, and cooks for the 2022 season. These are great opportunities to be involved in the education and enrichment of New York's youth at locations designed to create a life-long passion for nature and a dedication to environmental stewardship. Employment at camp begins in mid-June and ends mid-August, and all positions include room and board. Visit DEC's website to learn more about the qualifications and opportunities as a DEC camps staff member.
Additional information, including plans to limit the spread of COVID-19 and other updates about DEC summer camps, will be provided as it becomes available.