New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Forest Rangers respond to search and rescue incidents statewide. Working with other state agencies, local emergency response organizations, and volunteer search and rescue groups, Forest Rangers locate, and extract lost, injured, or distressed people from across New York State.
In 2023, DEC Forest Rangers conducted 370 search and rescue missions, extinguished 146 wildfires covering nearly 1,400 acres, participated in 52 prescribed fires that served to rejuvenate more than 1,000 acres of land, and worked on cases that resulted in hundreds of tickets and arrests.
“Whether they are leading complex search and rescue incidents, suppressing wildfires, enforcing laws on State lands and easements, inspiring the next generation of environmental stewards, or encouraging responsible recreation, Forest Rangers stand ready to help when called,” DEC Interim Commissioner Sean Mahar said. “Forest Rangers’ wide-ranging expertise and collaboration with local, State, and federal partners are instrumental in protecting New York’s public lands and the many visitors who use them.”
Town of Waverly
Franklin County
Wilderness Rescue: On July 22 at 5:20 p.m., Ray Brook Dispatch received a report about an older hiker with a heart condition who could not continue hiking Azure Mountain. At 5:45 p.m., Forest Ranger Bowler reached a 76-year-old from Colorado and helped him down to the trailhead where he was met by a St. Regis Falls ambulance. Resources were clear at 7 p.m.
Town of Hunter
Greene County
Wilderness Rescue: On July 23 at 11:30 a.m., Forest Ranger Bink responded to a call for an unresponsive camper at North-South Lake campground. The 72-year-old had lost consciousness while camping with his family. Ranger Bink provided aid until Hunter EMS arrived and transported the subject to the hospital. Resources were clear at 12:30 p.m.
Town of North Elba
Essex County
Law Enforcement: On July 24 at 3 p.m., Ray Brook Dispatch received a call from a hiker claiming she was being harassed by another hiker on Mount Van Hoevenberg. When Forest Ranger Lieutenant DiCintio and Ranger Evans interviewed the complainant, two additional hikers said they felt threatened by the same subject. Rangers located the 31-year-old from Ohio and issued him a ticket for engaging in threatening behavior.
Village of Pleasantville
Dutchess County
Wilderness Rescue: On July 25 at 6 p.m., Forest Ranger Russo responded to a call for a mountain bike accident at Taconic Hereford Multiple Use Area. At 7:05 p.m., Ranger Russo reached the 65-year-old from Lagrangeville and his biking companions near the trailhead. Ranger Russo provided first aid while waiting for the subject’s son to pick him up and bring him to the hospital.
Town of Webb
Herkimer County
Wilderness Rescue: On July 26 at 12:11 p.m., five Forest Rangers, the Old Forge Fire Department, and Webb Police responded to a call for a hiker with an unstable ankle injury. Rangers reached the 50-year-old from Massachusetts, splinted her ankle, and used a rope system to lower her approximately 1.4 miles down the trail. At 2:52 p.m., they reached the trailhead where an Old Forge Ambulance transported the subject to the hospital.
Town of Harrietstown
Essex County
Wilderness Rescue: On July 26 at 2 p.m., Ray Brook Dispatch received a call from a subject with an ankle injury on Ampersand Mountain. At 3:15 p.m., Forest Rangers Corey, Curcio, and Evans reached the subject from Maryland and assisted her approximately two miles down to the trailhead. Resources were clear at 5:08 p.m.
Town of Newcomb
Essex County
Wilderness Rescue: On July 26 at 2:26 p.m., Forest Rangers Foutch and Sabo responded to a call for a subject with a dislocated knee on Mount Adams. Rangers helped the 19-year-old from Amityville to the trailhead where he decided to seek further medical attention on his own. Resources were clear at 6:46 p.m.
Town of Keene
Essex County
Wilderness Rescue: On July 26 at 11:24 p.m., Ray Brook Dispatch received a call from two hikers lost between the Arnold and Van Hoevenberg trails. The pair did not have light sources. Forest Ranger Lewis and Assistant Forest Ranger Rounds reached the pair, provided head lamps, and helped them back to their campsite. Resources were clear at 4 a.m.
Town of Shandaken
Ulster County
Wilderness Rescue: On July 27 at 1:15 p.m., Ulster County 911 contacted Ray Brook Dispatch requesting Forest Ranger assistance for a hiker with a lower leg injury on the Tanbark trail system. Rangers Horn, Kreft, and Sweeney responded with Shandaken EMS and the Olive, Phoenicia, and Shandaken-Allaben Fire Departments. Rescue crews packaged the 51-year-old from Bronxville into a litter and carried her out to the trailhead where Shandaken EMS transported her to the hospital. Resources were clear at 3 p.m.

Tanbark trail rescue
Town of Guilderland
Albany County
Public Outreach: On July 27, Forest Ranger Peterson participated in the Capital District Law Enforcement recruiting event at Crossgates Mall. More than 20 agencies were represented. Those interested in future opportunities to become a Forest Ranger are encouraged to apply by Aug. 14 to take the next Civil Service exam scheduled for the fall. Visit the Civil Service website to learn more.

Ranger Peterson at law enforcement recruiting event
Hamlet of Narrowsburg
Sullivan County
Law Enforcement: On July 27, Forest Rangers Franke and Russo conducted water and State land patrols at Mongaup Valley Wildlife Management Area on the Rio Reservoir. Rangers checked for personal floatation devices, boat registrations, and illegal shoreline camp sites. Rangers conducted 45 navigation law checks and issued one ticket for failure to outfit a child under the age of 12 with a personal floatation device.

Boat patrol at Mongaup Valley WMA
Town of Keene
Essex County
Wilderness Rescue: On July 27 at 7:52 p.m., Forest Rangers Curcio, Foutch, and Lewis, along with Assistant Forest Ranger Stanley, responded to a report of a hiker with a knee injury at Slant Rock. At 11:04 p.m., Ranger Foutch reached the 22-year-old from Pennsylvania. Rangers transported the subject to the Johns Brook Outpost and from there to the Garden trailhead where she declined further medical attention. Resources were clear at 5:40 a.m.
City of Rochester
Monroe County
Public Outreach: On July 28, Forest Ranger Raffaldi-Smith attended the Rochester Red Wings baseball game. At the game, Ranger Raffaldi-Smith talked about Ranger duties and helped celebrate Smokey Bear’s 80th birthday.

Ranger Raffaldi-Smith at Rochester Red Wings game

Ranger Raffaldi-Smith with Retired Ranger Kennedy at Rochester Red Wings game
Town of Keene
Essex County
Wilderness Search: On July 29 at 12:30 a.m., Ray Brook Dispatch received a report about two overdue hikers on Giant Mountain. The caller had already searched the Ridge and New Russia trailheads. Forest Rangers Adams and Lewis conducted linear searches of Giant Mountain and the surrounding areas with negative results. At 6 a.m., the lost subjects found their way to Route 73 after spending the night in the woods. Rangers made sure the subjects were in good health and resources were clear at 8:20 a.m.
Be sure to properly prepare and plan before entering the backcountry. Visit DEC's Hike Smart NY, Adirondack Backcountry Information, and Catskill Backcountry Information webpages for more information.
If a person needs a Forest Ranger, whether it's for a search and rescue, to report a wildfire, or to report illegal activity on state lands and easements, they should call 833-NYS-RANGERS. If a person needs urgent assistance, they can call 911. To contact a Forest Ranger for information about a specific location, the DEC website has phone numbers for every Ranger listed by region.